60 Tourist Attractions in Surabaya must-see At holiday time

From 29 counties and 9 towns in East Java province, Surabaya is arguably the most prominent and known to the wider community. The thing that is very reasonable, considering this is a very historic town at once became the capital of the province. Plus a wide range of achievements disabet since its first female Mayor's leadership, making it increasingly popular in Surabaya.

As a metropolitan city, Surabaya is also synonymous with the life of modern society. Therefore, it is not a bit of tourists coming especially from the small area — — making the luxury shopping center in Surabaya as tourist destinations. Whereas in addition to the Mall, Surabaya, also has many other interesting sights are worth a visit.

For those of you who want to pay a visit to Surabaya, try to visit different places. As a reference, the following attractions in Surabaya are interesting to visit.

1. Ten November Museum

If all the people of Indonesia alone always commemorate the events of November 10, 1945, Surabaya is also always her memory. One way is to build a museum recording the trail remains a struggle arek arek Suroboyo-. With the name of heroic events in the fight for independence, the monument of Ten November became attractions in Surabaya full enough in exposing the history.

This two-storey building. The first and second floors are filled with various relics Bung Tomo and several other fighters. Interestingly, here you will not only pay attention to pictures or items that tend to be monotonous. There are quite a lot of static dioramas that depict the conditions at that time, complete with audio. Even through dioramas and a radio, you can also hear the original speech Bung Tomo. In addition, there is also a mini movie theater on the second floor one of which play movies are scheduled Nov. 10, struggle.

Location: Jalan Pahlawan, Surabaya

Business hours: Monday-Thursday: 08.00-14.30 pm

Friday: 08.00-14.00 WIB

Sunday: 08.00-13.00 GMT

(Saturdays and public holidays closed)

Ticket price: 5000.00 Usd

2. the Museum House of Sampoerna

You may be wondering, what is the relation between the museum of this one with a very famous brand of cigarettes in Indonesia that. In fact, House of Sampoerna is indeed a family museum of Sampoerna.

The Museum was formerly the orphanage has the typical colonial architecture with high pillars is great. The Museum building itself is not extensive and only consists of two floors. However, the information you get here is quite satisfactory — begins from the lineage of successors to the leadership ranks of Sampoerna. Wide range of paintings that illustrate the atmosphere in factories and indigenous smoking habit since it used to be also displayed. Not only that, a collection packet matches from time to time to a few private collections also exist here.

Location: Garden of Sampoerna 6 Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily 09.00-19.00

Ticket prices:-

3. Museum d. R Supratman

Who is not familiar with Wage Rudolf Supratman? The creators of the national anthem Indonesia Raya has a very big role for this nation. As one of the forms of appreciation, a museum created for him.

Actually, the museum is the home of the brother w. r. Supratman are also becoming dens when chased by the colonial Government of Netherlands. Its size is very small, only 5 x 10 meters. On the front of the House there is a statue of w. r. Soperatman as high as the original size. Inside, you can find replicas of the violin and the text of the national anthem made by him.

Location: Mango Street no. 21 Surabaya

Business hours: Tuesday-Sunday 09.00-17.00 WIB

Ticket prices:-

4. Bank Indonesia Museum

From the outside, you can already guess that this one is the Netherlands colonial era relics. It was founded on September 14, 1829, a year after the Netherlands Indies Government established De Javasche Bank Center in Batavia. After various polemics that occurred at that time, new on 1 July 1953 De Javasche Bank turned into Bank Indonesia.

For reasons of inadequate capacity, the Office of Bank Indonesia then moved onto the street Heroes in 1973. After conservation in December 2012, the building almost two centuries old is practically being building cultural heritage Bank Indonesia. Of the three existing floors, you can only visit one and two floors only. The first floor is where the ancient money collections and a collection of heirlooms, while the second floor is only an empty space that is now used as a place for meetings and so on.

Location: streets of Garuda Surabaya No.1

Business hours: Tuesday-Sunday 08.00-16.00

Ticket prices:-

5. Museum of Surabaya

Museum of this one is quite new. As the name implies, the Museum is a museum featuring Surabaya traces the history of the city of Surabaya.

Located on the ground floor of the building, the Museum of the legendary SIOLA Surabaya tend to open. Compared to other museums, the collection in the museum is still not too much. You can recognize the ranks of leaders who never became the number one in Surabaya, through paintings displayed and books containing biographies of them. In addition, some portraits of Surabaya in the past also laid out on the right side of the entrance. As for other collections such as Surabaya custom clothing worn by a mannequin, chairs and benches of the school in the days past, and several others.

Location: The Road Tunjungan Surabaya, Tile

Business hours: Tuesday-Sunday 09.00-21.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

6. Memorial Monument

Less afdol tastes if you visit Surabaya without watching the monuments on this one. Its location is also in the same complex with the Museum's ten hours ago. Thus, in the same location, you can find two attractions at once.

The monument was white and soaring up 41.1 meters, nail-shaped upside down. Her field is broad green. On the front — the entrance — you will be greeted by the statues of Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who stood side by side. Behind it, there is a white pillars with statues of garuda at the top.

Location: Jalan Pahlawan, Surabaya

Business hours: Monday-Thursday: 08.00-14.30 pm

Friday: 08.00-14.00 WIB

Sunday: 08.00-13.00 GMT

(Saturdays and public holidays closed)

Ticket prices:-

7. monument to the Spiky Bamboo

In the heart of the city, you can find the monument of Spiky Bamboo that was in the middle of the quarter are always solid. The monument consists of five erected bamboo asymmetrical height. Round tapered bamboo replica of it planted with plants and flowers so as to make the look of the monument so the more beautiful.

