40 Tourist Attractions in Banyuwangi must-see At holiday time

As the largest district in Banyuwangi, East Java province is currently one of the most popular destinations. Did you know that the city is located on the eastern tip of Java island turned out to save a million charm exceptional beauty?

Directly adjacent to the Bali Strait, most visitors coming just simply pass before crossing to the island of the gods. If it had a chance, try to stop and explore small-town nicknamed " The Sunrise of Java . Its area is quite diverse, ranging from lowlands to Highlands, an area of mountains and beaches, as well as historic locations and other ancient relics sites.

For those of you who wish to explore the city of Banyuwangi, here is a list of interesting sights to visit.

1. the Ijen crater, Banyuwangi

Since the area was designated as a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO in the year 2016, Ijen crater Banyuwangi is increasingly popular among tourists both local and foreign tourists. Still included in the tourist park area with extensive Ijen 2,560 hectares, this tourist attraction located on the Summit of Mount Ijen in Banyuwangi, Slippery.

One of the most dangerous tourist attraction in the occupy a world largest Caldera on the island of Java which is formed by the eruption of Mount Ijen width 6 m. watery Crater itself has a depth of 200 meters. Called sights is dangerous because water ijen crater blue turquoise have acidity levels close to zero, which is one of the largest in the world.

However, the natural landscape at the Ijen crater into a main attraction of the visitors coming. There is the phenomenon of blue flame (blue fire) that appear on the site only when the sulfur mining at 05.00 GMT. You can see the beauty of the Sunrise light bouncing on the surface of the water giving rise to colorful. In addition, the panoramic splendor of Mount Merapi, Gunung Raung, Rante, and others can be seen clearly from the Ijen crater. To get there, You have to do the climb for approximately 2-3 hours from Paltuding.

2. Garden Blambangan

The garden of Blambangan Banyuwangi was originally a town square which was later developed as an open green space (TELEGINEN) by the local government. Flanked by 4 main streets in Banyuwangi, i.e. JL. Foreveraddictedtoyou Sudiro Husodo, JL. Veteran, JL. Kartini, RA and JL. Diponegoro, Garden Blambangan also often called by the name of Garden Gesibu Blambangan.

These cheap attractions can be accessed for free by visitors who want to enjoy the atmosphere of the town of Banyuwangi. The Park has an area of 32,000 m2 Blambangan with trees arranged neatly. Arguably, this tourist attraction is a place of recreation for locals. Here, visitors will find a variety of sporting facilities such as a running track, a basketball court, and a skateboard.

On the weekend, you will find many locals gather and interact in the garden of Blambangan. Every Saturday night, visitors will be treated to performances of the arts dance typical of Banyuwangi. There are also a variety of food being sold to accompany a relaxing time.

3. Pura Agung Blambangan

Traced from its history, Pura Agung Blambangan is a historical site relics of Blambangan that exists in the area South of Banyuwangi, Alas Purwo. This temple has a pattern of Hindu religious tourism become a magnet for tourists. Located in the village of Tambak, Rejo Muncar, Pura Agung Blambangan also became one of the main holy places for Hindus in Indonesia. Not only from Java, as well as many visitors arriving from the island of Bali when hari raya Kuningan arrived.

Foreign tourists also visit Pura Agung Blambangan interested to the structure of the building. It is the second largest after mount Salak Temple, and is the largest among the 92 other temples in Banyuwangi. When visiting temples, you must wear a scarf to respect the Customs and local culture.

4. Sidodadi Glenmore Reservoir

One of the latest attractions in Glenmore, Banyuwangi is Sidodadi Reservoirs. Recently opened to the public in the year 2015 and inaugurated in the year 2016, the reservoir was originally built as a means of irrigating sugar cane plantations. However, the potential of the natural beauty of the surroundings is not wasted by the local government which then conjure up these reservoirs become tourist sites.

Located in Karangharjo, Glenmore Reservoir Sidodadi has an area of more than 6 hectares, and will continue to be developed into 10 hectares. Access to the site is also not so hard, with good road conditions and near the main lines of Banyuwangi-Pacitan.

