60 Tourist Attractions in Bogor must-see At holiday time

Generally, Bandung became a favorite destination for most citizens to spend a holiday or a weekend. However, it is not only the course of Bandung has a myriad of attractions that can be visited.

Now, Bogor also became a popular tourist destination. In addition to its central location not far from the capital, Bogor turns to have a variety of attractions that are well worth a visit. In addition to the Peak District, there are still dozens of other attractions in Bogor that you must go. Curious, where tourist destinations are ciamik in Bogor? Check out his review following yuk.

1. the Bogor Palace

Who does not know the destination of this one? Istana Bogor Bogor's attractions being the most sought after by the Bogor and also tourists on weekends. Although you can not enter the Interior without permission from the Secretary of State or the head of the presidential Household, you can still stroll around it.

The building located at JL. IR. h. Juanda has a diverse collection of antique art items in it. The works of famous painters such Basuki Abdullah, Makowski, and Ernest Dezentje undertook to adorn the walls of the Palace. Ceramic floors that decorate the Palace comes from Russia's Prime Minister Khrushchev and become the most prestigious ceramics perbendaharan.

The location of the Palace of Bogor is only about 500 metres from the Large Bogor. You can go to the site on foot. Here, you can also feed the deer start morning to evening enjoying his magnificent palace.

2. Bogor botanical gardens

Is right behind the Palace of Bogor, Bogor botanical gardens is the second choice of sights of citizens and tourists. The garden offers more than 15 thousand types of flora in it, including the Griya Orchids that contains various types of orchids. In fact, you can also see directly the largest origin of the flora of Sumatra, the flower of Rafflesia arnoldi.

There are many interesting spots in Bogor botanical gardens, such as the tomb of an old Dutch Garden and Astrid are very pretty. The price of admission apply to domestic tourists is Rp 15,000, while for foreign tourists is Rp 25,000 per person. You can explore the Bogor botanical gardens from 07.30 to 17.00 GMT each day.

3. the Curug Cibaliung

Curug Cibaliung, located in the area of Sentul in Kampung Wadung, Middle Reef Village, Babakan Madang Subdistrict, Bogor regency. If using a private car, you can choose a toll lane and then exit at the toll gate of Sentul City. Then, take the main routes leading to the Jungle Land. before the main gate of Jungle Land, berbeloklah to the right towards the direction of the village and take the route towards the Leuwi Hejo.

It is enough to pay an entrance fee of Rp 10,000 per person, you can already taste the fresh and crystal clear waterfalls. Plus more the chill air and the green of overlooked around curug. Curug Cibaliung open from 09.00 – 17.00 GMT each day.

4. a tree house and a hanging wooden bridge Curug Ciherang Jonggol

Spend a weekend or vacation time does not always have to be to the shopping center. There are many tourist attractions in Bogor that you can visit, such as a tree house and a hanging wooden bridge in Curug Ciherang Jonggol.

Unlike the curug or waterfall in General, water gushing Ciherang Curug follow bend-bend to the bottom. Clear and fresh water makes you want to soak the feet into it. To be able to enjoy all the beauty of this tourist location, you simply pay the entrance ticket costs Rp 15,000. This location opened from 07.00 to 18.00 GMT each day.

Located at entrances of Ciherang Curug, you will find a tree house and a wooden bridge. Built on a tree that big and tall, this tree house into the most interesting photo point due to set in a charming hilly landscape.

Attractions in Bogor is located at Desa Sirnajaya, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, Bogor regency, located approximately 40 kilometres from Jakarta. There are some alternatives that you can choose, via the Bekasi, Citereup, Cianjur and Cipanas. From Bekasi, you can choose a route to Cilengsi to the Jonggol to then to the Sukamakmur. While for three other routes, can directly take the route to the Jonggol and Sukamakmur.

5. Goa Supreme Garunggang

The great Garunggang cave is located in the village of Babakan Madang Subdistrict, Cigobang, Bogor district. The location of the line with the path heading to Curug Cibaliung and Leuwi Hejo. Road access is quite small it makes you can't use the car to go to the cave. In addition, you have to travel as far as 2 kilometers on foot.

You don't have to pay anything at this location. Their location was beautiful because not many visitors visit to goa. To be able to enjoy exotic and stunning scenery in a cave, don't forget to bring a flashlight or other source of lighting, because in this cave there is no source of information.

That makes the sights in Bogor this unique is the location of the cave is hidden. By using a ladder to get down the cave, you will be presented with a view of stakatit and the sound of the water flow. In addition to the exotic landscape the caves, you will also enjoy his magnificent karst along the road to the cave. And even more amazing, this karst is purely natural process results and man-made.

6. Little Venice city of Bogor Summit Flowers

Not only in Italy, Venice City views also exist in Bogor. The tourist area is also known as the city of flowers, Because adapting a concept similar to the city of Venice in Italy in a smaller size, be people might call Little Venice city of flowers. Little Venice is located in Villa Cipanas Puncak Flowers, exactly on JL. Hanjawar Batuwalang village of Pacet, Cipanas.

In addition to typical buildings of the city of Venice, Venice also has some Little miniature other European buildings. In fact, the miniature fantasy world in Jakarta is here. Originally, this area was the residence. The uniqueness of the concept that makes this location eventually became one of the tourist spots in Bogor.

The region operates at 08.00 – 16.00 on weekdays and until 18.00 for the weekend. Special Tuesday and Wednesday, Little Venice does not operate. In addition to the typical atmosphere of the city of Venice, you can also enjoy some rides, such as boats, boats, banana boat, to the gondola that became favorite rides. With the gondola, you will be invited to drive around the area for 15 minutes.