You certainly do not need to ask what the point of this pointy bamboo used as monuments. Without the slightest trepidation against the Allied forces who want to master Indonesia after independence, arek arek Suroboyo- struggled with the conditions therein. When the allies given the panoply of modern cangih technology and indigenous peoples, only with the spiky bamboo. But upon the power of God the Almighty, the victory in favour of the nation of Indonesia

Location: Jalan Panglima Sudirman, Embong Kaliasin, Tile, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

8. monument to Surabaya

May-be you visit various attractions in Surabaya, but the trip would not be complete without watching the monuments on this one. Become an icon of the city, a statue of sura (shark) and baya (crocodile) is being fought not only made one.

Supposedly, the name taken from the history of the battle of Surabaya sura and baya. Both of these animals is an animal that is equally strong and good friends with. Up on a when, all of a sudden one of breaking the deal with expansion area. Not received, fights two aquatic animals is unavoidable to maintain power.

Location: Setail Road, Surabaya (Surabaya Zoo front)

Moh Road. Natsir, Surabaya (The Silver Area)

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

9. Jalasveva Jayamahe Monument

New York should have a statue of Liberty towering and iconic. But Surabaya is also not less Jalasveva Jayamahe Monument, has an upright standing facing the ocean. The colour is bluish-green with a height of about 30 meters stand on top of the building — which is not also a museum — as high as about 30 metres as well.

This statue is the symbol of naval officer. As for the name of Jalasveva Jayamahe is actually a moto AL Indonesia which means "the sea we succeeded." This is to affirm that Indonesia succeed even since the days of the Kingdom of Srivijaya.

Location: Tip, Surabaya

Business hours: Monday to Sunday 08.00-17.00 (had to go through the permit officer)

Ticket prices:-

10. the submarine Monument

To shorten the term of attractions in Surabaya on this one, people are more happy to condense it into Monkasel. It is set on the banks of the Kalimas and quite crowded by tourists. Not only the adult visitors, visitors who came with their children is quite a lot. Here, you can melhat how the condition of the vehicle, including its engines. In addition, you can also imagine how the pejung are struggling SO, maintain indoor sesempit it — even to simply share oxygen along with 63 people.

The monument is indeed a genuine submarine. No responsibility-responsibility, this is the submarine HMAS Pasopati 410 who fought at Sea event Aru. Peristiwaini was a battle between Indonesia and the Netherlands which occurred at sea, Maluku, Aru on January 5, 1962.

Location: Jalan Pemuda No. 39 Kaliasin, Tile, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily 8 am-9 pm

Ticket price: 10,000.00

11. children's Bungkul

So, you are no longer strangers to name the Park on this one even though it had never set foot here. The Park is indeed very had and became one of the public's favorite citizens of Surabaya. Young adults have and family grieved here to simply do a relaxation or hanging out with the community.

In addition to being grounds for the public which features free wireless internet connection and drinking water directly from the tap, Garden Bungkul apparently also included one of the tourist destinations of pilgrimage. In this area there is Sunan Bungkul, a cleric of the Majaphit Empire period.

Location: Bungkul Park Avenues, Darmo, Wonokoromo, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

12. the garden of Korea

Shortly before the outbreak of Korea invaded Indonesia in such great young people, the Mayor of Tri Rismahaini already earlier inaugurated the Park. Built in January 2010, the garden of Korea embodies the friendship between Surabaya and Korea. Work performed includes many fields, especially education, trade, culture, and infastruktur. In fact, the entire design and workmanship of this garden is done by the Government of South Korea.

The garden was established in the area of Korea Sutomo above acres 1.848 m2. The reason he has chosen this location because of the large number of foreign nationals who were there, including those from Korea Seatan himself. Many kinds of plants are beautiful and shady trees filled the place. In the central part of the park there are inscriptions that provide a description of the Grounds, while in Korea part his side made jogging track for visitors who want to exercise.

Location: the street Dr. Sutomo, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

13. the Garden of friendship

Although the skyscraper buildings meet the surface of the capital city of East Java province, land-land in the middle of the city there is used as a counterbalance. In addition to the city as sweetener, parks can also be an alternative attractions in Surabaya, while the lung of the city.

Garden of friendship is the common facilities in the form of other green open spaces that are in Surabaya. Known as the garden of Friendship for as the garden of Korea, Park is also a symbol of cooperation between Surabaya with seven other cities and counties. In the park there are trees planted as symbolizing the friendship by Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Banjarmasin, Batam, and Kochi (Japan).

Location: Sulawesi Road No. 67, Ngagel, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

14. Garden Mayangkara

In remembrance of courage Mayangkara kala 503 Battalion fought against the Netherlands, the Park is built. Garden Mayangkara beautiful and spacious enough with fresh green foliage combined beautiful colorful flower. You want to stop from fatigue might try visiting this park.

Still in the garden area Mayangkara, on the side facing the Islamic Hospital, there is a monument. This monument is the Soebyantoro Major visualization Djarot rides a white horse Mayangkara. Mayor Djarot Soebyantoro itself is the leader of an Army Battalion 503 Mayangkara.

Location: Mayangkara Park Avenues, Darmo, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

15. hanging garden

Hanging garden Surabaya Tunjungan Bridge is also called. The word ' Tunjungan ' was indeed taken from the name of the area of interest on this one, i.e. the Tunjungan. However, you may be thinking, how can the words replaced Park bridge?