Here, visitors can perform various interesting activities, such as sliding cable activities 160-meter crossing the reservoir, rent an ATV, boating, or sports challenge in the circuit of the motor.

Not only that, the sights of reservoirs Sidodadi Glenmore also has a beautiful flower garden, orchards, fishing pond, and a campground. Visitors coming just enough to pay a parking ticket is Rp 2,000 to Rp 5,000. If you want to try out a variety of rides, the rate is pegged, from Rp 10,000 to Rp 25,000 per vehicle.

5. Village Osing Banyuwangi

The local people more familiar with the name of Kemiren Village, but the village is better known to tourists with the name of the village of Osing or Using. Located just about 15 minutes from the city centre, the village of Osing Banyuwangi becoming tourist destinations that are worth a visit because of its cultural nuances.

Osing tribe was the man of the Majapahit Kingdom. However, when the Kingdom was attacked, some of them fled into the Crater, Banyuwangi, and Bali. In Banyuwangi, they formed the Kingdom of Blambangan. In the area of the village of Osing, the main attraction is Sanggar Genjah Arum by order of characteristic ancient houses Osing aged more than 100 years.

Visitors can also learn about the history of his home. The culture includes four custom homes with different shapes that indicate the social status of its inhabitants, namely Crocogan, Tikelbalung, Tikel, and attack.

In the workshop of Genjah Arum anyway, you can see directly the culture and customs of native tribes of the Osing. There are frequent paglak angklung played farmers while keeping their rice fields. There is also a dance Barong dance and Kemireng Gandrung displayed when welcoming guests. The more interesting again, visitors can listen to music or Othek pestle played by middle-aged women Osing tribe. This music played with a mortar and pestle how to play accompanied by music from paglak and angklung drum.

6. Temple of the great Dune Kancil

According to the story, the construction of the Temple of the great Dune Kancil is intended as homage to the Rsi Markandeya, a prominent spiritual Hindu religion in the 7th century AD. Not only Hindu society, but tourists are generally also often visited attractions in Banyuwangi on this one.

Located in the village Bumiharjo, district Glenmore Temple, the great Dune Kancil standing right on the edge of the forest and its status as the cultural heritage. Not far from the temple complex, there is a water spring Sources trusted by Beji surrounding communities can cure various diseases. This one's sights are easily accessible and visitors do not have to pay the entrance ticket.

7. the Umbul Umbul Pule and Nodes

Sights Umbul Pule is one cheap recreational vehicle for the community and neighbouring Countries. Reportedly, water comes from a source which has never dried up despite a drought struck. Located in the village Sumbergondo, district Glenmore, Umbul Pule is the vehicle of a swimming pool with water slide which is surrounded by mountain slopes that Roared air cool.

Not far from the Umbul Pule, there is another pool tour namely Umbul Nodes. But unlike its neighbors, Umbul Nodes has 4 types of pool aimed at adult tourists and children. In each, there is also an indoor waterslides to add keseruan play.

There is a tourist attraction in Banyuwangi presents pool water crystal clear and clean. Around the pool there is also a gazebo that enabled visitors to break. Startup is hungry, you can buy food at the stalls of merchants in the complex of baths. To access this recreation, visitors only need to spend about Rp 5,000.

8. Mondoleko Hill

One of the latest attractions and immediacy in Banyuwangi is Mondoleko Hill, a hill in the village of Sragi Subdistrict, Sronggon. Many tourists who utilize this site to berswafoto or simply enjoy the view from the height of cool.

The main attraction of the Hill Mondoleko is a bamboo bridge that is located on top of a hill, in the area of the mountains Roared. Panorama offered this place is shady trees and paddy fields of the local community are verdant. At the top of the hill there is a Banyan tree that underneath it there is a tomb of the sacred by the locals.

