65+ Tourist Attractions in Solo must-see At holiday time

Want to travel to Central Java? Don't miss a visit to the many attractions in Solo. As one of the most popular Solo in Central Java, does offer a variety of charms, ranging from city tours, shopping, history, culture, and cuisine. The strategic location of the Solo as well as the friendly travelers in his condition made him popular as tourist attractions.

65+ the following recommendations of the attractions you can try while visiting the city.

1. the Keraton Surakarta

Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat is one of the most iconic place in Solo. The residence of the Royal family was built by Pakoe Buwono II in 1745, and is now open at certain times to public visitors. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the architecture, art, traditional weapons, to the collection of the famous keshik. Surakarta Palace also hosts a variety of activities such as cultural customs and ceremonies, dance, and traditional music.

Surakarta is open daily to the public from 09.00 to 14.00 (closed Friday). However, on Saturday and Sunday, the Palace is only open to the public until 13.00. Price of entry of only Rp 6,000 on a typical day and Rp 7,000 on weekends. Visitors can ride public transportation or Batik Solo Bus heading for Jalan Slamet Riyadi, and continue down the road towards the East to find the Royal Palace.

2. Folk Sriwedari amusement park

Sriwedari Park is an area that is still associated with the Royal family. To be precise, it is a favorite retreat of the Royal family's location in ancient times. Sriwedari Park has a wonderful and beautiful design, and equipped with facilities for tourists like puppet building, a playground for children, inter-city, where sales of gift shop, and even a restaurant. The Park also became the fixed area for the tradition called Night Slikuran.

Sriwedari Park is open every day from 10.00 to 22.00. Price of entry of only Rp 10,000 on Tuesday and Rp 12,000 on the other days. The Park can be reached in a short time from the train station. Sriwedari Park is located on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, and can be reached by the pedestrian paths along the way, City Walk.

3. Pura Mangkunegaran.

Pura Mangkunegaran, founded in 1757 and is the dwelling place of Sri Paduka Mangkunegara. The building has a similar architecture with Surakarta Palace, including a collection of objects of art and traditional relics. A wide collection of art objects as well as traditional weapons stored here comes from various places such as West Java, Yogyakarta, Bali. The uniqueness of this building is the building design which has a European influence.

Pura Mangkunegaran is open to the public from 09.00 to 14.00, except Fridays, open until 12.00. Price of entry of Rp 10,000 to Rp 12,000 local tourists and for foreign tourists. Public transportation pass Pura Mangkunegaran is transport and Bus number 02 Batik Solo.

4. Garden City Balekambang

The Park was built by the Balekambang Mangkunegara VII in 1921 and was dedicated to the Princess he, Partini. This place is the city of forest acres 5 acres offering a variety of fun for families, such as mini-zoos, carriage, boat, and even a free internet connection. Garden Balekambang also often become the location of performing arts such as dance and ketoprak. A variety of food stalls come into the garden area and forests dot the city.

Garden Balekambang is conveniently located near the station, the Terminal of the race Tirnotadi, and Manahan Stadium. However, because the Park was not bypassed public transport, visitors can only reach it by car, motorcycle, or rickshaw. The Park is open daily from 06.00 to 17.00. Although the tariff free entry, visitors still have to pay if you want to ride the rides within the Park. However, the price range of rates are also only around Rp 2,500 to Rp 6,000.

5. Loji Gandrung

Loji Gandrung is the Home Office of the Mayor of Solo. Founded in 1890, the building is not only interesting architecture that combines local and Western designs, but also save various historical relics such as puppet collection, ceramics, sculpture, gamelan, etc. Loji Gandrung functioned as a mini museum, and collections as well as the condition of the building is kept by a special staff.

Loji Gandrung is located on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, not far from the Sriwedari Park. This place is open from 08.00 to 16.00. Every weekend, the area around Loji Gandrung became the site of Car Free Day. There is no special fees for entry to the Gandrung Loji, but visitors must request permission to the guards, who then must be approved by the head of the household.

6. Alun-Alun Kidul

Alun-Alun Kidul ("alkid") is one of the centers gather spare time Solo nationals. This public area is usually crowded in the afternoons and evenings and weekends. Favorite activities in Alun-Alun Kidul are sports like football and running, flying kites, and cheap food. Street vendors in Alun-Alun Kidul offers a variety of traditional foods such as grilled meatballs, chicken dumplings, noodles, Bandung, ice with ice, sugar cane, corn, banana and ice-ijo.