In fact, in January 2016, Mayor of juggling and revive the pedestrian bridges that exist in the area of Tunjungan. The bridge is repaired with decorative plants and has now dikeramik. Asrinya the bridge resembled a garden. Not only that, in this bridge there is also a Chair to relax. At night, you can see the beautiful blend of dark skies with a combination of lights from the area Majapahit are always crowded.

Location: Jalan Tunjungan No. 12 tiles, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

16. Garden Mundu

The darkness of the night sky Surabaya will not be too feels when you are in the Garden Mundu. Because, one of open green space in Surabaya featured attractions fountain combines with the spotlight very colorful. The fountain proper colored nodes became more lively because of the game LED lights.

Garden Mundu inaugurated in December 2010. Just as children in General, children Mundu also was filled with a wide range of plants. The Park is equipped with a jogging track, playground for children, decorative lights, outdoor air, until the two iconic Mundu tree garden. The Government even provides free drinking water straight from the faucet that can be enjoyed by anyone.

Location: Road Tambaksari Surabaya (opposite the Gelora Ten November)

Business hours: 24 hours

The price of tickets:-

17. He Parks

This one's garden is one of three parks heritage Netherlands. Although its size is relatively small when compared to other parks that are in Surabaya, it was cool and quiet. In fact, the location of the Park He was in the middle of the city — dealing with Building Grahadi.

Extensive Grounds he was about 5300m2. There are about 20 varieties of flowers and plants lovingly furnished in the Park. On the sidelines is beautifully strung upon this plant, making a jogging track that can be used for running, walking, or even play a game of skateboard. Do not forget, the statue also stands upright Suryo Governor in the midst of the garden, complete with quotes from the speech that first gubenur East Java at the bottom of monuman.

Location: The Street Children He, Embong Kaliasin, Tile, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

18. the garden of Flora

The calculated amount of pollution without due to motor vehicles which fulfill the standards, Surabaya itself already hot enough. Located in the near of the sea make this city has a high enough temperature. To this end, the presence of city parks enough help to lower the temperature, oxygen, and reproduce fine beautifying the city.

Garden Flora has a 2.4 hectare land. Originally it was the whole plant nurseries that will be planted across the city. However, since in the area of Rungkut stands Nurseries Wonorejo, entire seedlings were transferred to it. Now enjoying the fresh air, you can enjoy a range of facilities such as the Flora Garden deer enclosure, a giant bird cage, a multipurpose hall, to the library.

Location: Manyar Highway No. 80A Baratajaya, Gubeng, Surabaya

Business hours: daily 7 am-17.00 PM

Ticket prices:-

19. the garden of rainbows

The garden of rainbows is at a very convenient location. Located in the entrance paths toward the city of Surabaya, as though You feel welcomed with hospitality of the city.

As the name suggests, the Park provides a beautiful multicolored Rainbow. This colorful game of lamps lit during nighttime. With a monument composed of 31 fruit trunk roads were designed with curved patterns such as leaves, garden view is very interesting. Coupled with the water flowing on the monument, the atmosphere becomes more soothing.

Location: Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 138, Dipper, Surabaya

Business hours: 17.00-23.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

20. Mangrove Forests

Green nature tours in Surabaya is not only limited to the grounds only. Attractions in Surabaya and other natural green concept can offer you encounter in the area of Wonorejo, Rungkut. Here, you can find forests of mangrove aka mangroves also have started much present in some other cities.

Once through the entrance, you will not find the area of mangrove forests. To watch the fresh green scenery of mangrove forests, you must run first towards the pier. From the pier, you have to climb the boat towards the forest. Or if you want to feel the thrill of climbing the speedboat, you can also rent them for a capacity of six people costing Rp RP 300,000.

Location: Highway No.1 Wonorejo Rungkut, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily 08.00-16.00

Ticket prices: us $25.000,00 to mature, Rp RP 15.0000 for kids

21. bamboo forest

The longer explore Indonesia, you'll increasingly find a lot of tourist attractions similar to those in other countries. In Surabaya itself, there are very many of the attractions that will keep you comfortable in other countries. One of them is the bamboo forest in the area of Keputih. Though not too similar to the bamboo forests at Arashiyama, Bamboo Forest, at least Japan Keputih stylish enough to treat a longing or desire set foot in the land of the cherry blossom.

Once this area is Landfill. After not being used for some time, the Government initiative make it a place worth visiting. Now, you want to just take a walk in the cool environment or add a feed collection in Instagram can visit attractions in Surabaya .

Location: Highway Marina, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya

Hours of operation: every day 06.00-18.00 GMT

Ticket prices:-

22. Kenjeran Beach

One more fitting place to enjoy a sunset beach is Kenjeran. Here, you can enjoy the beautiful sunset while sitting on the sand or the pier. However unfortunate, the beach can be enjoyed for less Kenjeran do swimming activity as other beaches in General. This is because the muddy condition. However, this beach is one of the attractions of the coast Alternatively worth a visit.

There are many things you can do here. In addition to just sit back enjoy the view and ambiance, you can do other activities such as boat rides. For children, the Organizer provides the flying fox to the grassroots. Diverse food vending sold around the beach are also interesting options to enjoy Your relaxing time.

Location: Old Coast Highway No. 12 Surabaya

Business hours: daily 7 am-18.00 PM

Ticket price: 10,000.00

23. Surabaya North Quay

Since February 2016 Surabaya has a new tourist attractions. Surabaya North Quay is now a vibrant place to visit — either local residents or tourists outside the region — especially the start of the afternoon until the evening. The reason, from here, visitors can enjoy the beachside atmosphere — let alone at sunset — in different ways.