The price of the entrance ticket to Little Venice is Rp 30,000 for children and Rp 40,000 for adults on weekends, while on weekdays only, entrance fee of Rp 20,000 and Rp 25,000 for children to adults. To be able to enjoy various rides in it, you will be charged an additional fee that is different for each vehicle.

7. the Curug Apsara Sentul Paradise Park

Other natural attractions in Bogor is Curug Apsaras, which is located in JL. Sentul Paradise Park, Bojong Koneng, Babakan Madang, Bogor. From Jakarta, you can through the Jagorawi toll road and exit at Sentul Selatan, then take Lane towards the Telaga Cikeas Octopus. You will go through the path uphill and winding.

Now, you can already enjoy the beautiful Apsara Curug this from where you park the car, ever, to be able to enjoy the beauty of nature, you have to travel as far as 2 kilometers by foot from the village of Cibimbim.

On the way towards the Bogor's sights, you'll see a very large-sized stones that had been torn in the core. Well, the middle part of this stone being your main access to Curug Apsaras. You can enjoy the beauty of the 75-meter-tall curug is accompanied by typical mountain atmosphere of beautiful and natural.

Curug Apsara open 07.00 to 17.00 hours starting GMT each day. The ticket price to get into Curug Apsara is Rp 25,000 to Rp 40,000, and a typical day for the weekend. You can also try various other rides are available here, such as a water bike, flying fox, and fish therapy. Location around shallow waterfall that makes you and your family can take a swim and enjoy the fresh water below it.

8. The Jungle Water Adventure

You certainly already know attractions in Bogor on this one. The Jungle Water Adventure water tour wana is located in the residential district of Bogor Nirwana Residence, exactly on JL. Dreded. The Jungle Water Adventure is one of the favorite tourist water attractions in Bogor.

Of the Toll, you could be heading toward a Terminal Baranangsiang to then proceed to JL. Pajajaran Kingdom. Then, take the route to JL. Siliwangi, passing through JL. Lawanggintung heading for JL. Batutulis. After a distance of 2 kilometres towards the Dreded Street, in the residential district of Bogor Nirwana Residence, you will find the location of the sights on the left.

There are a wide variety of rides that existed at this location. You can watch the movie in Cinema 4 d, 4 d and feel the thrill of swimming with the waves of the sea artificial Wave Pool. There is also a Bird Park, outdoor children's pool of warm water, and a variety of other water games.

The Jungle Water Adventure is open every day from 09.00 – 17.00 for weekdays and 08.00 – 18.00 for the weekend. The entrance fee is charged Rp 40,000 per person. These costs include the entire water rides and access to watch movies.

9. Deer Breeding Giri Jaya Cariu, Bogor

In addition to the Palace in Bogor, you can see the deer directly in their breeding places. Yes, Bogor also has a captive deer named Giri Jaya. In the past, precisely in the year 1993, this place called Captive Deer Cariu. The location of the captive is located in the village of Buana Jaya, Tanjung Sari Subdistrict, Bogor regency.

The steep and rocky Access keeps you should be careful in drive to the location. Not to mention the roads become slippery in rainy season. Though still on the ground, the location of the captive has ample parking space, able to accommodate up to 10 cars and 20 motorcycles.

With the pay of Rp2500, you could have entered captivity through a wooden bridge 30 meters. On site covering an area of 5 ha, you can interact directly with the deer, such as feeding them with sweet potatoes. In fact, you can also buy this deer in captivity with a price range of about 2.5 million dollars.

Not just as a captive deer, this location can also be used as an outbound and camping. Just pay Idr 3,000 per person, you can invite families camped while playing with the deer. Attractions in Bogor was opened from 07.00 to 14.00 GMT.

10. Garden Cibodas Botanical Garden Sakura

Generally, the cherry blossoms with identical country Japan. However, the cherry blossom trees also exist in Indonesia, in the Cibodas botanical gardens, Bogor. Uniquely, the sakura tree which generally can only grow in the area with the four seasons can also be grown in Indonesia which has only two seasons.

Cibodas Botanical Garden is located in the village of Cimacan, Cipanas. This location still belong to the area of forest of Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, at Gede Pangrango. Access to the site is very easy. From Jakarta or Bogor, simply take the route towards the Cibodas towards Cipanas.

Entrance fee imposed is Rp 10,000 per person. In addition to the beauty of the cherry blossoms, the garden also provides playground, pavilions for rest, a theater with the concept of an open nature, and facilities for camping.

If the cherry blossoms in Japan will come in April, cherry blossoms in the Cibodas botanical gardens will be blooming in the period January to March and July to August. Located on the grounds of 6,000 square meters, there are seven types of cherry blossom which grown in the Cibodas botanical gardens. Climate and temperature as well as the contour of the land to suit their original habitat was the one who made the cherry blossom trees can grow in this region.

11. Mount measured radiant

The mountain measured radiant became one of the tourist spots in Bogor are suitable for a wide range of activity that demands interaction with nature. These sights are located in the village of Karang Tengah sub-district Babakan Madang, Bogor district. Here, you will be presented the fresh air of the mountains and stunning natural scenery. Not to mention the variety of flora and fauna that live in the vicinity.

Not just a trekking and exploring the mountain measured radiant only, also used as encampment, outbound, to photos of pre-wedding. Evening activities such as campfires and barbecues are often held here.