To reach the location, you have to travel a fairly onerous. There are fields that must be traversed, and the River had to be practically. Next, visitors still have to tread the stairs to get to the top of the Hill. The question of cost, tours of the Hill Mondoleko is still free. You simply pay a fee for parking vehicles with volunteer rate.

9. the colorful Hometown Kalilo

Just like the city of Malang, Banyuwangi also has a village of colorful painted. Located on the banks of the river Kalilo, a village transformed by local authorities into the present of many attractions attract visitors both local and out of town.

Kalilo River which is located in the middle of the city of Banyuwangi has a long history and a clean water. This effort is also intended by the local Government to provide education to the community about the importance of the role of a river and for keeping it clean.

One of the main attraction of this village is a bridge that is often utilized visitors to take pictures. To access this site, you can simply pay the parking ticket costs Rp 2,000, managed by local citizens.

10. Kampung Waterfalls Upgrade

Banyuwangi has stunning natural attractions. One of them is Waterfall Hometown Later. Unmitigated, tourists coming to this place will be treated to a view of three waterfalls at once in a single complex location. Locals often refer to it as distinct, namely waterfalls, waterfall jagir brothers, twin falls, and so on.

Located in the village of Tell, waterfall Garden Hometown Later has a beautiful panorama. Even the third waterfall that is here comes from 3 sources of water, i.e. the source of the Jagir, Pawon, source and source of great-grandson Ijah.

Pawon waterfall is one of the most interesting concern, because of the shape of the flow that widens with multilevel rocks. About 10 meters from the waterfall Pawon Temple, there is a second waterfall has a garden baths built by local people. Is 300 metres away, there is a third i.e. waterfall the waterfall Ketegan. Unlike the two previous falls, waterfalls on this one has a height of over 50 metres and arusnya quite profusely. With green trees surrounded by beautiful, spent time in a new Hometown Waterfalls will make your mood become more cool.

11. the waterfall Kalibendo

Another waterfall in the village of Kampung Anyer sub-district Glagah, is Kalibendo Falls. One tourist attraction is about 15 Km from the city of Banyuwangi, and included in the Tourist area of Argo Kalibendo.

Visitors who want to enjoy views of the falls must pass a path surrounded by trees and clove plantations bendo. Travel far enough and uphill path that requires extra stamina. Arriving at a wooden bridge, you'll find a smorgasbord of heterogeneous plant and rolling hills of the beautiful River, before finally arriving at the waterfall Kalibendo.

Waterfalls of this one is not too high, but have clear water. Surrounded by cliffs and trees are green, the exhausting journey you will be paid off in full.

12. the waterfall Tlepak

Tourist attractions there are many waterfalls in the town of Banyuwangi. After a new Hometown, there was again a village called Kampung Tlepak, district Songgon which has a beautiful waterfall. Locals knew him as Tlepak Waterfall or Rainbow Waterfall. Called so because visitors can enjoy views of the Rainbow that often appear on the waterfall in the afternoon.

To access the waterfall is a pretty grueling effort is needed because you have to pass the line trekking uphill. In addition to it. Its still there in the area of the estate make visitors must obtain permission first to get there.

13. Waterfall Lider

Located on the slopes of the mountain, the waterfall Roared Lider is the highest waterfall which is in the town of Banyuwangi. Visit the sights of this one guaranteed will not make you disappointed. The sunlight entering through the cracks is a rare view of the foliage you encounter in urban areas.

With a height of 60 meters around the shower, a waterfall located in the altitude of 1,300 Lider mdpl, precisely in the area of protected forest. Not only that, around the main falls there are four small waterfall. With surrounded by a high, rocky cliff waterfall Lider arguably quite hidden.

Visitors must pass through a fairly difficult terrain, which is across the River as much as 7 times, broke through the lush protected forest, and through a tiring track. If lucky, along the way You'll meet with colorful butterflies as well as apes as it passes through the area of protected forest.

14. the waterfall Antogan

Antogan waterfall is another paradise that deserves Your visit while in Banyuwangi. Located in the village of Kabat sub-district, Bunder waterfalls this one offers the natural beauty of Banyuwangi beautiful and cool. Great location at the foot of the mountain Roared increasingly add to the coolness of the surrounding atmosphere.

