60 Tourist Attractions in Magelang must-see At holiday time

Destinations such as Bali, Lombok, Yogyakarta, Malang, or must have been frequently visited to fill the vacation time. Frankly, these destinations have attractions that are very interesting and it's a shame to miss. However, have you ever been to Magelang?

If traced deeper, it turns out that an awful lot of Magelang's sights are just as Interestingly as Bali and Lombok, ranging from a culinary, culture, history, and nature tours. The following tourist destinations that you will meet at the city of Hope's famous culinary will know kupatnya.

1. the Church's Chicken

This one became popular destinations thanks to film what is it with love 2. As the name suggests, this church is indeed shaped to resemble a cock being sat with the Crown above its head. Church's chicken is in the same location with the Hill of Rhema and became one of the Church's unique because of its shape.

There are 4 levels you will meet in the Church's chicken. The first level is the ceiling of the Church featuring a room of the Church as a whole. Then, there's the chicken's neck in the second degree, and half of chicken bergincu on level three. At the top level, the Crown chicken offers a more natural landscape extends around the building.

The location of the church there are Chickens in the hamlet of Gombong, village Kembanglimus, district of Borobudur, Magelang Regency. About 2.5 kilometers to the West of Borobudur Temple. Ticket price is Rp 5,000 to Rp 10,000 and local travelers to foreign tourists.

Church's chicken is open daily from 05.00 – 17.00 WIB

2. Borobudur Temple

The Temple became one of the tourist attractions in Magelang that became a favorite destination for tourists, especially foreign tourists. Founded around the year 800 A.d. by House of Sailendra dynasty, the Temple became one of the seven wonders of the world.

Inside the temple, there are as many as 504 Buddha statues. In addition, there is one of the largest stupas at the top of the building that serves as the Crown of the temple. Around the Crown there are 72 circular stupas in three rows with statues in it. It was said, if able to touch the statue in hand, whatever your desires will be fulfilled.

The location of the temple is on JL. Badrawati, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. To get to by bus or Borobudur-Magelang city with private vehicles. Ticket price is Rp 40,000 for local tourists, Rp 20,000 for students and children aged 4-6 years, and USD25 for foreign tourists. The temple is open daily from 06.00 – 17.00 WIB.

3. Garden Kyai Lasting

Garden Park is a Lasting Religious education and recreation for families. This Park is named after the name of the freedom fighters during the battle of Prince Diponegoro who is buried in the garden area. Built on a land area of 5 ha, you could try a myriad of rides and facilities while enjoying views of the charming artificial forest nature.

In addition to visiting the nature, you can also invite children to try out water rides, games, educational, adventure, to religious tourism. Some of the rides at the Park will be charged additional contributions and are not included in the ticket, such as swimming pools, water ball, flying fox, and others.

The location of the garden of Kyai Lasting is on JL. Cempaka No. 6 the town of Magelang. From Magelang Artos, take a left and follow the directions of the road. Ticket price is Rp 20,000 for the work day, and Rp 25,000 for weekends and holidays. Garden Tours Lasting Kyai is open every day from 08.00 – 16.30 pm.

4. Mount of Tidar

Tidar Hill touted as "Java Pakunya", rehearsed and the Military Academy. Some sources say that the name of tidar given meaning "dead" or "modar" in Javanese. In ancient times, if people visit the Hill is always dead or modar.

The atmosphere is still very own Tidar Hills of beautiful and natural, because it is surrounded by towering pine trees. Here, you can find the tomb of Shaykh's supposedly believed as the Conqueror of the mount Tidar. Kyai also buried here Along, which is 7 meters along the spear belonging to Sheikh Subakhir.

The tomb of the last that you will encounter are eating Kyai Semar, trusted as jin porters Hill Tidar. In addition to the mausoleum, you will also find a spacious field with monument bersimbol Sa's letters believed to be Pakunya Java.

Tidar is located in the hills of the village, Kecamatan Magersari South Magelang. Surrounding roads of JL. Pemuda, JL. Jend. Sudirman, JL. Sarwo Eddie, and JL. Gatot Subroto. From Magelang heading into the ghetto Barakan in the back of the terminal. Free admission. There is no limit on the hours of the visit, but preferably not later than 17.00 WIB.

5. Pawon Temple

Pawon Temple was found among bushes in case of damaged at the beginning of the 20th century, then start again restored in 1903. The name Pawon Temple according to the Java language means that the kitchen, but where does the origin of the name Pawon Temple origin is not known.

One of the archaeologists, J.G. de Casparis said that once used to Pawon Temple perabuan place one King of Syailendra dynasty. However, there is no Buddha statues to corroborate the statement. Instead, at the outer wall of Pawon Temple is decorated with a biodiversity tree became the symbol of kalpataru. Ornament this tree flanked by coffers are also human-headed creature with the body of a bird or the Kinara Kinari-.

Location of Pawon Temple existed in the village Brojonalan, Village Wanurejo, district of Borobudur, Magelang Regency. In between Mendut and Borobudur Temple. Drive as far as 1.7 kilometers east from Borobudur or about 1.2 kilometres west from Mendut Temple. Entrance fee of Rp 1,800 to Rp 3,300 local tourists and for foreign tourists. Pawon Temple is open daily from 06.00 – 17.00 WIB.

6. the Mendut Temple

Adjacent to Pawon Temple, you can find the Mendut Temple. The temple was rediscovered in 1836 in a State of collapse. When rearranged to do restoration, part of the roof of the Mendut Temple never recovered.

According to J.G. de Casparis archaeology, Mendut temple built by the Syailendra dynasty during the reign of King Indra year 824 ad. Based on the contents of the inscription Karangtengah in that same year, mentioned that King Indra has established a holy building called Wenuwana which means bamboo forest. Meaning of the word Wenuwana this is manifested by the establishment as the origin Casparis Mendut Temple.