SNQ located in the Tanjung Perak Port, located on the third floor of the building the solar Arch Archipelago — the best passenger port in Indonesia. Concepts with pool, you can relax and enjoy the breezy winds above green grass and relaxation in berpayung Chair or lean on a guardrail. From here, you can see the busy port activities. If you want to watch the cruise ships that are lean, you can visit the SNQ every Monday.

Location: Surya Nusantara Gate Terminal Floor 3, Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, East Silver Street

Business hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11.00-21.00 pm

Ticket price: Rp RP 7,500 for cars and Usd 5000.00 for motor

24. Artama Harbour Cruise

As the name suggests, Artama Harbor Cruise is actually not a tourist place in Surabaya, but tourism activities. Managed by PT Pelindo Marine Service, this cruise you can enjoy with your family, colleagues, or even enough on its own.

For two hours, you will be carried around the Strait of Madura. From here, you can watch the maritime splendor of Indonesia, including the port of Tanjung Perak in Surabaya. And of course, you can also see how Jalasveva Jayamahe monument gagahnya from the sea.

Location: Streets Of Prapat Utarano Brackets. 58 Surabaya

Hours of operation: Sunday at 09.00 BST

Ticket price: 120,000.00 Usd

25. Surabaya Zoo

Surabaya's Zoo is one of the tourist attractions in Surabaya, which also includes the Netherlands colonial relics. KBS was established by DECREE of the Governor General of the Netherlands on August 31, 1916, no. 40. In 1922, the KBS had will be disbanded due to high operational costs, but some trustees have objected and prevented by the Government of the municipality.

Family recreation spot was once the largest level of Southeast Asia. There are now more than 2,000 animals of 351 species residing in KBS. The fauna is preserved here not only the origin of Indonesia, but also from other countries.

Location: Setail Road No.1 Darmo, Wonokromo, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily 08.00-17.00 WIB

Ticket price: 10,000.00

26. Ciputra Waterpark

From its name, you certainly can already imagine what and how Ciputra Waterpark. Standing on five acres of land in the area west of Surabaya, Ciputra Waterpark practically became the largest water tour rides in Surabaya. When planning a visit to this city with my family especially with the little one, Ciputra Waterpark is the right destination options.

There are many exciting rides that are worth a try while you're in Ciputra Waterpark. One of them is Sycaruse Beach, which is a wave pool which will make you feel the sensations of bobbing in the middle of the sea as if it was real. In addition, there is another Roc Tower, Sirens River, and the Racer slides that adrenaline. Not only the various water rides, you can also enjoy the excitement of flying fox, trampoline, play or watch cinema 5 d.

Location: The Waterpark Boulevard Citraland, Sambikerep, Surabaya

Business hours: Mon-Fri 13.00-19.00

Saturday-Sunday 10.00-19.00

Ticket price: Rp RP 110,000 (ordinary day)-Rp RP 130,000 (weekends and public holidays)

27. Suroboyo Carnival Night (SCN)

If the stone is usually always made as a recreational destination with various thrilling rides, now Surabaya could be an alternative. Since December 2014, Surabaya has had a place of recreation one more resembling Jatim Park Batu Night Spectacular (BNS). You and your family or friends can now enjoy entertainment with a variety of exciting rides at night on SCN.

If you are in the area of Ahmad Yani toll to Juanda, you can watch from afar Interestingly OASIS entertainment on this one. In addition to the fairly high Ferris wheel rides to enjoy a apiknya view of the blips of light from a height, you can experience a variety of other rides. Throughout the night, you can try out the excitement of Art And Wax House, Bumper Car, Omah Mumet, Gondal-Gandul, and many other rides.

Location: Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 333, Dukuh Menanggal, Gayungan, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily at 17.00-23.00 pm

Ticket price: USD 60,000.00 – 150,000.00 Usd (depending on the vehicle that wants to climb)

28. Red Bridge

Red Bridge is not merely a bridge covered with red paint. There is historical value stored here.

History recorded, Red Bridge is the main area of the Kalimas liaison and Residency Building in Surabaya. Practically, this became wiliayah commercial area. In addition, the bridge is also a battle between arek arek Suroboyo- against the Netherlands that killed Brigdair A.W.S. Mallaby is happening.

Location: Street Hawk, Krembengan, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

29. Suramadu bridge

The longest bridge in Indonesia are located here. With a length of more than five kilometres, now travel from Surabaya to Madura or otherwise become more efficient and convenient. In just minutes, you've officially moved the island.

Although its main function as a conduit, not least the public who just want to try out the sensation in the bridge. Mostly, after making the crossing to the island, they will be turning back in Bangkalan area and returned to Surabaya. Moreover, when the evening when the lights on the bridge lit and blips from mainland glowed, the more people who want to capture its beauty.

Location: Motorway Embankment Suramadu, Wedi, Kenjeran, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket price: USD 15,000.00

30. the new Bridge Kenjeran

New bridge Kenjeran also was only a year after it was inaugurated in January 2016. 800 meter bridge connecting the coastal area at Jalan Pantai Baru and Kenjeran Rias Coast Kenjeran long.

Supported by 150 powerboats, this bridge is formed curved resembling a bow. As for the other charms of this bridge is fountains. However, this performance is not valid per day. If deliberately want to see attractions that only lasts an hour (from 20.00-21.00), you can come on Saturday night.