When compared to other waterfalls in Banyuwangi, the waterfalls of Antogan not so high, that is 7 metres. Around the waterfall there is a hidden alleys on the rocks attributed often used as hiding places from invaders in ancient times. There is also a cave that was touted as a line to the South coast.

15. the waterfall Forefinger Gods Roared

Due to the unique shape i.e. resembles the index finger, and a great location at the foot of the mountain Roared, the locals dub the attractions this one Waterfall Forefinger Gods Roared. At the Village Sumberarum, district Songgon, the waterfall has a height of about 20 meters.

To the location, visitors who have high guaranteed adventurous spirit was very impressed. The path through the wilderness Mountain Roared and a narrow footpath that is not easy to follow. Around the waterfall there is a Banyan tree whose age is estimated to have reached hundreds of years. There is also a cave that emits a spring clean and clear.

16. Waterfall Tirto Kemanten

Located in the village Wonoerjo, district Kalibaru, Tirto Kemanten Waterfall is one of the waterfalls with a beautiful view on the slopes of the mountain Roared that exist in other countries. The path to the location of the waterfalls tend to be smooth, but visitors must tread the path as far as 1 Km away and up the stairs before finally got there.

Surrounding communities also know these sights as the twin, because there are two showers that come from a single source of water. The name kemanten (the bride) is also pinned because the waterfall lying side by side.

Waterfalls of Kemanten has an altitude of about 10 meters, and surrounded by green trees and cliffs. Beautiful atmosphere and cool into a magnet for visitors who come. After playing the water, you can sit in the gazebo without walls near waterfalls.

17. the waterfall Kedung Wind

Tourists who come to Banyuwangi will be treated to sights of waterfalls seemingly is endless. Another one of the city's natural beauty can be found in Kedung Waterfall located in the village of Wind Pekel, slick. You can access this location after driving approximately 20 Km from the heart of the town of Banyuwangi. Panoramic views of rice fields and pine forests became friends along the way.

Arriving at the village, the trail as far as 1 Km yet to be traversed to reach the Waterfall Kedung wind. The pool has a waterfall formed by the clear waters are colored green. Visitors often use it for swimming or just play water. There is a puddle with a depth of about 2 metres with a width of about 700 metres.

18. the waterfall Shawl Arum

Waterfall Shawl Arum has not only become a favorite place for local residents, but also tourists coming to Banyuwangi. Located in the village of Songgon Sub-district, Arum's source, this waterfall is only about 500 meters from the settlement of citizens. Here, visitors can conduct activities adventure, enjoy the chill of the water, and the atmosphere around the site which is still cool and beautiful.

To be able to reach the location, you must have a strong stamina. Although close to the settlement, travelers who come have to walk through the path uphill through rugged areas and fields. Not only that, the steep cliffs along the way should also make you extra careful through it.

After an exhausting journey, visitors will be greeted by the sound of gemercik the water is reassuring. A waterfall approximately 20 metres high is named because of its shape Arum Shawl-like scarves. Most tourists who come will spend their time to climb the rocks around the waterfall or water play.

19. the Temcor Waterfall

Mountainous in Banyuwangi city has made dozens of attractions waterfalls. The one that attracts a lot of tourists is Temcor Waterfall. Still in the same village with Waterfall Shawl Arum, Arum Source Village, Kecamatan Songgon, waterfall Temcor is also known to local people with the name Flower Arum.

Journey to the falls Temcor is quite exciting. Visitors must pass through a trekking paths between the rice fields dykes citizens. The waterfall is actually derived from the source of the river irrigation rice field that falls on the lip of the abyss. Down the ravine, you have to be careful because the surface slick streets.

With the height of the waterfall is about 10 meters, pancurannya form a pool that is quite wide. Local residents and tourists usually utilize the natural beauty for a swim and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding panorama.