In it, you can see 3 pieces of statues, that is the statue of Dhyani Buddhas Vairocana that diimpit by Boddisatwa Avalokitesvara and boddhisatva Vajrapani. On the edge of the staircase, there is a relief depicting the story of Pancatantra and Jataka.

The location of the mendut Temple is on JL. Maj. Sills, Mungkit, town of Magelang. Be precise about 3 kilometers from the temple. You will pay a contribution amounting to Rp 5,000. Mendut Temple is open daily from 06.00 – 17.00 WIB.

7. Candi Ngawen

At first glance, the attractions of Magelang is similar to Hindu temples because it has a tapered structure that became the hallmark of a Hindu temple. However, if seen more thoroughly, there are stupas and stair steps that became a symbol of all main temple Budhha. Coupled with the discovery of the statue of Dhyani Buddhas statue at Ratnasambhawa Temple number II.

Consisting of small temples numbered 5, Candi Ngawen again probably built by Sailendra dynasty Dynasty in the 7th century CE. X Candi Ngawen uniqueness is the statue of a lion, totalling 4 pieces at the corners of temple number II and IV. Of the five temples, Temple number only II and IV only had the same structure. In addition to the lion statues at the corner, there is a statue of a lion, the cantilever of the Temple became another uniqueness of Candi Ngawen you can find.

Candi Ngawen, Ngawen Subdistrict located in Muntilan, Magelang Regency. Be precise about 5 kilometers from Yogyakarta before the Mendut Temple. There is no entrance fee. Mendut Temple is open daily from 06.00 – 17.00 WIB.

8. Candi Canggal

Also called Temple Mount Wukir or Shiwalingga. This temple is one of the Hindu temple. In accordance with the contents of the Sanskrit Canggal inscription found on the pages of the Temple in the year 1879, Candi Canggal stood in the days of old Mataram Kingdom around the year 732 a.d., during the reign of King Sanjaya. The inscriptions were written in Sanskrit this is what being the main source of the origin of the establishment of the Candi Canggal.

In addition to the contents of the Sanskrit Canggal inscription, 3 pieces of a statue in front of Candi Canggal also becomes a marker that this temple is a Hindu temple. A third statue was Nandi or heifer, the Lingam as a symbol of Lord Shiva, and the Yoni. Candi Canggal yard, you could find 4 pieces of the temple the temple is composed of 3 officers and 1 main temples (Candi Canggal itself).

The location of the temple there is a swatch of Canggal in Hamlet, village Kadiluwih, Salam, Magelang Regency. At the top of the Hill of the western slopes of Mount Wukir, Merapi. Using public transport heading to the village of Ngluwar Sub-district Kadiluwih, Dusun Canggal. Then proceed on foot towards the Hill. Without entrance fees and limit hours visitors, however, should not visit later than 17.00 BST because access roads are pretty hard toward the temple.

9. Selogriyo Temple

Selogriyo Temple is also a Hindu temple which was built around the 8th century AD. According to some sources, the Selogriyo Temple was made at the same time with the existing temples at Dieng plateau. Although found in a State of collapse, still clearly visible presence of 5 statues in the temples, namely, statues of Ganesha, Durga, Nandiswara, Agastya, and Mahakala.

One of the uniqueness of this Temple is Selogriyo peak-shaped fruit, called keben Amalaka. The temple was used as a place of Hindu Kings Road has a shower which was said could cure a variety of ailments and create ageless.

Attractions in Magelang is located in the hamlet of Campurrejo, the village of Windusari Kembangkuning sub-district, Magelang Regency. Nearby is the route of line direction of Magelang-Bandongan with Bandongan Market benchmark. From here, follow the directions of the Board towards the temple. Without entrance fees and visiting hours restriction, however not later than 17.00 GMT each day.

10. Candi Lumbung

There is no source that tells the origin of the name of this Buddhist temple, but the shape of the temples that resemble barns make society gave the name of this temple Barns. And until now, the tourist attractions in Magelang is known as Candi Lumbung.

Candi Lumbung is a cluster of temples by as much as 17 buildings, with 1 main temple surrounded by 16 Temple officers. The main temple building has the shape of a polygon with 20 sides, which unfortunately, is now only left its ruins only. On the wall outside, you can see a painting of a pair of men in real size, named Kuvera and Hariti.

Sixteenth Temple officers surrounding the main temple facing entirely to the main temple. The difference with the officers of the temple is the main temple can be seen on the walls of the temple officers without any decoration. Candi Lumbung is one part of the temples Sengi.

The location of the temple there is a barn in the village Tlatar, village Krogowanan, Sawwangan Sub-district, Magelang Regency. To be precise, the temple is situated on the banks of the Kali Apu, the slopes of the Western side of Mount Merapi. You could be headed to the site and took the route of Yogyakarta-Magelang towards Ketep through Blabak. Entrance to the temple is Rp 10,000 per person. Candi Lumbung is open from 06.00 – 17.00 GMT each day.

11. the Temple Mount Sari

Reportedly, the Temple Mount Sari was the site of the oldest Hindu temples exist in Java. Its hilltop location in the mountains makes the sights in Magelang was not much known to the community. After walking past paddy fields with fresh natural scenery for 20 minutes, you can find the website of this historic building.

But unfortunately, only the ruins of the stone remains of this temple. In fact, it is unknown as to what the original form of this Hindu temple. However, dispersion and piles of rocks, Gunung Sari Temple is estimated to have a main temple and several officers around him. According to locals, there are still many ruins hidden in the ground and has not been found.

This temple is on the top of Mount Sari, Gulon Village, Salam, Magelang Regency. Just one hour away by vehicle from Borobudur Temple. Because of its unspoiled, you will not be charged any fee when they visit. However, due to access in the form of a path past the rice paddies to mount, please pay a visit later than 17.00 WIB.