Alun-Alun Kidul is conveniently located on the Street Market Kliwon, ivory, Gajahan. In addition to skipping the various public transport including Bus Batik Solo, this area is also a good benchmark to find various hotels and inns in Solo.

7. Museum of the Keraton Surakarta

The Museum is located in Surakarta in Surakarta Hadiningrat area. The Museum artifacts, art objects, as well as historical relics depicting the history and cultural identity. The Museum has 13 spaces that hold a wide array of photographs, sculptures, dioramas, ceremonial utensils, objects of art such as shadow puppets and masks, as well as traditional kitchen equipment as used in the Palace.

Because it is a part of the Keraton Surakarta, Surakarta Palace Museums have similar opening times, i.e., at 09.00 to 14.00 on weekdays, and until 15.00 o'clock on weekends. The Museum is located at Jalan Slamet Riyadi, and can be reached by public transport or Bus Batik Solo.

8. Museum of the ancient Human Cluster Dayu

Museum of the ancient Human Cluster Dayu, or abbreviated Dayu, the Museum is a museum of ancient history that is adjacent to the Sangiran archaeological site. The Museum is a modern and welcoming rooms provide various forms of exhibition objects, ranging from ancient human life diorama, information about the cycle of soil layers at the Sangiran happening for hundreds of thousands of years, up to a range of ancient objects found on the site Sangiran. The Museum also offers children's games.

Museum of the ancient Human Cluster Dayu is open from 08.00 to 16.00. Its location is on Dayu Village, Karanganyar Regency. Admission to the museum is quite affordable, namely Rp 5,000. Visitors can find it with a bus ride Solo-Purwodadi.

9. Museum of the ancient Human Sangiran

Ancient history lovers can also visit the Museum of the ancient Human Sangiran, that location is also adjacent to the Sangiran archaeological site. The museum store a variety of information about the ancient culture as well as humans. In addition to the fossils, visitors can also see the weapons and gadgets used ancient human. Museum of the ancient Human Sangiran is the perfect place to find information on Pithecanthropus erectus, ancient human lower jaw found at Sangiran.

This museum exists in the Sragen district, about 17 kilometers from the center of the city of Solo. Visitors can find it with a bus ride Solo-Purwodadi. The gate at the roadside becomes a clue that Museum Sangiran is near. The Museum is open every day except Monday, from 08.00 to 16.30, with the entrance ticket costs Rp 3,500 and parking rates for Rp 1,500.

10. Museum of the Kris

As the name implies, the Museum Store Kris keris collection from different eras and regions in Java. Kris is the oldest in the museum is the keris Majapahit relics in the 15th century. In addition, the keris collection is expected to grow in the presence of various Kris donations from private collectors. Although his condition had neglected the Keris, the Museum now has just been through the process of restoration, so the match was made one of the cultural sights of the Solo.

The Museum is located on Jalan Keris Bhayangkara, Sriwedari area, Here. Public transport and Bus number 02 Batik Solo has a route to this area. Price of entry of about Rp 6,000, and its opening hours are from 09.00 until 16.00.

11. Museum Radya Pustaka

Radya Pustaka Museum is the second oldest museum in Indonesia. Kanjeng Raden was built by the Duke of Sosrodiningrat IV in the year 1890, the museum store of historical and cultural relics of the Solo like a statue, a collection of puppets, musical instruments, objects of indigenous heritage, as well as ancient books. The Museum also keeps a valuable manuscript collections such as Rama Fiber work of Yasadipura I and the instructions State administration the work of Pakubuwono IV entitled Wulang Reh.

Museum Radya Pustaka have enough strategic location at Jalan Brigjen Slamet Riyadi, Sriwedari, Here. There are many City Transit Bus as well as Batik Solo that has routes to this road. The Museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 6 a.m. to 08.30 to 13.00, and the fare is Rp 2,000 to Rp 1,500 for adults, school students, and 5,000 for foreign tourists.