For those of you who traveled from Jakarta, via Jagorawi Toll you can exit through exit Sentul City. From there, you will find the directions to go to the Babakan Madang to the measured radiant Mountain.

Entrance to the mountain measured radiant is Rp. 5,000 per person on weekdays and Rp 7,500 in holidays. If you want to camp, do pre-wedding, or rent land for outboundactivities, you will be charged an additional fee in accordance with the activities you will do there.

12. Garden Safari

Safari Park would have been no stranger to you. Assorted wildlife park which is located in the Peak District, exactly on JL. Raya Puncak, Cisarua, Bogor. Safari Park offer You roam the wild experience unforgettable with two of their flagship program, Safari day and night Safari.

If a regular Zoo in all animals confined in their habitat, at the Safari Park, you will be imprisoned in a vehicle, while Wildlife-Wildlife allowed to roam freely in accordance with their habitat. You are strictly prohibited to open the car door, window, and feed the animals-the animals.

There are seven areas that can be visited at the Safari Park, ranging from Baby Zoo, Bird Dome, Komodo dragon, crocodile park Exhibits, Penguin House, Primate Center, and Hallway Reptile. You can take along the baby tiger and elephant riding with bersafari. In addition, you can also enjoy more than 20 rides and 9 performances.

Admission to the Garden safari dibanderol at IDR 140,000 for children, and Rp 150,000 for adults. Special foreign tourists, the entrance ticket is Rp 250,000 children and for adult Rp 300,000. Around the area there are many Safari Park hotel and lodging at an affordable price.

13. the Curug Cigamea

Curug Cigamea in the village of Gunung Sari, Pamijahan, within the National Park of Mount Halimun Salak, Bogor district. True to its name which means the ROAR, the sound of water from the Curug Cigamea does sound up to much. Of the six existing curug there, Curug Cigamea referred to as the most riveting curug.

To go to that location, you can use public transport or private vehicles numbered 03 to Bubulak. From Bubulak, you can continue the public transport leading to Cibatok and continue the trip by taxi. After a distance of about 700 metres walking distance, you can already see the Curug Cigamea views accompanied by the Curug Cimudal next to it.

The price of admission to the attractions in Wellington is very cheap, only Rp 7,500 only. Before entering the Curug Cigamea, you will go to the area of the National Park and pay a fee of $5,000 per person. Here, you can enjoy fish therapy and adrenaline by flying fox rides.

14. Crooked Leuwi Hejo Curug

Another one of the attractions at Bogor located in Kecamatan Babakan Madang. Curug Crooked Leuwi Hejo, also known as the Crooked Curug, located at Kampung Wangun Cileungsi, Middle Reef Village. To go to this location, you can take the route via the Sentul City or Citeureup towards Babakan Madang.

Unlike curug mostly, this was practically Bent Curug short or mini. Underneath, there are natural pools as deep as 2.5 meters of water with a very clear and cold. When the rainy season, the access to these locations become slick and prone to flash flooding occurs, so you are not recommended to come there when the rainy season.

Only by paying Rp 5,000 only, you can already enjoy the fresh and cold waterfall mini Leuwi Hejo. Despite having to traverse a one kilometre walk, spectacular landscapes and the still cool air will accompany your steps all the way to the site.

15. The Highland Park Resort (Mongolian Camp of Bogor)

Attractions in Bogor, it is actually a resort that is located on the slopes of Mount Salak, exactly on JL. Curug Nangka, Kp. Ray of fragrant, Sukajadi, Bogor. The location is very close to the National Park of scattered clouds and Safari Park.

There are rooms in the resort is embraced the concept of a tent nation of Indians and Mongolia mixed with the glamorous camp concept. This resort is also often used as tourist attractions because it has many outbound rides, ranging from Edu-Camp, horse riding, shooting, Flying Fox, and various rides play for children. The resort is also used as hiking paths to mount Salak.

16. Kampung Sindang Cultural Goods

After the sightseeing of nature, now is the time You tour the culture by visiting Kampung Sindang Cultural goods. This village is the hometown of the oldest in the area of Bogor, are located in the village of Pasir Eurih, Kecamatan Tamansari, Bogor district. The city of Bogor, it only as far as 5 kilometers towards the outside looking.

There are eight kinds of Sundanese arts are preserved in this village. In addition, there is also archaeological traces left by the Kingdom of Pajajaran. In an effort to preserve the traditional arts, in this village has always held the training of dance and gamelan. This village also did a collaboration with the University of Indonesia in doing research related to ancient sites.

You can browse the wide variety of archeological sites around this village, because up to now, there have been 93 ancient site distribution location. Not only that, you can also stay at the Inn that is provided in this culture. Hometown culture is open every day from 09.00 – 17.00 GMT.

17. the Curug Ciburial

Located adjacent to Curug Leuwi Hejo, you will find another one curug beautiful and riveting, Curug Ciburial. From the Curug Leuwi Hejo in the village of Karang Tengah sub-district Babakan Madang, you simply walk to the upstream towards the Cibeureum River, and footpaths.

The atmosphere around the Curug Ciburial. The air is still fresh, the water is clear and cold matter. The price of admission to the Curug Ciburial is Rp 10,000 per person. Because recently opened to tourism spots in Bogor, Curug Ciburial still belongs to the deserted visitors.

18. Leuwi Lieuk

Same with the Curug Leuwi Hejo Leuwi Curug, Lieuk are also in the middle of the reef Village, Babakan Madang Subdistrict. Curug Leuwi Lieuk surrounded by high rock nature, with clear water green. This natural beauty makes the Curug Leuwi Lieuk referred to as the Green Canyon town of Bogor.