12. Candi Losari

Temple recently found in Losari 2004. Reportedly, formerly the location of the existence of the temple was buried by the eruption of Mount Merapi lava around the year 900-an ad. Hundreds of years later, an owner of garden salak named Badri digging trenches and found rocks that allegedly Losari Temple ruins.

Losari Temple has one main temple and 3 temples. However, making the temple be unique Losari is immersed in water. In fact, the water found in the Court of the Temple could reach 2-3 meters. This water is not from rain water, but instead of springs that become one with the building of the temple.

Based on the shapes and carvings found on the bebatuannya Temple, the Losari is a Hindu temple built during the Hindu Kingdom, approximately the 7th century AD. In addition, the discovery of this Temple is allegedly still existing Losari relation with the contents of the Sanskrit Canggal inscription which happens to be located not far from the temple.

Attractions in Magelang is located in the hamlet of Losari Village, Salam, Salam, Magelang Regency. From the bridge of the border bridge which is the Krasak area of Yogyakarta and Central Java, about 300 meters, aka tone directions to the location of the temple. Because it has not yet officially opened, visited this temple is free of charge. You can visit starting at 08.00 – 17.00 GMT each day.

13. Candi Asu Sengi

The temple is actually not named Asu Sengi. In fact, the name of the temple is unknown. Initially, the local people see the statue of a bull or Nandi damaged that resembles a dog. Finally, the citizens decided to give the name of the Asu (which means dog in Javanese), and temple to the Sengi. The name itself is taken from the name of the Sengi village where this temple is found.

Reportedly, Candi Asu Sengi is one building left by the ancient Mataram Kingdom descendants of Sanjaya. Just like most other Hindu temples in temple walls Asu Sengi there are many relief -Kinara Kinari.

In the neighborhood Temple, found some inscriptions, such as the inscriptions of Sri Sri Manggala Manggala I and II made in the year 874 and 876 CE. Then there is also the Kurambitan Inscription of the temple wrote that Asu Sengi was built around the year 869 A.d., exactly when Rakai Kayuwangi Sanjaya from being successful. In addition, it is told that Candi Asu Sengi is used as a holy place to worship.

Candi Asu Sengi Hamlet located at the Temple of the post, the village of Sengi, district shaman, Magelang Regency. Precisely on the West slope of Mount Merapi, on the banks of the river Tlingsing Pabelan, about 25 kilometers east of Borobudur Temple. Not far from Candi Asu, you can visit Candi Pendem and barn. You can visit starting at 08.00 – 17.00 WIB by preparing the cost contribution of approximately Rp. 10,000.

14. Warm Springs Temple Umbul

In a temple There, you will not only become the grandly former Hindu temples of ancient Mataram Kingdom dating back to the 9th century Ce earlier, you can also enjoy a warm bath in the pond of the temple. It was said, the first outdoor warm water is used the King's daughter to cleanse themselves after carrying out rituals in the temple.

The origin of the name Umbul on this temple is due to the emergence of air bubbles from the bottom of the pool. In the Java language, the word ' there ' meaning emerge. Bathing Temple Umbul divided 2, outdoor warm water and rooftop water. Around the site of the baths, you could find a used rock Temple ruins There. While the Foundation of Hindu temples are still buried.

There is a temple located in the village of Kartoharjo, Grabag, Magelang Regency, side by side with the Curug Sekar Langit and Telaga Bleder. From the town of Magelang, Magelang-Semarang lines take up Sappanwood. Search directions towards Grabag, and follow the instructions. Attractions in Magelang is open daily from 06.00 – 17.00 WIB and costs contributions to approximately Rp 10,000 per person.

15. Ketep Pass

Former attractions named Viewing Ketep is built on land covering an area of 8000 square meters. From here, you can enjoy the spectacular natural scenery while doing a variety of traditional specialities, such as roasted corn and hot ginger milk.

To increase the number of visitors, currently at Ketep Pass also built several facilities associated with the activity, for example the Museum of volcanology. In this museum, you can see all the activity of Mount Merapi. There is also a mini-sized cinemas that showed the history of Merapi mountain, binoculars, equipment Pancaarga or five mountains, and Viewing.

Ketep Pass is located at JL. Ketep, Sawangan, Magelang, about 30 kilometers from the city of Magelang and Borobudur Temple. If from the direction of Salatiga and Boyolali, you can go to Kaponan or through the village location Kopeng. Admission to the site and the museum of Rp 7,500/person. A cinema ticket is Rp 7,000/person. Ticket binoculars Rp 3,000/person. Tickets for foreign tourists. 3 includes all the amenities. Facilities of cinema and the museum is only open until 17.00 PM, but you can still get to be in the viewing area up to 24 hours.

16. Waterfall Kedung Kayang

Waterfall Kedung Kayang not only presenting you with its natural beauty, but also other unique things, such as the myth of attractions in Magelang . One of its uniqueness is the existence of three springs that flow from cracks and boulders. In addition, reportedly, in the back of the waterfall there is a cave for penance.

Reportedly, the name of the Waterfall Kedung Kayang is derived from 3 people named Masters Masters Putut, masters of Death, masters of the stage. This Masters third reportedly formerly lived in the location of the falls. After holding the egg throwing competition, he said, three egg shells that burst and then turn into a source of this waterfall.

Kedung Kayang waterfall is located in the village of Wonolelo, Sawangan, Magelang Regency, about 3 kilometers from the attractions of Ketep Pass. After arriving at the entrance, you can walk to the location for 20 minutes. The price of admission to the location of Rp 2,500, and this attraction is open from 08.00 – 17.00 WIB.