12. Samanhoedi Museum

Unlike Museum Radya Pustaka Museum in the building located at Samanhoedi relatively simpler, with a marker in the form of batik cloth as well as the name of the museum in it. Although small, the museum store a range of heritage related k. h. Samanhoedi, founder of Sarekat Dagang Islam organization whose role is very important in the history of trade, economy, as well as community resistance against the invaders in Solo early the 20th.

The Museum is located at Jalan k. h. Samanhoedi, Sondakan, Here. If are having difficulty finding the building, visitors can ask residents about, because this mini museum.

13. the monument national press

If you are interested in the history of the press and publication in Indonesia, the monument national press is a place that must be visited in the Solo. The monument is a national press building which houses various collections of newspapers, magazines, and printed publications from the era before and after the era of national revolution. Visitors can also see a range of communication tools from various eras, such as slit drum, Telegraph, typewriter, to the collection of cameras.

The monument is managed by the national press of the Ministry of communication and Informatics, and have amenities such as a library and a multimedia room. The location is quite strategic in the way of Gadjah Mada, East, Banjarsari, and accessible by city transport number 03 as well as Batik Solo Bus. The Museum is open from 08.00 to 16.00, and access the entry is free of charge.

14. Batik Danar Hadi Museum

Batik lovers should not miss a visit to the Museum of Batik Danar Hadi. Collections of batik Batik Danar Hadi's House was already popular among local and foreign tourists. In addition to shopping products batik fabrics and quality, visitors can also see a collection of antique and traditional batik from Java, Bali, Sumatra, even China. Visitors can also see the workshop where the Batik artisans producing their work. The Museum is housed in a colonial-style building with an interior of the Palace is a beautiful Javanese style.

Museum Batik Danar Hadi is located on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, and is open from 09.00 until 16.00. It is also traversed by the City Walk, a pedestrian lane that is designed for travelers who want to tour the city. Price of entry of IDR 35,000 to the public and Rp 15,000 for school students.

15. Batik Crown Here

Just like Home Batik Danar Hadi Batik Crowns Here, is also a shopping center and batik education. Here, visitors can follow a short classes are taught about batik techniques. Classes are offered ranging from brief class for 2 hours, until intensive classes for 3 days. This simple batik making courses are available both for visitors to adult as well as children. In addition, there are also various products batik can be bought for a gift shop.

Batik Crown Here is located on Jalan Sayangan Kulon No. 9, and can be reached by public transport or Bus number 02 Batik Solo. Visitors must enter through a small road to reach this place.

16. Granny House Wedangan

Travelers who visit Batik Crown Here should not miss Wedangan Grandma's House, a tavern-style tempo dulu which serves a variety of traditional hot drinks. This Tavern has the concept of a versatile joglo House opens, with a touch of colonial-era design. Versatile wood furniture, open, airy spaces, as well as the design of the ala and the Netherlands in the House make this memorable tavern is warm.

Wedangan Grandma's House serves a wide range of other made of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and Lemongrass. The menu specifically is Wedang JKJS (ginger, Galingale, Orange, Lemongrass). There are also various typical dishes there Solo, and a menu mainstay form of oxtail soup. Visitors who arrive at lunchtime could enjoy a "regular" menu like fried rice, pecel lele, milkfish, and meat soup.

Wedangan Grandma's house located at Laweyan. A typical building with spacious parking lot makes it easy to find. The tavern is open from 10.00 to 24.00.

17. Batik Gunawan Setiawan

Batik Gunawan Setiawan is one of the leading tourist attractions in the Tourism area of Batik in Kauman, Solo. In addition to shopping products batik with a wide price range, visitors can also join the learning understanding how batik is made. Batik Gunawan Setiawan has open-style workshop, so that visitors can watch the process of making batik ranging from early stage to end. Visitors can also enjoy the wonderful herbs while visiting this place.

Batik Gunawan Setiawan is located on Jalan Chakras the number 21. Although visitors must pass through the lane before finding this store, its location is pretty easy to find, especially since Batik Gunawan Setiawan already quite popular among travelers in the country.

18. Dalem Kalitan

Dalem Kalitan are rest houses belonging to the late President Suharto and his family, they inhabit every time they visit Solo. Dalem Kalitan was built in 1789 and has a typical design house joglo, an open and filled with wooden elements in the Interior. Visitors can see the different parts of the House as well as a memento which described Suharto and family, such as a variety of photographs, plaques, awards, and a collection of books.