Location: Long Beach Freeways, Kenjeran, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

31. the four Face Buddha statue

Don't need all the way to Bangkok, Thailand, to witness the Four faces Buddha statue that was popular. In the area of Kenjeran, Surabaya, there are similar statues can be visited more easily. Made of gold that makes him look so shiny — especially during nighttime — a statue of was also crowned as the highest sculpture in Indonesia.

The four face Buddha is not made without meaning. Four faces symbolize the four properties of both the Buddha, that is compassionate, generous, fair, and meditation. In addition to the statues of Buddha, you will also find four statues of white elephants in every corner. In addition if the note, eight Buddhist hand hold different objects, namely a stick of greatness, discs, Scripture, and several others.

Location: Beach Road New Sukolilo Kenjeran, Ria, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily 08.00-17.00 WIB

Ticket price: 10,000.00

32. the image of the Kingdom

If you want to go to Singapore but has yet to recall, you may be able to set foot into a replica of the existing Singapore in Surabaya. The once-barren land has now been transformed into a clean, green areas, and modern. Even to add to the impression of Singapore to be more real, there's a repilka statue of Merlion here.

The area was originally a self-contained city that is rendered by the Ciputra Group. In addition, the image of the Kingdom of Surabaya also has a wide array of other amenities, such as water parks, school with international standards, the University, to the golf course with 27 holes.

Location: The Way The Image Of The Kingdom, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

33. Akbar Mosque

Attractions in Surabaya was one of the Favorites to Muslims. This mosque is the second biggest mosque in Indonesia after Istiqlal mosque in Jakarta. As for the uniqueness of this mosque is the design of the dome are blue-green with leaves that give the impression of cool and peace. In addition, the interior design of any interesting and luxury.

Visitors come not only to perform the service. You can also enjoy views of the city of Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Bangkalan (Madura) through the Tower setingi 99 meters.

Location: Masjid Al-Akbar Road East no. 1 Pagesangan, Pots, Surabaya

Hours of operation: Hours of worship (except towers)

Ticket prices:-(to ride the Tower pay Rp 3.000,00)

34. Masjid Muhammad Zheng He

You've probably heard of Cheng Ho Mosque in another city. In Surabaya, you could find a Chinese muslim mosque was nuanced. The building resembles this temple dominated the color red, green, and yellow ornaments with nuance.

There is some uniqueness in this mosque. First, the small size of only covering an area of 11 x 11 (m) is taken from the size of the Kaaba when first founded the Prophet Ibrahim. Second, the roof of the mosque made octagonal resembles a nest of spiders. In Chinese, the number eight kepercaayaan considered good fortune, and the nest of spiders is the thing that saved the Prophet Muhammad from the pursuit of the Quraish. In addition, the number of stairs on the right and left doors numbered five and six. This figure is the symbol of the Islamic tenets and the tenets of the ima.

Location: Ivory Way No. 2 Ketabang, Tile, Surabaya

Hours of operation: Hours of worship

Ticket prices:-

35. the mosque of Ampel

Another attraction which became the religious tourism destination for Muslims in Surabaya was the mosque of Ampel. This ancient mosque located near the cemetery one of the Wali Sanga was named the same, Sunan Ampel. It is set in the middle of Ampel and settlement surrounded by buildings which are Arabic and Chinese. Being here will also remind you of the kampung Arab with many merchants who peddle goods exactly as in the Arab region.

In addition to the arsitkektur and the atmosphere, there are many more the uniqueness of the mosque of Ampel. To enter the mosque, you will go through the gate first. There are five gates into Your welcoming — each gate symbolizes the tenets of Islam. In addition, on the left side of the mosque there is a well. The well is believed to bring good luck and is often used as boosters promise or oath.

Location: Pegirian, Semampir, Surabaya, Ampel

Hours of operation: Hours of worship

Ticket prices:-

36. the Church of the Virgin Mary

A place of worship on this one is also called with the name of the Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ancient architecture of this church became the main attraction of the brick exterior with European classical with typical pillars. Not only in appearance, are in fact the Church of Kepanjen also has indeed ancient enough considering the age of the establishment was on April 18, 1899.

Neo Gothic building was designed by a Netherlands-born named asritek d. Westmaas, and the original architect of Indonesia named Widjosastro who were involved in Muljono make mosaic glass design. Even though it looks magnificent, it apparently never caught fire when destroyed by battle in 1945. By the United Kingdom, the Church was destroyed an all-out. New in the year 1950, the Church was renovated in a major way by not changing the structure of the building.

Location: Road No. 4-6 Kepanjen, Krembangan, Surabaya

Hours of operation: Hours of worship

Ticket prices:-

37. Kelenteng Hong Tiek Hian

This Temple became the landmark Chinatown area of Surabaya. There are many shrines with the altar ornaments typical of China's interest here. On the ground floor there is the altar of Mak co. and Kong co., while the second floor is the altar of the Goddess of Kwan Im, Buddhism, and the gods and deities.

The age of this temple has hit seven centuries and become the oldest temple in Surabaya. When the evening, the atmosphere of the Temple will look so calm. With the fragrance of joss sticks that filled the room and lighted candles in the middle of the darkness, a procession of prayer becomes more khusyuk. Current views are often a favorite of photographers. No wonder, not a few hunters photos visit these locations to get a beautiful portrait.