17. Sekar Langit Waterfall

Some sources stated, waterfalls Sekar Langit closely related with the legend Nawangwulan. According to the story, the Nawangwulan down to Earth and was taking a shower, then loses her shawl stolen by Jakatarub that makes him unable to return to heaven.

The legend became the attraction for tourists to visit tourist attractions in Magelang . At the bottom of the waterfall there is a lake called Nawangwulan which he said was home to take a shower. Plus more, natural charm and natural air will accompany your trip to the waterfall.

In the village of Telogorejo, Grabag, Magelang Regency, Sekar Langit Waterfall can be accessed from the town of Salatiga as well as the town of Magelang. Take the direction towards Sappanwood Grabag to find Market Grabag. Then, take the direction towards Grabag-Ambarawa and follow the directions of the road. Provide Rp 10,000 for the cost of the contributions to the site. Waterfall Sekar Langit is open every day from 08.00 – 17.00 WIB.

18. the waterfall Silawe

The name of the Waterfall or the Curug Silawe may not sound familiar, because it is this tourism object not much visited by tourists. Despite its location adjacent to the Waterfall Kedung Kayang and Viewing Ketep Pass, road access is quite difficult to make the waterfall is unspoiled.

The name Silawe from the curug derives from the discovery of a nest of spiders when opening this area to become tourist attractions in Magelang. On site, there is another one curug adjacent to Curug Silawe, i.e. that are not less Sigong Curug memukaunya with Curug Silawe. During the journey to the site, you will be presented with a view of nature in the form of a broad expanse of beautiful rice fields.

Curug Silawe located in the hamlet of Kopeng Kulon, Village Sutopati, district Kajoran, Magelang Regency. To be precise, curug is right on the south slope of Mount Sumbing. Access to the site also passes the path to the temple followed by through the Greeting-Purworejo. After finding the intersection, take the route to Sub Kajoran until the road turns shrinking and damaged. This location is open daily from 08.00 – 17.00 BST with an entrance fee of Rp 4,000/person.

19. Time Progo

In addition to the rich history, the town of Magelang as well as rafting trip or commonly referred to as rafting. One of them is white water rafting in Kali Progo. Sourced from the slopes of Mount Sumbing which flows to the West, the upper reaches of the river has many Rapids that adrenaline. Supported by the natural landscape views, times the Progo River location became a favorite of tourists.

There is also a location in one of the same area with Garden Tours Lasting Kyai. You can contact the service provider rafting and off if it is to conquer the rapids Times Progo.

20. Elo Time

Not only are There Time has a thrilling Rapids, Elo also offers a similar experience which is certainly very adrenaline you. At times the band, you can also make a tour down a river rapids while enjoying the natural beauty of the typical town of Magelang. Just as at times the Progo, there are many service providers rafting for you who want to try out this fun activity.

21. Punthuk Setumbu

Attractions in Magelang became the favorite destinations of other tourists was Punthuk Setumbu. Because this tourist attraction, offering views of the Sunrise with the most endearing set his magnificent Mount Merbabu and Merapi. Plus more, you can see the silhouette of the Borobudur Temple-coated haze from this place.

In the past, Hill with a height of approximately 400 meters who was in a group of Mountains overlooking a mountain was used as a field by the local population. At the top of the Hill is also provided at places such as the gazebo or stilts for tourists sit while waiting for the Sun greets early.

Punthuk Setumbu is located in the hamlet of Kerahan, the village of Karangrejo, Borobudur, Magelang. If you traveled from Yogyakarta, you need only towards Manohara Hotel of Borobudur Temple. Then, take the route to Bukit Incise until you find the writings of Borobudur Sunrise in Nirvana. From here, follow the directions of the road.

The best time for your visit to Punthuk Setumbu is between the months of June-August, when the dry season ahead. Preferably, you've arrived on the scene before 05.00 PM if you want to see the beautiful sunrise. Punthuk Setumbu open into the afternoon ahead of the evening, with an entrance fee of Rp 15,000/person.

22. Home Camera

Home Camera has a form exactly like the type camera DSLR with a long lens. Based on the sources, this Camera's House was built by the city of Semarang Atlas painter who has long lived in Bali, Tanggol Anggien Jatikusumo. Reportedly, Tanggol purposely this unique House as a gallery at once School of painting.

The content of this Camera's House not far from the results of a hand sketch of the painting as well as in the form of Tanggol pictures. If your lucky, you can meet in person by the owner of the House to talk about the results of the work of the most unique ever made. Plus more, you can also watch the landscape views of Borobudur Temple and several majestic mountain as Merapi, Merbabu, Sumbing and camera lens from the top of the building.

Home Camera located on JL. Majaksingi, Borobudur, Magelang Regency. From Borobudur, you need only continue straight up to a kilometre. You can take pictures and enjoy the beauty of the artwork Tanggol every day from 08.00 – 17.00 by paying the entrance fee of Rp 15,000/person.

23. Candirejo Village

Probably the Temple of Borobudur, Magelang City became an icon because of his charm and values of culture and history in it. However it turns out, the village offers a cultural story Candirejo more variety for you. According to information, the location formerly Candirejo Village stay travelers who want to visit Borobudur Temple.

However, not only offer lodging, Candirejo Village also offers a variety of other tours, ranging from culture, nature tourism, tourist until agro. These tours are offered by the local people through various types of packages. In this village, you also have the chance to memelajari the traditional indigenous culture that continues to be preserved until now.

The location of this village is about 2.5 kilometers from the temple. You can visit anytime and enjoy a variety of attractive tour packages from local villagers.

24. the garden of Panca Arga

PANCA Arga is a residential complex that was built specifically for the TNI-AD in the town of Magelang. As the name implies, this complex is flanked by Mount 5. In the complex there is a garden which is usually used for family recreation Park named Panca Arga I. This Park has a children's toys.