Located at Jalan dalem Kalitan Kalitan, East of, and adjacent to the Gandrung Loji (Home Office of the Mayor of Solo). Visitors may wonder question history of the House on carers and staff Manager Dalem Kalitan.

19. Bank Indonesia Museum Solo

Centrally located in the city of Solo, Bank Indonesia Museum is the old Bank Indonesia building restored into a library and museum. The original building is the site of the operations of the Bank at the time of De Javache Netherlands it does have typical buildings of the colonial era, with the colors white, semicircular, ventilation to the columns pilaster. Its strategic location at Jalan Sudirman and adjacent to the Office of the Mayor make it easy to find.

Bank Indonesia Museum display objects that become the historical evidence of operation of Bank Indonesia, as the archives and photos. The Museum also plan would continue to complement the collections of old money, so that visitors can see the traces of the history of financial transaction in Indonesia. Bank Indonesia Museum is open from 07.15 to 16.15, and the ticket price is Rp 2,000 entry (kids are free).

20. children's Intelligent Jebres cemetery

Garden Smart Jebres cemetery is a tourist spot with the concept of educational tours for the whole family. Located at Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, the Park is often visited by many families, children, even college students. The garden offers educational and entertainment facilities such as the statues of wayang, traditional musical instruments, carved wall (relief) which describes the historical events, children's playground, and an internet connection. There are also various facilities as well as short classes, such as computer and art classes for children.

Garden Smart Jebres cemetery also has open spaces and public stage that is often made into the arena of art shows, concerts of traditional music, or exhibition. Current Solo City Government is also increasingly developing the Park to include activities to develop children's interest, for example in the field of photography, art, and radio broadcasts.

Garden Smart Jebres cemetery is open from 07.00 to 22.00, and tariff free entry. The Park is located not far from the University Eleven Maret, precisely in the North Campus building. Visitors can get there by minibus or Bus number 03 Batik Solo leading into the campus.

21. the Pandavas Waterworld

Pandavas Waterworld is a water themed unique rides are suitable for family excursions. This water park has a theme of the sons of the Pandavas (Arjuna, Bhima, Yudhistira, Nakula, Sahadeva), manifested in the form of sculpture, decoration, as well as engravings in the pool area. Visitors can explore the various water games such as Water Curtain, Volcanic Pond, Body slides, Raft Slides, and much more. Various existing rides also use names of the Pandavas, so the more adds to its uniqueness.

For example, there is a water slide named Bhima Slide that its location near the statue of Bima. Krishna Wave Pool is shaded wave pool arena carved head Krishna. There's also Her Children & Toddler Pool, IE pool area exclusively for young children and toddlers. Other facilities at this water park is musala, rental ban, food stalls, a tennis court, futsal courts, a fitness center, as well as lockers.

Pandavas Waterworld is located on Jalan Cemara Kingdom New Solo, and is open from 10.00 until 18.00. However, this water park is open more morning every weekend and public holidays, i.e. at 08.00. Visitors can reach it with the city transport number 02, 06, 09, or especially if it comes from areas such as Stadium Manahan and Sriwedari Park. The fare is $5 on weekdays, and Rp 100,000 on Saturday and Sunday.

22. Garden Wildlife destinations in Riau Province

Animal Park is a zoo in Riau Province Taru in the Solo. This Zoo has existed since 1870, and restored in 1986 after a long dormant and not well maintained. This Zoo has a wide collection of animals such as elephants, orang utan, bears, komodo, camels, deer, crocodiles, snakes and various species of birds. In this there is also a Zoo elephant is preserved, i.e. Kyai Rebo. Before dying, this elephant animal is the oldest existing in Riau Province, so any body is enshrined.

Garden Wildlife Taru Had also offers play for families, such as the opportunity to ride a camel, elephants, and horses. There is also a prayer hall, food stalls, gift shop, and a playground for children. Zoo officials have also planted trees like Acacias, pine, and trembesi, so the atmosphere of the Zoo being beautiful. Riau Province also has a monument to the memory of legendary Kroncong music figures, Gesang.