Same is the case with other curug-curug in Bogor, access heading to Curug Leuwi Lieuk also slick and a little dangerous with many steep turns. By foot, you will certainly encounter took about 35 minutes. Along the way, you will be presented with a panoramic view of nature.

To sign in to the site, you will be charged a fee of $1 per person. Route to the location is also not far away. From Sentul, take the route to Jungle Land. Follow the road uphill beside the entrance to the Jungle Land and follow directions towards Curug Leuwi Lieuk.

19. Jungle Land Adventure Theme Park

Jungle Land became one of the favorite tourist destinations. Located in the foothills of Mount Nirvana, Sentul measured radiant. In addition to its very accessible Jungle Land has over 30 rides play for children. Not only that, the Jungle Land also has the largest and most comprehensive science and Technology Center in Indonesia.

This amusement park is open from 10.00 am – 22.00 pm. The entry ticket price is Rp 125,000 per person on weekdays and Rp 175,000 per person on weekends and holidays. You want to to with private vehicles could be through Toll and exit at the Sentul City or Motorway Circuit Sentul. If riding public transportation, you can choose the destination Bellanova Pakuan Trans from Botanical.

20. Lake Quarry

Quarry Lakes is located in the village of Nuggaherang, Tegallega, Cigudeg. It became one of the tourist spots in Bogor was the basin of the former mining land. Due to the long abandoned, the basin was filled by rainwater. Uniquely, the water in the Lake is not blue, but green. And this became the main beauty of the Lake.

Access to the Lake is Rocky roads without asphalt and a little broken, because it is often used by trucks to take building materials. You can go to the location via the market place towards Mount Parung Estuary. Costs of the contributions are charged to each visitor attractions this is amounting to Rp 20,000.

21. Alesano Hill

For outdoorenthusiasts, the Alesano became attractions in Bogor that must be visited. The Hill of Cipelang, which is located in Cijeruk, Bogor and adjacent to the porch of the embryo of cattle and agro tourism Warso Farm, is one of the tourist sites that are used for camping. This location offers panoramic views of the picturesque city of Bogor, especially at night.

Simply by paying $1 per person, you can set up a tent and enjoy the cool of the mountains. To get to the location, you can use private vehicles and not the kind of sedan or motorbike, given access to the rocky hills and slightly damaged.

22. the Curug Nangka

Located in the Halimun Salak National Park, Curug Nangka tourist place in Bogor into other offers cool air of the mountains. Here, in addition to being able to enjoy the battle of the water Curug Nangka, you also get to see the beauty of two curug other Curug leaves and the location Kawung Curug adjacent to the Curug Nangka.

Costs of the contributions are charged to visitors of the site is Rp 15,000 per person. You could be headed to the Curug Nangka with private or public. If using a private vehicle, you simply towards the Bogor Palace outside looking. If using public transportation, from Bogor Trade Mall, you can use the transport number 03 Ramayana route – outside looking.

23. Sun Park

Solar park located at JL. Raya Puncak km. 77, Cilember, Bogor. This family park has a variety of rides for children, ranging from water rides, adventures, until a vehicle of education. In addition, the Park also provides camping, accommodation stay, and shopping centers.

The Sun garden is open every day from 08.00 – 16.00 on weekdays and until 17.0 for the weekend. The entry ticket price is Rp 25,000 per person. This cost includes non riding 5 rides and discounts of 10% to enjoy's Express Resto. Location of entrance fee is subject to change at any time.

24. the Cisadane River Rafting

Some of the major rivers in Bogor is often used as a means of water sports like rafting. One of them was a river, the River with Rapids Cisadane very challenging with torrential currents. Here, there is one provider of rafting, i.e. Cisadane Rafting. Cisadane Rafting is located at JL. Muarajaya Village Ciadeg, Cigombong Subdistrict, Bogor regency.

In addition to tours rafting that adrenaline, you can also enjoy a variety of outbound exercises and also tried playing paintball. Each package rides are offered at an affordable price, ranging from Rp 150,000 – Rp 250.000 per person.

25. hot springs Tirta Sanita Ciseeng, Parung

Tour the natural taste is not complete if you do not try this one. Located at JL. Cogreg, the village of Bojong Indah, Parung, Bogor, hot springs Tirta Sanita Ciseeng offers hot water which is very beneficial for health. This hot water is sourced from the mountain limestone containing sulfur.

Built on land covering an area of 8 hectares, Tirta Sanita Ciseeng not only offers hot springs only. Here too there are various rides the outbound other jajal. This location is open daily from 07.00 – 20.00, with the price of admission of Rp8000 for children and Rp 12,000 for adults. Meanwhile, every vehicle play different rates dibanderol.

26. Warso agro tourism Farm

Warso agro tourism Farm located at Desa Cipelang, Kecamatan Cihideung, Bogor district. In the garden area of 8.5 hectares, more than 900 durian trees are planted and dibudi out. You can enjoy the delicious fruit picking and durian along with colleagues or family directly from his garden.

Starting from 07.00 – 17.00 every day, you can sample the fruit of the durian and various petrol results in Warso Farm. At pengunung Farm, Warso was not charged an entrance fee. To to get there, you can use the bus heading Sukabumi if using public transportation. If using a private vehicle, you get past the Toll and exit at the gate of the Ciawi for then to Sukabumi.