The Park also has tanks and Cannon relics of the Netherlands in it. Other uniqueness is the monument marker shape is very similar to the national monument. This monument was built in conjunction with the construction of the Park.

Panca Arga Park is located in the village of Sukerjo, district Mertoyudan, Magelang Regency. If using public transport, you can use the bus or transport up to Sub-district Mertoyudan and continue the trip by taxi. You can visit the grounds starting at 08.00 – 17.00 daily charge to enter.

25. Pinusan Kragilan

Pinusan Kragilan is pine forests at the foot of Mount Merbabu. However, tourists are more acquainted with the sights in Magelang as Top Selfie Pinusan Kragilan. According to the visitors, Pinusan has a great many Kragilan points is a very good place to take pictures. In addition to being able to take pictures and roam the forest, you can see the River Selo Storeys that are also in the pine forest.

Some nice spots to photograph places in Pinusan this like Kragilan straight declining after the entrance to the parking location by setting the rows of pine trees lining well-groomed. In addition, you can also take pictures in the middle of the forest while you sit down relax and enjoy the scenery of Mount Merbabu.

Pinusan is located in the village of Pogalan Kragilan, Hillbilly Kragilan Subdistrict, fern, Magelang. The easiest path to Salatiga is through towards Kopeng to Ketep Pass. Kragilan pine forest is opened every day from 06.00 – 18.00 GMT with tariff Rp 10,000/person. You are not allowed to stay or camping on site.

26. the square of Magelang

Each city generally have a square that is often used as a cheap family recreation. Including the square. Which makes the sights in Magelang was interesting was the presence of a water tower remains high in the Netherlands one of the sides. Not only that, here too, there is a flower garden and a statue of Diponegoro in another angle.

The condition of this square with the increasingly placed the inscription "Magelang" large on the front, also made flower-shaped lantern on the side near the Shrine Liong Hok Bio. At night, this area will be very crowded by young children or families simply walk around while you enjoy a typical hawker Magelang around the square.

Magelang square is located right in the city centre. If you find the presence of a water tower, you have arrived at the location. In front of him, stands the great mosque. Tourist sites is free and open to the public for 24 hours.

27. Candi Pendem

Is a complex with Candi Asu Sengi and included in the cluster of temples, Candi Pendem Sengi became Hindu temples dating from the 9th century AD. Precisely when during the reign of Maharaja Rakai Kayuwangi Dyah Lokapala, King of the ancient Mataram Kingdom of the 8th.

Candi Pendem is expected to have a larger size than Candi Asu Sengi, but because it only left part of his legs, the statement cannot be proven. In addition, there are none statues describing how and why the temple was built Pendem. However, the location of the temple which is located in an area of rice fields will give You the exotic scenery and spellbinding.

Candi Pendem located in sub-district of Dukun, Magelang Regency, just 150 metres east of the temple dog and 50 meters South of the river Pabelan. The location of the temple is quite difficult to find, so you should ask people to accompany so you don't get lost. The temple is open to the public daily until 17.00 pm and charge admission.

28. Bath Time Nodes

Bath Time Nodes is wana wisata water swimming pools complete with his supporters. Bathing Water Park named the word of nature Kalibening village is built on land 2008 square meters. Although its construction wasn't finished, but this water tours have been very attractive to the visitors because of the amazing natural scenery.

In addition to the tourist facilities of water, attractions in Magelang also has outbound facilities and also a restaurant. Bath Time Nodes are in Kalibening, Secang, Magelang Regency. Open daily from 07.00 – 17.00 with an entrance fee of Rp 20.000/person.

29. Chinatown, Magelang

Magelang city Chinatown is one of the shopping center business in the city as well. At the right and left roads along 1.5 kilometers of this row of stalls, shops, mini market to the restaurant. In addition to sightseeing shopping, you can simultaneously enjoy the history and culture of China's ethnic culture in this area.

Magelang's Pecinan along the roads of JL. Pemuda, Magelang city. His route is Yogyakarta-Magelang Street – JL. Tentara Pelajar or Magelang square – JL. Pemuda or Chinatown. The region began operations at 07.00 GMT.

30. Viewing Hill Barede

In addition to Ketep Pass, Magelang city also have viewing others for access to the charming hilly landscapes, i.e. Viewing Hill Barede. Viewing takes the same concept as Resort in Yogyakarta or Punthuk Setumbu, which uses the high-towering tree to view the sunrise or sunset from a height.

Viewing Hill Barede is located in the hamlet of Sendaren 2, village Karangrejo Subdistrict, Borobudur, Magelang, just 2 kilometers from the location of the Borobudur Temple. Because it is new, these tourist sites are still free with business hours starting off the evening off until dawn.

31. Sukmojoyo Hill

Sukmojoyo Hill called Punthuk or Sukmojoyo is a natural rolling hills which offer the beauty of the natural landscape and gagahnya Mount Merapi and Merbabu. As well as Punthuk Setumbu and Viewing Hill Barede, Punthuk Sukmojoyo, too many tourists for hunting photos Sunrise and sunset as well.

Punthuk Sukmojoyo is located in the village of Giritengah, district of Borobudur, Magelang Regency, adjacent to Punthuk other Punthuk Mongkrong. To the location, find directions to Manohara Hotel from the Temple towards to SD Tuksongo Gunden continued. Then, look for directions to the Village Hall until Gunden Giritengah. Attractions in Magelang is open every day starting before sunrise to after sunset with an entrance fee of Rp 5,000/person.

32. tourism village Ngawen

One of the village where the discovery of historic Buddhist temple, Ngawen, became one of the tourist village beside Candirejo. Ngawen names here are taken from the custom of greeting each other with a community around waving, or could be called Ngawe-awe in Javanese. In addition to cultural tourism Candi Ngawen, in this village you can also find Him sweet Had a legacy of Kyai Raden Santri.