Taru Jurug fauna Park is open from 07.00 to 17.00. The fare is around Rp 10,000 for normal days and Rp 12,000 for the holidays. Strategic location at Jalan IR. Sutami, and adjacent to the buildings of the University Eleven Maret. Visitors can take a minibus or Bus Batik Solo with a major in college.

23. Fort Vastenburg

Fort Vastenburg is one of the most historic buildings in the Solo. The Fort was founded in 1745, and once functioned as the center of the Netherlands garrison in Solo. The Fort was strategically located right across from the City Hall Office. Fort Vastenburg has impressive architecture, with a ditch surrounding the Fort, as well as an open area in the center that was once a place of training soldiers.

Fort Vastenburg is located on Jalan General Soedirman, area Market Kliwon. The Fort is open for 24 hours, ticket prices and an influx of cheap enough, that is Rp 2,000. The location is not far from the center of the Solo as well as Wholesale Gladag roundabout. Visitors can ride the Bus Solo Batik, as the route to General Soedirman Street is quite popular among tourists.

24. Pasar Klewer

Klewer market is the largest market in Solo that became the center of the gift shop is cheap and offers various types of batik cloth, clothing, shoes, bags, and cheap food. This market has a wide variety of products batik Banyumas, Betawi, Madurese, etc., not only from the Solo. Klewer market located near the Alun-Alun Lor (North), and could become the benchmark for finding various other tourist attractions, such as Kraton Surakarta, Batik Danar Hadi's House, and the great mosque of Surakarta.

Visitors can ride city transport number 06 or 09 to into this market, or Batik Solo with Bus routes to the Alun-Alun Lor. The market is open from 09.00 until 16.00.

25. the market Triwindu

Travelers who are interested in the objects of traditional crafts shouldn't miss Market Triwindu. Most of the items sold in this market is craft goods such as carving, crockery, ornaments, masks, statues, paintings, shadow puppets, wall hangings, etc. This market is also a paradise for antique, and sell a variety of items ranging from chandeliers, tables, chairs, typewriters, and antique bikes and even tricycles.

Another uniqueness of this market is the existence of an alternative cheap antiques. Because of high prices and the existence of antiques antiques inventory shortages, many merchants offer goods that look "antique" at a bargain price. These goods are usually offered to visitors who don't have a huge budget, but would like to have something memorable.

This market is located on Jalan Diponegoro, Banjarsari, right on the edge of the highway, so it is easy to find. Visitors can take a minibus or Bus number 06 Batik Solo. The market is open from 09.00 until 16.00.

26. Ngarsopuro night market

As the name implies, Ngarsopuro night market is a market that operates in the evening. Located at Jalan Diponegoro, Keprabon, Banjarsari, Ngarsopuro night market is only open in the evening of Sunday, starting from 19.00 to 21.00. When it came to this market, visitors will be greeted by a row of stalls shaded white tents, as well as a pedestrian path that runs past the tents.

Ngarsopuro night market serves a variety of merchandise, ranging from clothes, shoes, bags, gift items, and food service and culinary bargain. The vendors in this market are mostly local traders. The market has also become a place of modern and ethnic music performances, ketoprak, or traditional dance.

27. the Depok bird market

The Depok bird market is selling a pet form of birds and ornamental fish. Birds chirping like starlings suren, Bali Starling, kutilang, and love bird is an animal that is most in demand in this market. However, visitors can see the animals-other pets such as rabbits, Guinea pig, and hamster. This market is often a goal of educational tours for students of the school, especially to increase knowledge about animals. There are about 64 stall that housed more than 200 sellers.

The Depok bird market is one of the typical Solo faces, and has been around since the year 1984. This market is located on Jalan Depok, near the garden of Balekambang and Manahan Stadium. The market is open from 08.00 to 16.00, and also owns the food stalls and musala.

28. Pasar Gede

For the culinary enthusiast of Pasar Gede, is one of the must-see places in Solo. This market offers a range of food and typical hawker Solo at affordable prices. Visitors can find traditional snacks that may have been hard to find in other places, such as the fall, cenil gempol pleret ketupat dish, as well as Solo named rambak cabuk.

Coffee enthusiasts can enjoy various coffee drinks in the store Podjok, a coffee shop that has been in operation since 1945. Podjok is famous for shops selling the legendary coffee branded Tjap Angring, which often becomes a dish at traditional stalls stalls in Solo. Because the coffee beans in the tavern it freshly ground when there are enough visitors, order an expert about coffee can ask for levels of ruggedness result coffee grinder.