27. hot springs Ciparay

Besides Ciseeng, there is one more place of interest in Bogor that offers a natural hot spring baths, namely Ciparay. Bath is located at the foot of Mount Salak, Kampung Ciparay, Gunung Sari Village, Bogor. Ciparay still reside in one location and adjacent to Curug Cigamea.

The location that was squeezed by the hills and cliffs make this bath has a very riveting. These baths entrance fee only Rp 4,000 per person. Here, you'll also enjoy a warm shower and relax in the cheap lodging as well as saung offered.

28. Home Water Bogor Nirwana Residence

Inaugurated in 2010, Home Water Bogor offers the sensation of enjoying a variety of typical dishes of Sunda on water, relax while fishing or doing various rides. Home Water Bogor located at JL. Raya Bogor Nirwana Residence CBD Boulevard, South of Bogor.

In the evening, the House offers views of Bogor Water lights are amazing. Water House is open every day from 10.00 – 21.00 pm. Here also offered various facilities outbound family, saung for cross-legged while relaxing, and educational activities and rides for children. To try out the rides there, you will be charged an additional fee which is different in each vehicle.

29. the market Ah Poong

In addition to Home Water Bogor, there is another place for recreation on the water in Bogor, namely Market Ah Poong. The market is located in the region of Poong Ah Sentul, exactly on JL. IR. h. Juanda, Cipambuan, Babakan Madang, Bogor. This tourism market is open setiaap day from 09.00 – 22.00 pm. The market Ah Poong is above the River Cikeas Octopus, and is often used as a tourist water by using canoes.

While visiting free water and take pictures at the suspension bridge, you can also enjoy a variety of culinary specialties in the Archipelago Market Ah Poong at affordable prices. To go to the market Ah Poong, you can through the Toll and exit at the Shopping Center South to Sentul Bellanova.

30. children's Hats

The location of the garden of the CAP is very easy to find, because the next Major Station to Bogor. The Park was originally called Garden Ade Irma Syriac, but because one of the building has a roof-shaped CAP, then more indictable community garden with Garden hat.

Children's Hats is open daily 09.00 – 17.00 on weekdays and one hour earlier on holidays and weekends. Inside, you can enjoy various rides play, sit down to relax, or eating a typical hawker Bogor City. The price of admission to the Park is $12,000 Cap per person.

31. Curug Curtains

Curug Curtains located on JL. Gunungwangun, Cibadak, Sukamakmur, Bogor. You can use private or public transit take route to Jonggol toward Babakan Madang, to get to the Leuwi Hejo. Always be careful because the streets of Leuwi Hejo tend to be damaged and not smooth.

The price of admission to the curug this is amounting to Rp 15,000 only. At this price, you can not only enjoy the Curug Curtains, but two other curug close to Curug Horde, namely Curug twins and Curug Ciburial. Attractions in Bogor is open from 09.00 – 17.00 GMT each day.

32. Curug Cilember

WANA wisata Curug Cilember located on JL. Raya Puncak km. 15, Megamendung, Cisarua, Bogor. The name Cilember is taken from the name of the village where the curug is located. Curug has seven levels and each level has its own difficulties in achieving it. The smaller the number, it will be increasingly difficult to access. This makes the Curug Cilember very unique.

Access to the curug is easy. From Jakarta, take the route to the Summit via the Tol Ciawi. Until in Cisarua, take the direction to the Sun. Location of curug in line with children's Sun. The price of admission to the curug is Rp 6,000 per person.

33. Pura Agung Jagatkartta Parahyangan

At the foot of Mt. Salak, stands a special attractions for Hindus, Pura Agung Jagatkartta Parahyangan. The temple has the meaning "place of beautiful and noble, Lord of a great Palace" is located in the village of Stalls outside looking, the Loa, Bogor district. It is about 13 kilometers from the city of Bogor outside looking direction, passing the Pancasan, as far as the Gong Factory 10 kilometers.

The construction of this temple has a close relation with the Prabu Siliwangi, where in the first place never stood the Kingdom Pakuan. It only receives the visit of tourists starting from 11.00 – 15.00 BST, but open 24 hours for Hindus who want to worship. There is no cost of admission to the temple, instead, provided a place for you to contribute and may die.

34. flower garden Nusantara

Located on JL. Mariwati km. 7, Kawungluwuk, Sukaresmi, flower garden Archipelago present to hypnotize your eyes with the beauty of different types of flowers that are grown here. The Park was designed by French-style garden concept, Japan, Bali, and some other areas.

In addition to the various flowers, there are still many other interesting spots in the garden of flowers, such as greenhouse, garden and park hours. The Park is open daily from 8 am – 17:00 GMT with a ticket price of Rp 40,000 per person. To go to the Park, from Jakarta, You get past the Toll to keep heading to Cianjur.

35. theme parks Mekarsari

Agro tourism, water tourism, family recreation, playing the spacecraft. All you can do in Tourist Grounds Mekarsari. The Park is located on JL. Raya Jonggol – Cileungsi km.3, Mekarsari, Cileungsi, Bogor, and the preservation Centre is one of the world's largest tropical fruits.

The Park provides a variety of tourist facilities. There are tours of orchards, a variety of rides and games, water tours are also tourist drive. These sights are open every day from 9:00 am – 16.30 GMT on weekdays and 08.00 – 17.00 at weekends and public holidays. The price of the entrance ticket to the Park is Rp 25,000 per person. However, the Park also offers a choice of admission prices and package deals.

To the location of Jakarta, you can use the bus or public transport Department Mayasari Mekarsari or Jonggol. If you use your own vehicle, you can use the highway to Cileungsi.