In addition, in this village you can see the uniqueness of stone that is on-time bride Blongkeng, or swim in the pool Cyblon Waterpark and Breezy. The village is located in district Ngawen Muntilan, Magelang Regency. If you would like to see exoticism Candi Ngawen, you can at once travelled through the village.

33. Tour: Gapoktan Ngudi Salak Sublime

Magelang city also known for its fruit-salak pondoh that tastes very sweet. Well, here you can enjoy a tour or pick fruit salak agro directly from his garden in Gapoktan Ngudi Sublime. Gapoktan here means the combined group of farmers. If the harvest season arrives, you can enjoy the fruits of the fields at once directly from the salak buy fruit typical of the region's other hand.

Gapoktan Ngudi own Sublime located in Kaliurang, Magelang, Sumbung. This area is also the access for to Mount Merapi. You can visit the site every day, but it is advisable to arrive at the moment of harvest season for salak pondoh could reap the fruits of its own.

34. Paul Sembrani

The name is not as popular as Sembrani Kedung Curug Grenjengan Twins, but the location of the two waterfalls is close enough. Indeed, because of the access road to Kedung Sembrani harder than Grenjengan Twins, then still not many tourists tried to explore the waterfall. In addition, the shower of Kedung Sembrani not too tall nor too cold, though the landscape remains charming.

If you want to see the beauty of Kedung Sembrani, you could be headed to the Sub-district, Magelang Regency Fern, place Grenjengan Twinning Curug is located. The route that you can use is JL. Raya Kopeng from the direction of Magelang to the Sub-District of Ferns. The price of admission to this location is the Rp 5,000/person and starts to operate at 09.00 – 16.00 GMT.

35. Sendang Mudal

Sendang Mudal more closely resembles a swimming pool. However, the water is very clear and fresh be the attraction of this spring. Daily, Sendang Mudal used by local people as a source of water. Although the size of the kolamnya is not too big nor is in, but the scenery around the pond in the form of vast tracts of rice paddies and water clarity remains also makes attractions in Magelang is crowded.

Sendang Mudal, located in the hamlet of Sawangan Subdistrict Kulon, Need, Magelang Regency. You simply toward Muntilan then to Blabag from Yogyakarta. Then, find a route towards towards the hamlet of Sawangan Need Kulon. You can visit Sendang Mudal daily from 07.00 – 17.00 WIB. Prepare the cost contribution of around Rp 5,000/person.

36. Waterfall Selo Providence Journal

Nature tourism curug is generally located in the mountainous region. Including Waterfall Selo Diocesan or commonly called Sumuran Waterfall. Actually, there is another waterfall that is located equals Selo Providence Journal, namely the waterfall Senthong. However, the difficulty of access to Senthong make the waterfall is still unspoiled. To go to the French themselves, Selo you must go through the narrow walkways and a little slippery.

Under shower Selo Providence Journal, you'll find two ponds that are deliberately made to water play facilities, especially for children. While playing water, you can enjoy the scenery of Mount Telomoyo, and the air is still fresh. The Providence Journal is located in the village of Selo Seloprojo, Ngablak Sub-district, Magelang Regency. Open every day from 08.00 – 17.00 WIB without entrance fee.

37. Sendang Maren

In addition to Sendang Mudal, there is still a place of interest in Magelang others that offer panoramic views of the stunning underwater, namely Sendang Maren. Does not vary much with Sendang Mudal, Sendang Maren also be outdoor with medium-size and not too deep. However, the water is very clear, capable of making you look to the bottom of him without having to submerge its head.

Besides swimming in the fresh mountain air, you can enjoy the natural atmosphere is still asri around Sendang Maren. The spring is located in the region of Sawangan, Magelang, and not far from Ketep Pass. Preferably, you come in the morning to feel the chill of a dip in the water. This place is open daily from 06.00 – 17.00 WIB. Bring 5,000 to the cost of the donation.

38. OHD Museum

The Museum is the art museum institution of OHD modern and contemporary in the town of Magelang. The Museum is a private museum featuring collectibles from a well-known collector, Dr. Oei Hong Djien Museum, which abbreviated OHD. Started her collection in 1970 's, now there are more than 2000 works on display in the museum.

Unique art museum nan nyentrik is located at JL. Jenggolo No. 14, Kemirirejo, Magelang Tengah, Magelang city. Open every day from 10.00 – 17.00 PM except Tuesdays and holidays. The entrance fee of Rp 50,000 to Rp 25,000 for adults, students, and free for children under 6 years of age. While for foreign tourists, the cost of its contribution was Rp 100,000.

39. Museum of Diponegoro

Prince Diponegoro was a freedom fighter of the nation of Indonesia who is famous for his guerilla strategy. In recognition of his services, woke one museum in the town of Magelang, named the Museum of Diponegoro. The building of the museum was not and could not is where Prince Diponegoro never held negotiations with the Netherlands.

In it, you can see the objects original collection of Prince Diponegoro, ranging from a trace to nail cakaran Chair robes and book. The Museum is located at JL. Diponegoro No. 1. Open every day from 08.00 – 14.00 EDT without the entrance fee.

40. the Museum of Bumiputeras 1912

Bumiputeras is one of the company's services in the field of perasuransian in Indonesia. To find out how the history of the emergence of the insurance, the Bumiputra in the City Museum, Magelang. In the page museum, carved statues of perfect 3 company founders, Mas Dwidjosewodjo, Mas Ngabehi Karto Hadi Soebroto, and Mas Adimidjojo.

The Museum showcased the Bumiputeras documents and old photos of the legendary since 1912. In addition, you will also see the first tempo tools used by this company. The Museum is located at JL. Jend. A. Yani No. 21, international airport, Magelang. Open daily Mon-Fri starting at 07.30 – 16.30 PM without charge admission.