Location: the way the host No. 23 RT002/RW005, Customs Cantian, Surabaya

Hours of operation: Hours of worship

Ticket prices:-

38. in 1947, the great Temple

In addition to the presence of a statue of the goddess of Kwan Im 18 meters tall overlooking the sea, the uniqueness of the Sanggar Agung Temple is another location. Located right on the sea caused the temple is shaped like a small Bay and is surrounded by mangrove plants that beautify the surroundings. Multicultural architecture also became an attraction. There is a mix of Chinese elements, Java, and Bali here.

In front of the statue of the goddess of Kwan Im, there are two statues of dragons is very high. Many people capture the moment of their existence in the temple that is also called the Temple of Tan Hong Sang it here. Against the backdrop of the sea, a statue of a dragon flanked the Dewi Kwan Im with the Gru, a look will be felt as if it was in Taiwan.

Location: Road no Sukolilo, Surabaya, 100

Hours of operation: Hours of worship

Ticket prices:-

39. Temple of Heaven

Again, at an angle, there is one of the attractions in Surabaya will bring You as if it were in other countries. This time still in Kenjeran, Kenjeran Park, there is a temple of Heaven Beijing clone. In fact, the, measuring greater than the original Temple of Heaven. Consists of three floors, the building has a diameter of 60 meters along with a height of 58 metres.

Other differences, Temple of Heaven Kenjeran deliberately opened to the public, unlike in China that is reserved only for certain circles. Part of this was deliberately designed without specific trinkets filled in the blank. The reason? Because the building was not reserved for certain classes of religious places and thus created as a multipurpose building. Here's an explanation of why the entire general public can go into here.

Location: streets of Sukolilo No. 100 New Sukolilo, Surabaya,

Hours of operation: daily 07.00-18.00 GMT

Ticket prices:-

40. Delta Plaza

When you pay a visit to Surabaya by train and stop at Station Gubeng, Delta Plaza is a shopping center nearby that you can visit. The distance is only about 500 meters even, so you simply cross over and walk to the Mall.

Formerly, this shopping center is a hospital. Since about the late 1980 's, the building later became dialihfungsikan after the previous shopping centre operational hospital turned off. Now, though not as majestic as Tunjungan Plaza, a six-storey building is quite lively and interest by the visitors, including Surabaya citizens themselves.

Location: the Street Youth 33-37 Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10.00-22.00 pm

Ticket prices

: -

41. Tunjungan Plaza

After exploring the corners of cities that aren't too accentuates the impression of metropolisnya, now is the time You get to know the various well-known shopping centre in Surabaya. Tunjungan Plaza shopping centre is the most iconic and well known here. Stands majestically in the Centre of the city, Tunjungan Plaza at once became the second largest shopping centre and the oldest at Surabaya.

Since its founding in 1986, the Mall was never quiet. Now in addition to being the center of shopping and entertainment, this area is also equipped with offices, hotels, and luxury apartments.

Location: Basuki Rahmat Street 16-18 Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10.00-22.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

42. the Atomic Market

Historically, the name Atomic Market has been quite synonymous when people hear the name of Surabaya. Founded in 1972, this shopping center is one of the largest market that existed in Indonesia. Not only the physical buildings, large numbers of visitors who come each day is also quite a lot. On average, there are about 50,000 visitors who meet daily Atomic Market. When the weekend, the number of visitors could be many two to three fold.

The number of the booth that is on the market around 2000 Atoms with various kinds of goods on offer. For the gold alone, there are about 150 shops in the gold market. For clothing, there are about 500 stalls opened at Atomic Market. Quite a lot, isn't it? Therefore, when visiting here, you do not need to be in a hurry to decide on buying something without comparing with other stores. Moreover, in the market, you can bargain with the seller.

Location: streets of Bunguran No. 45 Bongkaran, Customs Cantian, Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10:00-18:00 GMT

Ticket prices:-

43. Grand City Mall

Grand City Mall is one of the biggest perbelenjaan Center in Surabaya at once enter into the category of elite shopping center. From physical, you certainly can not guess about the class for the size of the Mall. Standing on land covering an area of 4.5 hectares, this building looks so fancy with a clear, modern impression.

No liability-tanggug, design Grand City Mall inspired by Suntec Singapore. PT Hardayawidya Graha intends to be Gran City as the venue of the most representative for the large-scale events — even internationally. This shopping center even not only functioned as one of the facilities the modern man with a lifestyle that is more like the concept of one stop shopping, but also as one step MICE.

Location: the way the Mayor an efficacious No.1 Ketabang, Tile, Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10.00-22.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

44. Hometown Science

If it has, then the Palasari Bandung Surabaya has a Kampung Science in the area of the road. Especially among students, this place certainly is no longer foreign.

Not only books related to college or school are sold in stalls here. You can also find magazines, comics, children's books, novels, and more. With the former conditions are still good, the price you spend to get a reading of course would not be expensive.

Location: Streets Of Semarang, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily 08.00-18.00 GMT

Ticket prices:-

45. Red Bridge Plaza

Previously, the building now known as the Red Bridge Plaza is a city bus terminal and mikrolet. In 1997, the terminal dialihfungsikan into a four-storey-tall shopping malls managed by PT. Service partners.

The goods sold in the JMP has a good quality, at an affordable price. As for the types of goods that are available here, such as pakaan, fabric, jewelry, and home appliances. In addition, there are also several areas for forging playground and restaurants fast-food restaurant.