36. Cimory Riverside

Incomplete when visiting Bogor without visiting attractions in Bogor on this one. Cimory Riverside, shopping special milk and yogurt which is located in JL. Raya Puncak, Cianjur No. 77, Leuwimalang, Cisarua, Bogor. In addition to shopping, yogurt, milk and all petrol products, you can also enjoy views of the natural flow of the river while you sample the various culinary.

Cimory Riverside also provides tour packages for you. As for tourist attractions are open daily from 0900 – 18:00 pm. To get to the location, you can take the route towards the Summit from the town of Bogor.

37. Indonesia Fly Paragliding

Indonesia fly Paragliding is one of the service providers of paragliding in Bogor. Located on JL. Raya Puncak km. 87, paragliding, Hill top, Bogor, you will get an unforgettable experience flying over the city of Bogor using paragliding together with the best instructors. To get to the location, you are only charged for Rp 13,000 only. Charges for paragliding are dependent on the selected service.

You can enjoy the thrill of paragliding flying every day from 08.00 – 17.00 WIB. To the location is not difficult, because it is close to the Peak District, located at Paragaya Peak Paragliding, not far from the Great Mosque Awun Atta. From Jakarta, via Jagorawi toll road, you could've arrived on the scene by taking the route to the Summit.

38. the Museum of Zoology

The location of the Museum of zoology was in one location with the Palace of Bogor and Bogor botanical gardens. The Museum contains a wide variety of wildlife that are grouped according to their types. Here, you can see a variety of wildlife that you have never seen before. In addition, you will also be presented with a giant blue whale skeleton in the fish section.

To be able to see various animals in the museum, you will be charged Rp 15,000 per person. This fee includes a stroll and enjoy the natural atmosphere of the Bogor botanical gardens also his magnificent Palace of Bogor. If you often visit the Palace and the Botanical Garden, you will easily find this Zoological Museum.

39. the Museum of stone inscription

The Museum contains Inscriptions Slate Slate, one of the historic Kingdom of Pajajaran relics inscriptions. This tiny house-shaped Museum with four stones in it, including the slate itself. The four stone each have their own special meanings. Slate Museum is open from 08.00 – 16.00 daily charge to enter.

Located in the South of Bogor, Cipaku, you can access this location easily. Using public transport number 01-A red color until Ekalokasari then continued to ride the shuttles 02 red color will bring you in this location. Use of private vehicles, out of the Toll in the Terminal Baranangsiang entry to JL. Pajajaran and turn to JL. Siliwangi towards Opponent Gintung.

40. the Park Kencana

Not far from the Palace and the Bogor botanical gardens, you'll find the park that is perfect for spending time relaxing. Taman Kencana. Located on JL. Taman Kencana, Babakan, Bogor Tengah, the Park is very cool and adem, also surrounded with a wide range of culinary delights.

On weekends, the Park will be populated mostly by families who sit down relax and young people who work out or just hanging out. Near the Park, you can find the restaurant very famous baked macaroni, also Our Tavern Cafe. Attractions in Bogor is free and very easy accessible. Simply use the public angkuran 03 for 10 minutes, you've arrived at the Park Kencana.

41. Marcopolo Adventure

Besides Jungle Waterpark, you can also get the experience exciting water tour in Marcopolo Water Adventure. MarcoPolo is located in Bukit Cimanggu City, JL. Dharma Iskandar No.1 Cibadak, Bogor. Water tourism, not only here, you can also watch the movie 4 d and tried various rides the outbound.

To go into here, you can get out at the door of BORR Toll and take the direction towards Parung. If using public transportation, you can choose a Station and get off at KRL Cilebut and continue the journey by taxi. This location is open from 09.00 – 17.00 daily, with admission of Rp 40,000 – Usd 55,000 per person. If you want to see the film screening, you will be charged a different rate of entry.

42. the Museum of Ethnobotany

Just as the Museum of Zoology, the Museum of Ethnobotany are still in one region with the Palace and the botanical gardens of Bogor. More precisely, the Museum is opposite the Bogor botanical gardens. The Museum exhibits various ethnic objects and unique derived from plants in the form of dioramas, stuffed, and specimens.

The price of the entrance ticket to the Museum of Ethnobotany only Rp 5,000 only per person. The Museum is open every day Monday-Thursday 08.00 – 16.00, and Friday 08.00 – 11.00 and 13.00 – 16.00.

43. the Museum of defenders of Homeland

Defenders of the homeland or the MAP often appear in history textbooks. As it turns out, to appreciate the merits of the fighters MAP, established a Museum on JL. Jend. Sudirman No. 35, Bogor, in the complex Pusdikzi TNI-AD, about 500 metres from the Palace of Bogor. In the same location, the stand also monuments, statues of General Sudirman'S MAP, and a statue of Sudancho Supriadi on the front page.

The MAP, you will find many dioramas tell the fighter character MAP in memerjuangkan independence. The Museum is open every day Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 14.30, while on weekends and holidays, it does not operate. The price of the entrance ticket to the Museum MAP only Rp 5,000 per person.

44. the garden of Mount Riung

The Park is located on the mountain of Riung Tugu Selatan, precisely in the area of the peaks, Cisarua. As the name suggests, the tourist spots in Bogor offers the beauty of the natural landscape of the city of Bogor, green, green and fresh. Around the location of the garden, you will also be presented with a vast expanse of tea gardens.