Pasar Gede is located on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Jebres cemetery, and is open from 06.00 to 19.00. The location of this market is quite strategically so that it can be used as a benchmark to find culinary attractions and lodging. Visitors can ride city transport number 08 or 09, or Batik Solo Bus.

29. Orion Mandarijn

Speaking of shops tastes old, Orion Mandarijn is cake shop which is arguably legendary Solo. This store has been around since 1932, and still maintaining his trademark though are already adjusting to the changing times. The hallmark of this shop was a bread mandarijn rich flavor, but there are also a variety of ancient times, sirop homemade desserts, and even now is already hard to find in a regular store.

Mandarijn Orion is open from 07.30 to 20.00. The shop is located at Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, not far from Pasar Gede, and can be reached by public transport number 08 or 09, Bus or Batik. The building is typical of the buildings of the colonial era, Netherlands, complete with a yellow canopy.

30. Sukuh Temple

Sukuh Temple located in the village of Sukuh, Karanganyar, and temple's famous Solo for the reason special: this temple has carvings depicting intercourse, as well as forms of lingga and yoni to symbolize the male and female genitalia. However, the carvings are considered part of the spiritual element in public confidence in the old days. The temple is also surrounded by green scenery and beautiful, so the atmosphere is very comforting.

Sukuh Temple is open from 07.00 to 17.00. This temple is quite easily reached by tourists from the city of Solo. After climbing the bus heading Tawangmangu, tourists can go down in the Terminal Coral Pandan, minibus to Nglorog intersection, and boarded a taxi to the temple area, because no city transport towards the temple. Price of entry is $7,500.

31. Cetho Temple

For those who love to travel to historic sites in the mountains, the Temple can also be an option. Cetho Temple is a Hindu temple located in the village, the slopes of Mount Lawu Cetho, Karanganyar Regency. This temple has 13 constructed (terrace), open areas, various sculptures and statues, and carvings depicting the saga of Sudamala, a tale of epic Mahabharata depicting the return of the goddess Dhurga became Goddess, Thanks to the help of Raden Sahadewa.

Cetho Temple offers magnificent views towards the garden tea as well as the cool air of the mountains. Because it is a place of worship, the visitor is obliged to dress decently and wearing cloth poleng around the waist (fabric is provided by officials of the Temple). With its strategic location, the Temple can be incorporated into the route of the tour Solo lines-Tawangmangu, which also includes the Sukuh Temple and tea garden Kemuning.

Cetho Temple open from 09.00 to 17.00, and rates the influx of around Rp 7,500. Visitors can ride Solo-bus from the Bus Station to the Tawangmangu Station Coral Pandan. From there, continue to ride public transportation to Nglorog, then take a taxi or walk to the temple area.

32. tea garden Kemuning

Tea Garden Kemuning, located in the slopes of Mount Lawu, not far from the Temple. In addition to offering cool air and beautiful scenery, tea garden also has facilities for tourists, especially fans of tea. Admin Ndonker tea house is the tearoom located in plantation area, not far from the entrance. Visitors can order different types of tea and food such as grilled ribs, Spareribs, fried cassava soup and various cakes. This type of tea is offered in the Admin Ndonker tea house quite diverse, e.g. Earl Gray tea, green tea, black tea, jasmine tea, red tea, etc.

Kemuning tea garden is open from 06.00 till 18.00, and just 25 kilometres from the city centre. Visitors can ride a bus heading to the Bus Station of Tawangmangu Station Pandan Reef, then attached to a ride public transport to Nglorog and visitors to the estate. Tea garden is not charging admission.

33. the garden of Pancasila Karanganyar

Karanganyar Regency has a public park named the garden of Pancasila, which has a unique design as well as a suitable atmosphere to relax. The Park has two functions: as a public park in the daytime, as well as the location of the evening after the night market. The Park has themed design of Pancasila, and there is a broad area that is often used for various kinds of activities or games.

Garden of Pancasila Karanganyar is suitable for travelers who love culinary tourism in the popular gathering place of local residents. A variety of food such as chicken noodle seller, Meatball, dumpling, soup and drinks dominate the other grounds. There is also an on-site children's games such as mini train and toy cars.