20. the waterfall Stone Brackets

The lovers of adrenaline activities a hobby of climbing will certainly not familiar with Waterfall Stone brackets. This waterfall is located in the mountain Roared, which was often used by climbers to freshen up before heading to the Summit of the mountain.

Waterfall Stone Brackets located in the village Kajarharjo, district Kalibaru. Field tour to the waterfall requires excellent physical strength, because you have to walk as far as 2.5 Km through the footpaths through the forest and scrub with the contours of the fluctuating Street.

Called Watu Brackets because waterfall is surrounded by high cliffs and rocks. Journey to the falls of Watu Brackets offer a beautiful panorama and atmosphere typical of the mountains with many types of plants.

21. the beach Boom

Down from the mountain area, Banyuwangi has a charming Beach attractions. One of the most popular beaches among domestic tourists are the beaches of Boom which is located near the center of the town of Banyuwangi.

The beach is often a gathering place of young children, especially in the afternoon. Located in Kampung Rail, coastal Boom is famous as an important port since the first. Though once seedy-looking, but now views around the beach start arranged neatly. Visitors can enjoy culinary in the beach or relaxing in the Chair provided and enjoy sunset views.

One of the most interesting attraction of attention of tourists is to enliven the festival Gandrung Sewu. This agenda is done routinely every year by featuring a thousand dancers who danced on the sand beach.

22. the coast of Plengkung

Visit the beaches of Plengkung in Banyuwangi will provide a vacation experience that is exceptional. The beach is often referred to as G-Land his Banyuwangi. Not only tourists in the country, much of the foreign tourists who make the coast of Plengkung as their tourist destinations. Called Plengkung because its curved shape, or resembling the letter G.

Still located in the Alas Purwo National Park, the beaches of Plengkung has one of the world's best waves 7 to resemble a beach in Hawaii and South Africa. Many tourists come here to surf, especially in the months of April to August, when the influx of waves that can reach 8 meters in height.

If do not like surfing, not to worry. At this beach, you can enjoy the panoramic Garden Pedestal Purwo or play sand on the beach.

23. Red Island Beach

Islands of red or Red Island offers the beauty of the coast of Java. Located in the village of Great Resources, district Pesanggaran, this small island attracts many tourists because of its unique, i.e. like a hill in the middle of the sea.

Red Island Beach has clean white sand with crystal clear sea water. Palm trees and bananas around the site add to the variation of vegetation.

Unlike the beaches of Plengkung, Red Island beach waves on the not so great, but quite challenging. Many surfers who make this beach as the location of their training. While the waves were receding, you can stroll towards the Red Island in the middle of the beach. On the South coast there is the perfect location to watch the sunset.

24. Beach Lampon

Not far from the coast of the island there is the Red Beach Lampon. In Pesanggaran, this one has a view of the blue sea and coconut trees that lined the edges.

Beach view Lampon unlike coast mostly, because all around there are rocks reef. The reef on the South side there is the mouth of the river that is often utilized as a visitor fishing spots.

Not only that, Lampon Beach also has a hill can climb safely. Tourists who come here mostly spend their time playing with the water, fishing, or climb a hill.

25. Beach Wedi Cpanel

The name cPanel wedi in Javanese means black sand. The beach that this one has a uniqueness, i.e. There is a hidden black sand behind the white sand on the surface. Compared to other beaches in Banyuwangi, Wedi Cpanel tends to quiet visitors.

It's not because it isn't pretty, but because its tends to be hard to reach. Located in the village of Great Resources, Wedi cPanel and still be in one line with the Red Island Beach.

The eastern side of the beach has waves greater than on the West side of which tend to be choppy ramps. Coral rocks on the edge of the beach, the white sand, calm waves and crystal clear sea water to make travelers enjoy spending time at the beach linger Wedi Cpanel.

26. Beach Rajegwesi

Rajegwesi beach is located close to the national parks of Meru Betiri National Park, the village of Sarongan, district Pesaggaran. View of the beautiful beach with white sand and blue sea water into the attraction of this beach.