In the park there are also various other facilities to support the tour you like a pool, camping area, outbound, fish therapy, and children's games. For you who want to stay, around the location of the Park very much affordable lodging. The Park is open every day from 09.00 – 17.00 BST with ticket price of Rp 5,000 per person.

45. Agro Mount Mas

Located on JL. Raya Puncak km. 87, South Tugu, Cisarua, Bogor, Gunung Mas Agro offers spacious expanses of tea garden. Here, you can feel the fresh mountain air while horseback riding, swimming, camping, and walking along the tea plantation.

Gunung Mas agro also offers a range of attractive tour packages which you can enjoy. The Café is also available here for you to enjoy a variety of light dishes. To enter the site, you will have to pay Rp 16,000 per person. If you want to utilise the facilities in it, you will be charged an additional cost that is different in accordance with the facilities you choose.

46. Curug Country

Curug Country located in the village of Tanjung, Tanjung Sari Subdistrict, Bogor regency. From the Motorway exit, Jakarta Cibubur, select a route to Garden Fruit Mekarsari. Then, take the route to the Jonggol towards Cariu. Sometimes, you do not charge admission, but to stand guard, prepare only Rp 10,000.

The beauty of the curug is the flow of water that falls through the stair steps-stair steps stone, not like most of the waterfalls. The water is crystal clear and fresh. The atmosphere around the curug still green with many trees. Because its still not that great, you should have left the location no later than 17.00 WIB.

47. the cultural Park of Sentul

Open daily from 08.30 – 17.00 WIB and charge admission, Taman Budaya Sentul became one of the tourist destinations of choice. Located on JL. Siliwangi No. 1, Sentul City, with Toll passes towards the exit Sentul City from Manila, you can already arrived on the scene.

There are many options that you can try here, ranging from the outbound packages for kids, shooting, archery, and batik. All you can find in Taman Budaya Sentul. Each tour package dibanderol with different prices, but still affordable.

48. Hot Springs Mountain Cracker

Shower or soak in the outdoor hot spring baths must have been common. However, soak the hot water in the middle of the rice field? You must visit the hot springs of Mount Cracker. The baths are located not far from Tirta Sanita Ciseeng. If Tirta Sanita offers thermal baths, swimming in the mountain-shaped Cracker, you will feel more natural shades.

You do not need to pay any fee to be able to enjoy the hot tub in the middle of rice fields. Just by asking for permission to the head of RT or the local NEIGHBORHOODS, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery while you soak in natural hot springs. If you've been to Tirta Sanita, certainly not hard to find the location of the bath.

49. limestone mountain Klapanunggal

Limestone mountain is located in the village of Klapanunggal Klapanunggal, Cileungsi, Bogor. The mountain is actually a form of limestone cliff that is the mining of limestone to make cement. Nature tourism is offering You a view of picturesque cliffs and natural without any entry fee.

Because the path is a little Rocky, many visitors prefer to use bike towards the location. Not just the views of the limestone cliff, here, you can also see the beautiful views of the sunset and a small waterfall that existed among the red rocks. In addition, many former mining basin-basin of the exotic and amaze as the object of the photo.

50. the rock of Jonggol

Attractions in Bogor this one very appropriate for the climbers. It more closely resembles the Rocky Hill, located in the village of Sukaharja, Sukamakmur, Bogor Regency, Jonggol. This Rock is not too high, only about 200 metres away. However, the line climbs and ascents of extreme fixed need to look out for.

To the location, you can through the Cileungsi towards Jonggol towards Kampungs Stressed-out Cibinong of, while if you can choose the route towards Citereup Tajur to Sukamakmur. Tourist attractions is free and can be visited at any time by the climbers. However, there is no public transportation to this location.

51. Mountain Munara Rumpin

Located not far from the market, precisely in Parung Sawah, sub-district Rumpin, Bogor district, stands the majestic Mount Munara Rumpin. It became one of the favorite places for climbers. In addition to the free of charge and can be visited any time, Mount Munara Rumpin also not as high as other mountains, only about 1119 mdpl.

However, unlike the rock climbing mountain trails, Jonggol is quite easy. On the sidelines of the ascent, you will become the best natural view of the city of Bogor. To go to the mountain, you can simply look for the market to follow the path of Parung. However, the access road to the site was almost entirely in the form of rocky road, so you better not to use similar car sedan.

52. the breeding Eagles Loji

In addition to deer, Bogor also has one more captive animals tourist destinations that missed. Located in the area of Loji, Cijeruk, Bogor, an Eagle Sanctuary Loji became the only place Eagle kept. To the location, you can choose an alternative route of Bogor-Sukabumi passing Cihideung-Cijeruk. After having met the Board reads "a factory" and walk as far as 15 minutes to forested areas, you've arrived on the scene.

At this location, you are only allowed to see a hawk in the Coop display, because there are some hawks who conserved for later released into the wild. You can also camp in the pine forests and enjoy the fresh air in Curug Cibadak. The location of this tour is free, but to be able to see the Eagles, captivity opened until 17.00 PM GMT each day.

53. Curug Cipamingkis

Still in one area with the rock of Jonggol, there Cipamingkis, in Curug Village Wargajaya, district Kabupater Sukamakmur, Bogor. It is the confluence of curug two rivers, namely the rivers Cipamingkis and Cisarua. Surrounded by pine forest, Curug Cipamingkis offers the charm of nature ekostis and beautiful.

From Jakarta, you can exit at the toll booth to the curug Cibubur. Then, take the direction towards the mountain Princess headed for Jonggol, Sukamakmur, and the village of Wargajaya. Entrance location of Rp 9,000 per person. In addition to the waterfalls at this location, you can also camp, jogging, and resting in saung provided. This location is started at 08.00 – 17.00 WIB.