Location: Jayanegrono Park Road No. 2-4, Krembangan Krembangan, Surabaya, South

Hours of operation: daily 09.00-21.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

46. Plaza Marina

Not too broad, majestic, and a large shopping centre is indeed this one. Just as high as three stories, but now the Marina Plaza so famous and crowded by visitors. Whereas in the past, this shopping center includes a pretty deserted. But now, the parking lot is always full filled and not infrequently the cause of crashes.

Plaza Marina shopping centre is the electronic goods are identical to the prices are relatively cheap. Some of the most famous phone brand opens an outlet and service centre of them here. Due to the completeness of that, society — even visitors from out of town — many came to this place.

Location: Margorejo Road 97-99 Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10 am-9 pm

Ticket prices:-

47. Pakuwon Mall

Such a Grand City, outside of any building already looks superiorly. And recently, the shopping center has been claimed as the largest shopping centre in Indonesia. Consists of six floors, Pakuwon Mall provides a diverse community needs and complete enough, especially from upscale brands.

Pakuwon Mall with condominiums and hotels. The Mall is actually an extension of the Supermall Pakuwon Indah shopping center (SPI) and Pakuwon Trade Center (PTC). Further, thus uniting the two Group Pakuwon the mall with Pakuwon Mall. Thus, extensive Pakuwon Mall reached 180,000 m2.

Location: Beautiful Summit Epigraphs Road 2, Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10.00-22.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

48. Pakuwon Food Festival

You certainly can already guess what will be found if it is in this place. Since the year 2008, Pakuwon Food Festival became an alternative tourist sites for lovers of food. The wide variety of foods and beverages ranging from light snacks to a heavy, all are here.

On weekends, visitors Pakuwon Food Festival will be grieved. Even according to the data, the number of visitors can reach 11 thousand. A very reasonable thing because in addition to being a place that provides a varied cuisine with proper hygiene is maintained, the price offered was also very affordable. Therefore, if you only have a short time visit to Surabaya and want to taste the culinary variety of typical, just come to this place.

Location: Streets Of Kejawan Pearl White X, Mulyorejo, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily at 17.00-00.00 WIB

Ticket prices:-

49. Kya-Kya Zodiac

Still one Sanggar Agung Temples with location and Pagoda Tian Ti aka Temple of Heaven Kenjeran, Kya-Kya Zodiac should not miss. This place has a pretty vibrant mix of colors. Not only that, Kya-Kya Zodiac is also an attractive spot for hunting photos.

Upon entering the area, you will be greeted with a full arch 12 Zodiac existing according to the beliefs of Chinese society. Kya-Kya Zodiac is itself a place packed aka pujasera. Even a lot of information that mentions it is the relocation of the Kya-Kya Jepun are legendary. Here, you can rest your legs and body after satisfied toured while filling the stomach with stunning beaches and mangrove forests.

Location: Jalan Surabaya Sukolilo No. 100

Business hours: daily 10.00-22.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

50. Rawon Devil

The name of the devil is now probably rawon encountered in various other cities. However, the original demon rawon — and not opening a branch — exist in Surabaya. Since 1990, the famous and the already Vicious Rawon became one of the pre-eminent Surabaya in terms of culinary.

As a complement to rice with pieces of meat is very tender and the marinade, you could add other toppings. Fitting, rawon combined with salted egg, fried tempeh, jerked meat, and others according to taste. Most importantly, the presence of sambal should certainly not be overlooked. You can ask the seller if felt lacking.

Location: Road No. 78 Night Embong, a Tile, Bangkok

Business hours: Sunday-Thursday 8 am-23.00 pm

Monday-Friday 08.00-16.00 and 18.00-04.00 PM

Price: from Usd 34,000 entrance

51. Fat Pack Racing rice cake

What are the most typical culinary of Surabaya? Lontong Balap! Of the many sellers who peddle lontong racing, you can go ride racing rice cake delights the legendary Fat Pack since 1956.

Sliced rice cake which is very delicious combined with clear soup with taste, berdecak will make you satisfied. Not to mention with sambal and letho-his increasingly exciting flavours. With recipes and techniques passed down through generations of a family heritage, culinary loyal customers is growing.

Location: Road No. 60 Kranggan Sawahan, Surabaya

Hours of operation: daily 09.00-20.00

Price: 10,000.00

52. Klopo Satay

Sate Klopo Ondomohen Surabaya, opening branches in other towns. Therefore, please allocate a unique food to enjoy in Surabaya while on vacation to the city.

There are several options you can enjoy the Satay: Satay shrimp satay, intestine, chicken satay, beef satay, sate and intestines. Making a pun just like making other sate-skewers. Pieces of meat that have been compiled on a bamboo skewer, burned, and then served with peanut complete with onion and sliced chili. That makes it different is punctured, meat tersebt before it's been first mixed with spices and coconut that has been roasted peanuts.

Location: the way the Mayor an efficacious No. 36 Surabaya

Hours of operation: every day at 06.30-23.30 GMT

Price: IDR 20,000.00 per serving

53. fried rice Jancuk

You certainly are no longer strangers to swear on this one. In addition to the words that condemn, the word ' jancuk ' can also be a word of greeting to a close. Then, how about the origin of the name of foods on this one?

Apparently the name ' Jancuk ' fried rice is also not a deliberate thing. At that time, the chefs create dishes for tema-temannya. Who would have thought, apparently he was making fried rice that is different from usual. When spooning the cooked rice into his mouth, a friend of the chef spontaneously say, "pedes, Jancuk, Cak!" Since then, the fried rice has a unique name.