41. Museum Sudirman

Another freedom fighter who has been instrumental in fighting for and defending the State, the Commander of the Sudirman. Just as Prince Diponegoro, to remember his services, woke Museum Sudirman by Commander VII Diponegoro, Yasir Hadibroto, major General in 1967. In the museum there are objects that used to be used by General Sudirman, such as beds, also painting his work.

The Museum is located at JL. Sudirman Ade Irma Syriac C. 7 Magelang in the region of Potrobangsan. You can pay a visit to the museum every day Monday-Friday starting at 07.30 – 16.30 GMT without need to pay admission.

42. Nurseries Senopati

In the area of Senopati, Magelang, made educational tours garden nurseries. This garden still belongs as tourist attractions in Magelang , having just built and inaugurated one year ago. Nevertheless, the concept of education has to offer make it sought after by visitors as a tourist destination in the family or visits schools.

Here, you will see various types of ornamental plants, how to plant and care for them. You can also learn in hydroponic cultivation. Nurseries is located in JL. Panembahan Senopati, Jurangombo North, South Magelang. You can take the route to Lasting Kyai. This free nurseries visited every day from 08.00 – 16.30 pm.

43. the Museum Ship Ocean Mercury

Now, visit Borobudur Temple is not only to see his magnificent Buddhist temple building. You can also visit one of the nearby museum exists in the area of the temple, the name Mercury Ocean ship Museum. The Museum is dedicated to the memory of how the ancestors of our ancestors fought and sail the seas and oceans.

Inside the building, you can see the film screenings, display objects are used when sailing, also a large replica of the ship Ocean Mercury. These vessels are owned by Philip Beale, a retired Navy physicist, United Kingdom. The Museum is located at Borobudur, the Garden is open every day from 08.00 – 17.00 BST with an entrance fee of one package to Borobudur Temple.

44. Mount Andong

As the name suggests, the Andong has a form that resembles a horse cart. Attractions in Magelang is quite a favorite among climbers and explorers because it isn't too high and be fun places to camp. In addition, the mountain offers views of the Andong nature other large mountains, such as Mount Merapi and Merbabu mountains to the East and mount Slamet, Sumbing and Sindoro, on the West side.

In addition to not too high, the access road to the Summit of this mountain is not difficult as it has been restored and furnished by the Manager to make it easier for climbers. The mountain is located in the hamlet of Andong Palm, Ngablak sub district, Magelang Regency, just a one hour drive from the city centre. Open every day indefinitely with cost contribution amounting to Rp 3,000/person.

45. Mount Merbabu

Mount Merbabu trekking destinations became the most sought after by professional climbers. At the foot of a mountain as tall as 3,145 metres there is the famous Hermitage place which in the 15th century ago never visited by Bujangga Manik. Although this mountaineering terrain is not heavy, but you still need to be careful because in it there is no source of water.

Mount Merbabu has several hiking paths, namely the line Thekelan line Kopeng Wekas, line Cunthel, Jalu Kopeng Selo and Suwanting. It is divided between the Magelan District, Kabupaten Boyolali Regency Semarang, and making it accessible from any direction.

46. Parks

Parks is an open Green Park that became a favorite destination for family recreation in Magelang every weekend. The name of the Park is a statue of a rhinoceros was on the front. Children's play facilities are capable of and its not far from the town centre makes this Green Park is always crowded will overwhelm the majority of visitors are locals.

Parks is located at JL. Pahlawan No. 190, Potrobangsan, Magelang Utara, just 5 minutes from the town square. In the evening, especially on weekends, the Park will be very crowded and filled by the children who play and also the seller of a variety of snacks around the perimeter of the Park.

47. Viewing Babadan

Inspired from Ketep Pass, Setumbu, and Punthuk Resort, now in Magelang and Yogyakarta environment found natural tourism in the form of viewing. One is Viewing Babadan. Single location by viewing, there is a post that contains a collection of photographs of the volcanic activity of Mount Merapi. So, besides a peek at lovely nan gagahnya Mount Merapi and other large mountains, you can also see the photos displayed in the post.

Certainly, the viewing location not too far from the surrounding mountains make the atmosphere cool nan asri. Viewing Babadan, located in the village of Babadan, sub-district of Dukun, Magelang Regency. These booths can be reached from route JL. Raya Boyolali-Mungkad or from the direction of Muntilan. You can visit the booth anytime, but screening only until 17.00 PM EST only. The entrance ticket booth is Rp 7,000/person.

48. Viewing Dlimas

In addition to the Babadan, there are also a few Dlimas Viewing the last time being the most popular destinations by adolescent children. In addition to Dlimas, there is one more viewing that is located adjacent to the location of Dlimas, IE Viewing Cepogo. Its own uniqueness of Magelang's attractions it is the form of viewing the created form the words "I ♥ U".

In addition to enjoying the natural scenery and the phenomenon of sunrise or sunset, you can also visit the Curug Delimas that location is also not far from the booths. Located in the village of Delimas substation Girimulyo, Kecamatan Windusari, Magelang Regency. Open daily starting towards the Sunrise until the evening off with a ticket price of Rp 5,000/person.

49. a pine forest Grenden

Pine forest located in Bukit Grenden Grenden, which is a natural and cultural conservation in Magelang. In this area, you not only can see a row of pine trees, but you can also see the beauty of the cliffs of Seepage, bridge, and also the home of Dwarves. You can try your outbound facilities offered in this conservation area.

The charming natural landscape will be a meal if your eye area which is located in Pogalan, fern, Magelang. Cycling and camping became alternative activities that you can do other than walking. This conservation area is open daily from 06.00 – 17.00 BST with an entrance fee of Rp 3,000/person.