The beach of Rajegwesi is located in the middle of the fishing village. You will see a lot of fishing boats moored at the edge of the beach. Called Rajegwesi because there are "iron fence", namely the coral rocks containing iron.

Visitors will not find the white beach sand, but sand colored Brown. This color is obtained from silting rivers that empties at the beach Rajegwesi. In addition, this beach is also the liaison between Green Bay and Sukamade Coast.

Tourists who come often spend their time to play water or visit the agro tourism provided by the local government.

27. the beach Rock

If the beach is generally have white sand, you won't find it in the beach rock. As the name implies, this one not surrounded by sand, but little rock-rock. The atmosphere around the beaches still look natural with stunning panoramic views. A mix of green trees with the blue sea water is a beautiful combination that will enjoy the tourists coming.

Located in the village of Sarongan, district Pasanggaran, Stone Beach still included in Meru Betiri National Park National Park area. Activity that is often done by tourists coming is to play the water or relax on the beach while you enjoy the scenery seemed in sight.

28. Green Bay Beach

Gulf Coast Green in Banyuwangi is also known by the name of Green Bay. To reach this beach needed extra struggle. From the beaches of stone, you have to down a small river passing through forests and coral reefs lush with trees. Behind the rocky cliff, looks Green Bay Beach beauty with endless white sand and clear sea water.

Named the Gulf Coast Green because the water here is very clear and turquoise. The beach is just perfect to relax, but also a haven of natural beauty lovers. Around the coast, exactly 20 metres to the East, visitors can find a waterfall with a height of 8 meters.

Located in the village of Sarongan, Green Gulf Coast included in the area of the National Park of Meru Betiri National Park. In this place also grow flowers of rare Rafflesia flower, protected. In addition to enjoying the view, you can also go for a swim at the beach, photograph, or play sand. Visitors only have to pay the parking fee is Rp 3,000 to Rp 10,000 for the motor and the car.

29. Sukamade Coast

If a visit to Banyuwangi, less afdal feels if not stop by the beach of Sukamade. This beach is one of the mainstay of tourism in the town of Banyuwangi. Still included in Meru Betiri National Park glnp Sukamade Coast, is home to thousands of turtle eggs. For hundreds of years, this beach is known as the location of the turtles lay their eggs in Banyuwangi.

The main attraction is the Sukamade Coast attractions see the turtle egg-laying process as well as the release of dive into the sea. Visitors will be taken to board a boat to see the turtles turtles emerge from the sea then lay eggs.

Because this process takes place at night, then you should prepare to find existing lodging around Sukamade Coast. If you see a turtle take off and not want to do, You can relax on the beach or take a stroll to enjoy the panorama.

30. Parang Cpanel

Located in the Alas Purwo National Park, Parang Cpanel offers the beauty of the beach. If visited this beach, you will feel like in a private beach for not a lot of local and foreign tourists who come to Parang Cpanel. However, you will be dazzled with his appeal.

The uniqueness of the Parang Cpanel lies in the color sand. This beach has sand with three different colors, i.e. Green, black, and white. Black Rock structures resembling lava solidifies give color to the sand, so did with Bryophyte located on the right side of the beach. The Green and black colors look very contrasting with the white sand that is on the left side of the beach.

Tourists who come usually capture photos of black and green sand, and then spend the time to stroll the white sands. Parang cPanel and its location hidden behind shrubs. Visitors must park their vehicles and then walked through the wild plants to be able to get to the location.

31. Parang Chair

Its hidden make little travelers who know will kebaradaan Parang seats. Tourist attraction of this beach is located in Pesanggaran, and lies between the coast of the Red Sea and Island Lampon. A quiet and peaceful atmosphere gives the feel of maximum relaxation for tourists who come.

To reach this beach, you can take the Road South from the beach Lampon. However, the vehicle must travel on the stalled at the port of Lampon, and continued on foot. Visitors must pass through a stack to the mountain climbing paths, crossed an estuary Pitu, and hill climbing. Parang Chairs add a beautiful behind the Hill.