Location: Restaurant Kartini Surabaya Plaza Hotel, Plaza Boulevard, the Street Youth 31-37 Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10.00-22.00 pm

Price: 150,000.00 Usd

54. ice cream Zangrandi

Culinary business lately are becoming increasingly popular and many do a lot of parties. Legitimate fine actually. It's just that, indeed, some of the constraints that normally appear less consistency is a matter of taste.

However, the ice cream is guaranteed this one will make your tongue was hooked. Since 1930, this ice cream shop managed to stay afloat despite the growing number of competitors. As for the characteristics of ice cream on this one is a little rough texture because not too much milk. In addition, the architecture is still very creamy with a colonial past, the tempo of the Netherlands also made the ice cream shop is more interesting to visit.

Location: Jalan Yos Sudarso No. 15 Embong Kaliasin, Tile, Surabaya

Business hours: daily 10.00-22.00 pm

Price: IDR 20,000.00

55. Batik home

Each region in the archipelago has a different batik pattern between one and the other. Unfortunately, this uniqueness is still not really well understood community. To this day, still regarded batik Pekalongan batik is familiar, Yogyakarta, Solo, and Cirebon.

There is a tourist place in Surabaya who show off their special collection from a variety of counties and cities, particularly in the area of East Java. Don't just buy and see a collection of batik, you can also learn how there.

Location: Road Embankment Dukuh I no. 4 Surabaya

Business hours: Monday-Friday 08.00-20.00

Saturday-Sunday 08.00-19.00 WIB

Ticket prices:-

56. Building SIOLA

This historic building is quite attractive with a very strategic location. SIOLA lengthwise on the road and the road Tunjungan Tile Times forming the corner at the meeting of two roads that. The design is still very ancient architecture is quite attracting attention from a distance.

The history of this building is long enough. After the independence, SIOLA functioned as a shopping centre in Surabaya until the year 1998. Furthermore in the year 2015, this building dialihfungsikan as government offices. Now in addition to the functions as Museum Surabaya, SIOLA also enabled for Office Office of occupation and civil registration, and the Office of the coordinating body of services and capital investment.

Location: Jalan Tunjungan, Surabaya, Tile

Business hours: Tuesday-Sunday 09.00-21.00 pm

Ticket prices:-

57. Sugar Street

You are fond of photography or love things that smell antique undue Miss attractions in Surabaya on this one. As well as other old town, you will find many ancient buildings in the path of this sugar. Not much changed since hundreds of years ago, from morning to afternoon, the area was still crowded with such trade.

The road is actually a small alley was even reportedly is already a commercial area since the time of Majapahit Kingdom. In addition to the old-style buildings, Netherlands you will find a place of worship of the former Confucianism. Diverse ornaments typical of China also is here, like the statue of a lion and a dragon, the great pillars soaring high, and the roof is typical of ancient China.

Location: Sugar Road, Shanghai

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

58. the path of Heroes

Not too different from the way the sugar, you can explore the area with a camera and intuition. Along the way, there are Heroes very much building relics days of the Netherlands historikal and very tempting to be photographed.

Historically, this area was already crowded. His name was at that time the square Straat. In a photo taken in 1930, the visible condition of the square with various Straat human activity. In that period, gig is still operating on the street, hand in hand with the car and also the electric trams.

Location: Jalan Pahlawan, Surabaya

Business hours: 24 hours

Ticket prices:-

59. Steamed Sandwich Heroes

After satisfied surrounds and visit diverse attractions in Surabaya, there is no harm in You buy for yourself or someone else. As a fruit of the hand, you can visit the outlets of the liner Steamed the famous Hero.

Steamed layer cake has a very soft texture and is made from cassava flour. On top of steamed sandwich there is fliing cream the right — not too sweet and condensed which makes eneg. As the toppings, cheese grater that cornucopia into steamed layer cake-complete heroes.

Location: streets of Jagir Sidomukti IX No. 107 Wonokromo, Surabaya

Business hours: daily 7 am-9 pm

Price: Rp RP 26,000 – Rp RP 29,000

60. Spikoe Ancient Recipes

As the name implies, this cake recipe is a legacy of family hereditary since the 1970 's. The mind feels kept awake with very good, any texture is very soft.

The look of this ancient Recipe Spikoe cake is simple, that is, Brown and yellow with a little grain of raisins in the middle layer. However, the simplicity of this looks so elegant. Coupled with packaging that gives the impression of ancient Recipes Spikoe elite, it also could You make as gifts or souvenirs.

Location: Jalan Rungkut Vice No. 41 Gununganyar, Rungkut, Surabaya

Business hours: daily 7:00-20.30 WIB

Price: from Usd 75,000.00

The need to be attentive, quite a lot of attractions in Surabaya, which does not require a fee for admission. But normally, you will still be charged for parking. In addition to the shopping mall, the magnitude of the relative standard parking charges for Surabaya. When you berkendaa with motor, generally you will be charged a parking fee of $2000.00. If You are visiting by car, generally you will only be charged a parking fee of $5000.00.

There are also several attractions that don't require you to pay any fees. However, as a token of appreciation, it doesn't hurt you gave some money to the amount of the diikhlaskan. Sights like this is usually a historical place and guarded by local people (for example the museum of w. r. Supratman).

Now that is some reference of attractions in Surabaya are interesting to visit. Either come alone or with family or friends, every corner of the city of Surabaya is too dear to be missed. As a major city and witness the struggle of a nation, there are many stories recorded on old buildings, trees hundreds of years on the sidewalk, and others. With a little bit of the above information, you can begin to shop around and find more stories. Happy travelling!

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