54. National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango

Mount Gede Pangrango national park or TNGGP is one of the oldest national parks in Indonesia. Spacious grounds reached more than 20 thousand hectares, with a coverage area of Mount Gede pangrango, also Mountain and forest that surrounds it. There are many interesting locations around the Park, such as the Curug Cibeureum, Blue Lake, and Surya Kencana square.

Here, you can see the magnitude of trees of all kinds, rasamala forest, orchids and other plants not known his name. The Park is opened from 08.30 – 16.00 every working day and until 15.00 GMT on weekends. To get to TNGGP from Jakarta, via Jagorawi toll road, you can exit at the toll booth Ciawi, then take route peaks of Bandung. On Tour Gate Cibodas, you will be charged Rp 1,000 per person.

55. the Summit Paragaya

The exoticism of nature Bogor City you can see at the top of Paragaya. The peak is located in the Peak District Paragaya Paragliding, not far from the Great Mosque Awun Atta. From Jakarta, via Jagorawi toll road, you could've arrived on the scene by taking the route to the Summit. Here, there is one large and high trees which are often made into objects of photos by the visitors.

Entrance fee imposed amounting to Rp 13,000 per person. If you want to rise to the top of the tree for a photograph, you can pay an additional fee of Rp 15,000. then, if you want to use photos that are there, you can pay about Rp 10,000 for each photo. Pretty expensive, but if dibandindingkan with the beauty of nature that you get, the price that you pay any comparable.

56. a sleeping Buddha statue

The statue of this Sleep Budhha also known as the "Sleeping Buddha". This statue is encased in a Buddhist Vihara Dharma & 8 Po Sat Bogor located at JL. PWRI No. 53, Tajur Halang, Bogor, Tonjong. This berukurang Budhha sculpture 18 meters long with a height of 5 meters, spend more than 500 sack of cement to make it.

The uniqueness of Paatung Budhha sleeping is what attracts the tourists to be able to see directly the statue. If you want to take pictures along with the Buddha, you shouldn't be that pillar, because according to belief, disrespectful if the backs of the Buddha.

This place of worship is open 24 hours for worship. However, for visitors, try not to visit too night. To get to the location, you can use Heirloom or public transport Bus number 06 blue color from the Terminal. Two kilometers from Housing Bilabong, you will find directions to the monastery. From there, walk as far as 1.5 kilometers or can use the taxi to the location of a sleeping Buddha statue.

57. Cifor Forest

This forest is a forest area the research of Forest Research Dramaga. Located in the Dramaga. The name CIFOR itself stands for an institution, that is the Center of International Forestry Research. This forest do exist to help the researchers memelajari various types of flora and forest protection as a whole.

In the Woods there is also a captive deer species native to Indonesia, not deer totol. To go to the forest, you can use the transport number 03 red headed Laladon from across the station. If Baranangsiang from a Terminal, use the Trans Pakuan and continuing with the transport number 15 red.

The tours that you can do here is natural attractions camping, exploring the forest, and saw the deer. Sign in to the site of the forest is free of charge, but you must not visit it through from 17.00 pm.

58. the Garden Tours Pasirmukti

The garden tour is located at JL. Raya Tajur Pasirmukti km. 4, Citeureup, Bogor. Is above 15 hectares, acres of gardens, this tour offers views of the paddy fields in between orchards and fishing pond. Every day, the garden tour operates from 08.00 – 17.00 WIB.

Here, you can see different kinds of orchids, fruit, medicinal plants, vegetable land also in the agro tourism and the garden. Not only plants, you can also look at the type of livestock animals ruminants, poultry, and fish. You can invite fruit hearts tried to plow rice fields traditionally use a Buffalo or a painting of conical Asian hat. The garden offers a variety of tour packages at an affordable price.

59. Rainbow Valley Curug

Unlike most located in the curug plateau in Bogor, Curug Rainbow Valley are in the lowlands, so the air tends to be hot and humid. However, the heat of the light that bounces off this will cause Rainbow in waterfall, which eventually became the name of the curug .

Curug is a village in Cimanggu 1, Kampung Jatake, Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor. Here, you can enjoy not only the beauty of the Rainbow of light of the Sun just bias. You can also try reppeling, or walk down a cliff using ropes. Don't worry, because there are many trained and experienced guides who are ready to help you.

To go to curug , you can use the transport from Bubulak towards Leuwiliang. Campus Dramaga IPB in the pass, get off at Leuweung area of the stodgy. After passing a series of Booths, you can walk as far as 1 kilometer to the location. This location is open to the public starting from 08.00 – 18.00 GMT. Entrance fee to the curug this is Rp 3,000 per person.

60. Lake Situ Gede

Lake Situ Gede are inside the forest, precisely in the Neighborhood Dramaga Situgede, Bogor Barat. The Lake is often a place of fishing and boating. In fact, the Lake is also used as a filming location for the making of the film. The Lake is also very near to its location by the Forest Research Cifor.

The Lake is open until the early afternoon ahead of the evening. You don't have to pay to get in and enjoy the natural landscape that is presented in this Lake. Around the Lake are also many stalls selling food and drinks.

That's the last 60 attractions in Bogor for proper fill weekends and your holidays. As it turns out, no need to fill the time with shopping and spend a lot of money. You can also unwind and tired with the fascinating charm of nature offered by tourist destinations. Not to be missed Oke!

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