Called parang seats because around the coast there is a reef of rocks like a Chair. The main attraction of this beach is on the atmosphere is still very natural. Visitors can spend time walking around on the beach while you take pictures or play sand.

32. Beach Pancur

Pancur is located in the coast of Alas Purwo National Park, and is often visited by tourists from both Countries as well as other cities. One tourist attraction is quite popular, as evidenced by its complete facilities built around the beach like a prayer hall, bathroom and food kiosks.

Visitors who come can enjoy the sound of the surf is not too large, so often used by children to swim or play in water. On the one hand, the waterfront decorated by the mossy rocks while on the other hand there is the beautiful white sand.

Interestingly, around the coast will see a flow of Pancur small rivers resemble miniature waterfalls. The freshwater flows and direct merges with sea water under it. The naming of the coast of Pancur (shower) is also based on the unique natural phenomenon.

Most visitors who come are going to swim or spend time with the campers around the beach.

33. Beach Ngagelan

Another beach in the Banyuwangi is also home to sea turtle conservation-Turtle Beach is Ngagelan. Just like the beach, the beach of Sukamade Ngagelan become turtles breeding location is located in the Alas Purwo. The location is also not far from the mangrove swamps Bedul, and is approximately 70 Km drive from the town centre of Banyuwangi.

Sand beach are spacious and very clean allure of the beach on this one. If you want to see the turtles-turtles come from the sea, you should come up in April-June. As for the curious see turtles the turtles lay their eggs could come to Ngagelan Beach in June-August. Furthermore, the turtle eggs will hatch in about 8 weeks.

Waves on the coast of Ngagelan is large enough so that the less fit if used for swimming. Most visitors who come to enjoy the beauty of the beach at the same time learn about the lives of turtles.

34. Beach Triangular

Even though it is only about 2 Km from the beach of Plengkung, not many tourists who know the name of the Triangular Beach. The local population also often mentions the beach Beautiful Embankment. Still located in the Alas Purwo National Park, in the village of Tegaldlimo and is about 76 Km from the Centre of the city of Banyuwangi.

For the fans of water sports, this tourist attraction is not the right place to channel your hobby. Because, despite having a pretty captivating waves, local managers prohibit visitors to surf or to swim at the beach.

However, do not worry because Triangular Beach has a beautiful panorama. Its coastline and topography extends offer the beauty of beaches seems endless. Around the site, you will find wild monkeys and deer that sometimes runs alongside the beach.

Visitors can spend time with the campers while you await the mesmerizing views of the sunset.

35. hibiscus Tiliaceus Doyong Beach

Compared to other beaches in Banyuwangi, attractions Beaches Waru Doyong belongs is still new. Located in the village of Bulusan, district Kalipuro, this one has a unique charm that is widely known as the dock of love. Called love Pier since most visitors who come here are a couple that enjoy the beauty of the beach at the pier.

The dock or the shape to resemble the bridge is a favorite spot of local people and tourists to enjoy the views of the sunrise and sunset. Visitors also often utilizes the dock photo shoot location love as a prenuptial.

In addition to stunning views of sunrise and sunset, beach hibiscus Tiliaceus Doyong also has other panorama is not less beautiful. With sitting around in beaches, visitors will be treated to views of the surrounding hills there are across the street from the beach and the fishing boats that cross the penetrating winds.

Black sand and waves that ramps make room for you to play water or swim at the beach. To access this natural beauty, you don't have to pay the entrance ticket to the alias.

36. Bangsring Beach

While visiting the city of Banyuwangi, take your time to stop by the Beach Bangsring. If on the coast of Plengkung visitors were treated with large waves are dangerous at the same time, the Bangsring Beach offers the charm of natural beauty. Located in the village of Bangsring, this beach is a paradise of marine biota.

Your hobby is diving or snorkeling need not far to go to Bali, Raja Ampat, or Wakatobi. Bangsring Beach provides convenience to do various water sports. Since it opened in 2014, this one is never devoid of visitors.