50. Mount Sumbing

If it crosses arterial road-Wonosobo, Temanggung you will discover the beauty of two twin mountain is very famous in Central Java this, Mount Sindoro and Sumbing. However, that will be discussed this time only mount Sumbing only. Mount Sumbing is the third highest mountain in Indonesia after Semeru and Slamet volcano, and is still active to this day.

Even so, the climbers still makes mount Sumbing as favorite climbing destinations because of the height of this mountain which reached 3,371 meters. The location of the mountain is divided into 3, namely in Magelang, Temanggung, Wonosobo and district. Favorite climbing path the climbers are from the post Garung, which is in the Kledung Pass.

51. Viewing Mangli

Mangli area touted as "the hidden Paradise". In this region, built a viewing that is not too high, but enough to satisfy the eye saw beauty and natural charm are astounding. Mangli area itself lies at the foot of Mount Sumbing, Kalegen, Magelang Regency. A small access road and uphill is more suitable for the vehicle to pray two compared four wheels.

Route to the observation is not difficult. From Bandongan take the route towards Tonoboyo to the market Kalegen. From Kalegen, find a route towards Mangli and follow the directions. This area is open daily from 07.00 – 17.00 BST with an entrance fee of Rp 3,000/person.

52. Candi Retno

At first glance, the place of the temple Retno found a little creepy, because it covered the trees behind the lush bamboo houses. Reportedly, the temple is a Hindu temple Retno left by the ancient Mataram Kingdom. Despite the existence of the Yoni and lingam was found in it, however, there is no hint whatsoever that speaks when the temple was built.

If most of the temple using stones tend to be durable, Retno created using bricks, which makes age of this temple are increasingly short. This temple is located in the hamlet of Bandungan, Candiretno, Secang, Magelang Regency. Because not much is known of its location, the site of this temple can be visited at any time, free of charge.

53. An Hok Kiong Temple

An Hok Kiong Temple was mentioned as the oldest existing temples in Magelang Regency. Places of worship the people of Kong Hu Chu reportedly built in 1878 in Muntilan Market area before being transferred to JL. Pemuda No. 100, Muntilan, Magelang Regency. The location of this temple is very easy to be found, due to its location on the edge of the main road in Muntilan. Visiting temples is free and open daily for 24 hours as a place of worship.

54. the gate Kerkhof

In the past, Kerkhof is hectares are used as the tomb of the Netherlands. Today, the cemetery land has been transformed into a settlement with residents leaving few grave alone. However, the entrance gate to the cemetery still stands, called Kherkof Gate.

One of the tombs is not displaced by settlement belongs to Papa Johan Van Der Steur, a Netherlands who set up workhouses and nurturing abandoned children at its time. The location of this gate is on the north side of the Hill of Tidar. Kherkof gate is believed to still menguarkan the mystical aura to every person who passed through it.

55. Hok Liong Temple Bio

Hok Liong Bio Temple reportedly is a witness of the Chinese people's struggle in expelling the invaders along with the Prince Diponegoro. This temple was built by a wealthy merchant origin of Solo, Kapitein Be Koen Wie or Tjok Lok in 1864. The unique architecture of the building becomes the attraction of this House of worship.

Located on JL. Alun-Alun Selatan Magelang, no.2, this Temple open to visitors who want a closer look at the beauty of the building free of charge. Visitors are only allowed to view the outside of the temple alone, remember this is the House of worship.

56. the mission Museum Muntilan

In the past, the museum is a church. The construction of this museum as a form of increasing the faith so that the Church could not just as a House of worship only. In essence, the museum held a special spiritual service to deliver to the people of the Nazarenes. But now, this museum features a collection of more-collection of wood, leather, bamboo, paper, until the painting.

The Museum is located at JL. Kartini 3, Muntilan, Magelang. Visitors can browse the contents of the museum every day Monday-Friday from 08.00 – 15.00 pm and Saturday at 08.00 – 12.00 charge admission.

57. Wanurejo tourism village

Wanurejo village is famous for the art of his country are still being preserved to this day. Like for example the art of Karawitan, craft , fiber, and batik. In this village there are also art house Lumanjawi and verandah of the old Nitihardjan. Do not forget the culinary specialties with Magelang, by William.

The village Wanurejo is located Brojonalan, Wanurejo, Borobudur, Magelang, very close to the tourist area of Borobudur Temple. You can visit anytime free of charge entry.

58. the garden of Cempaka

The Park offers green atmosphere Cempaka asri accompanied by the fresh air of the mountains. The Park is a spacious garden area with green grass, suitable for You to spend a weekend with the family. Located in Kemirirejo, the town of Magelang, you can visit the Garden Cempaka anytime free of charge entry.

59. Pillar ANIEM

ANIEM monument built circa 1924, with four hours around the sides. The monument is also a benchmark point zero kilometer Magelang city, because there is also the nearby upside zero kilometres. But actually, the pillar situated to the southeast of the Magelang town square this is the pillar of the influx of reminder of the electricity supply to Magelang, who made clear by writing on the walls of the monument reads "Electrificatie 1924 Marrt Magelang".

If you visit the square of Magelang, don't forget to also visit the historic monument on this one. Free of charge.

60. the mountain of Giyanti

The mountain is located in the heart of Giyanti foot Mount Sumbing, with a height of approximately 1200 mdpl. Not surprisingly, it became a favorite tourist destination for hikers to explore its natural beauty while setting up a tent at the Summit. At the end of the evening, the stunning views of Giyanti lights settlement and the sunset behind the mountain. Just pay Idr 2,000, you can already get all the exoticism of Giyanti Mountain nature.

Well, how? Still lots of attractions in Magelang that is not less interesting in addition to Borobudur Temple. Although the form of the small town of Magelang, turns out to have a myriad of natural attractions and cultural destinations should be proud of.

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