The first activity that can be done on the beach Bangsring is canoeing or climb the banana boat. You can access these facilities by visiting the Floating House which was about 20 metres away from the beach.

Visitors can also rent diving equipment and begin to explore the beauty of its underworld. The beach with an area of 15 hectares has a variety of ornamental fish that swim in seliweran even though. In addition, you can also try out the activity that triggers the adrenaline with black fins swim with the sharks that exist in outdoor keramba covering an area of 3 x 3 meters.

Diving and snorkeling is the right choice for tourists who want to see the underwater beauty of the beach of Bangsring. There are various types of coral reefs and fish. If you want to contribute to the preservation of nature, you can also participate in planting coral reefs became part of Marine Education.

In addition to the above activities, visitors can also enjoy a panoramic view of the beach from the rim while swimming or play sand. Arguably, Bangsring Beach is one of the most popular tourist attraction in Banyuwangi.

37. the pine Beach

You coming to Banyuwangi maybe made a little surprised with the pine Beach. If the beach is generally surrounded by mangroves or coconut trees, this one a tourist attraction with many evergreen trees around its shores. Located in the village of the subdistrict of Banyuwangi, fern, you will find more than 16,000 spruce which grows beautifully.

Before the famous with the name of the pine Beach, this beach is the beach formerly Rejo. The fishermen agreed to plant the surrounding fir demi got shelter from the midday sun. As it turns out, the trees not only provide shelter but also serves to prevent abrasion.

The longer, the more trees that grow and branches form arches that make walking trails on the beach almost resembles a cave. Pine beach is also dealing directly with the Bali Strait.

Most visitors who come will bring mats and food for a picnic by the beach. Some also do activities such as swimming and relax to enjoy the panoramic view of the sunrise.

38. Beach Jewels

If had boarded the Mustika Beach, you will find the atmosphere of the beach is still quiet. Visitors describe it as Virgin Beach because the surrounding conditions still beautiful and not much visited by tourists.

Mustika beach is located in the village of Great Resources, district Pesanggaran, and his position is between the Red Sea and Island Beach Pancer. Naming this beach could not be separated from local residents about the story of someone who finds mustika Ratu Kidul while visiting the beach. That person then throw away the jewel into the sea with the intention of returning it to the Queen of the South.

Reserved Mustika Beach, panorama has a beautiful white sand with endless waves tend to ramps. Many visitors who come use it to simply relax or swim. In addition, the underwater treasures of this beach is also proven by the various coral reefs grow. You can do snorkeling activities to prove the beauty.

39. Beach Palukuning

Although his name was not so popular, but the Palukuning Beach remains a tourist attraction worth a visit during the holidays to Banyuwangi. This beach is located in Kecamatan Muncar, Banyuwangi.

Palukuning beach is surrounded by outdoor pond belonging to local people, and is often made into a fishing boat for the binding site. Panoramic view of the beautiful beach is dominated by black rocks that are frequently used by visitors as a place for berswafoto. The waves are also not too large so that it can be used to play on the water. Winds are still small voice on the edge of the beach is guaranteed will make your mood is getting deeply relaxed and peaceful.

40. Beach Perpat

The last beach is on the list of attractions in Banyuwangi mandatory visit is the beach Perpat. This beach is located approximately 5-10 minutes drive from the Payaman, or approximately 2 hours drive from Muncar.

Visitors who come will be treated to the beautiful scenery of mangrove forests, with white sands and tranquil sea waters. Typically, ships were heading to Port Muncar will stop in here when the weather is unfriendly.

Its tranquil water can be used to perform a variety of water sports. Typically, tourists will dive or snorkel to view the natural beauty of the beach underwater. If lucky, you will see a group of dolphins are swirling in the coastal waters in search of food.

Well, the complete list of 40 of exciting attractions you can visit in Banyuwangi. How? Already know which place Ands visit? Holiday in the city of Banyuwangi guaranteed fun and enjoyable.

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