The Park is located on Jalan Pancasila Lawu, Karanganyar, about 17 kilometers from the center of the city of Solo. The Park is located on route to Tawangmangu, so that visitors can ride Solo, Tawangmangu-bus routes to get there.

34. the great mosque of Surakarta

The great mosque of Surakarta has a design that is similar to the typical traditional building pendapa open Java, so that the atmosphere inside it feels cool and freely. The design is a bit reminiscent of the mosque Masjid Kauman Yogyakarta, especially with wooden stairs as well as design elements in its interior. The mosque also has a page about the lush and clean as well as the old Sundial.

The great mosque of Surakarta located on North square, not far from the Palace of Surakarta and Slamet Riyadi. The mosque is also not far from the Klewer market, so it can be a place to worship when travelers are on the way down.

35. Al-Wustho Mangkunegaran

Masjid Al-Wustho Mangkunegaran is a historical mosque located not far from Pura Mangkunegaran. The mosque was built in 1926 by order KGPAA Mangkunegara. After briefly relocated from the market to near Pura Mangkunegaran Legi, the mosque was restored by the architect of the Netherlands named Herman Thomas Karsten. The hallmark of this mosque is not too big size, the design of the mosque are open and sustained many pillars, ornate gates, as well as a circular building named the usual Maligen for events organized by the community.

The mosque is located at Jalan r.a. Kartini, about 60 metres from the t-junction near Pura Mangkunegaran. Visitors can rest while you worship and enjoy the unique architecture of the mosque.

36. the mosque Here

The mosque is a historical mosque Here marking the crossroads between Hinduism and Islam in Solo. It was a temple, but after becoming a mosque, the building underwent restoration process several times so it is difficult to find traces of the Temple in its architecture. The uniqueness of this mosque is the architecture like a blend of joglo House and Temple, especially the shape of the roof as well as the front gate.

The mosque is located in the way of lyrical, behind Laweyan area. The location is near the River, and it is quite easy to find because its architecture is typical.

37. the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Regina

Church of Maria Regina is one of the best pilgrimage place for Christians. Place of pilgrimage is not too great, but the famous beautiful and well-kept. Church of the Blessed Virgin Maria Regina also has quiet corners to do devotion. The Church has beautiful interiors with a chapel, statues, as well as cave Maria which is ideal for a quiet worship activities.

The Church is located at Jalan Mojosongo, not far from the University Eleven Maret. As a tourist destination renowned worship, visitors from outside of the Solo often take the following self worship that was scheduled.

38. Church of St. Anthony the Purbayan

The Church of St. Anthony Catholic Church Purbayan is the oldest and most popular Solo. This church has been around since the colonial era of the Netherlands, seen from the classical-style architecture. The Church of St. Anthony the famous Purbayan is always crowded when weekend worship activities, and many visitors from outside the Solo like stopped by to join the worship schedule if possible.

The Church is located in the iconic Jrebes, quite close to famous places such as the Town Hall and the post office. There are many pedicabs in the area around the Church, so that visitors can go on sightseeing tour with a rickshaw ride After visiting the Church.

39. Tri Dharma Temple of Avalokitesvara

Tri Dharma Temple of Avalokitesvara is a historic Temple has been more than 200 years. In addition to still being used as a place of worship, the beauty of this temple has also attracted quite a lot of visitors from outside Solo. This temple has a variety of distinctive design elements, such as carved pillars, detailed wood carving, paper lanterns, and a wide range of colourful sculptures. This temple is also taken care of so well that his condition was still awake.

Tri Dharma Temple of Avalokitesvara is located in the Chinatown area in the Centre of the city of Solo, just in front of the entrance to Pasar Gede. Visitors can use the minibus or Bus Batik Solo to this area. Visitors who do not worship expected to dress decently and keep order when entered into the temple area.

40. the Vihara Dharma Sundara

Vihara Dharma Sundara is the unique monastic, since places of worship also has some sort of small temples in the area. Limas-shaped wiharanya building with staircase, while the white Temple, complete with the formation of the stupa as well as white elephant statues at the corners pekarangannya. This temple is very beautiful and is usually very calm, and visitors don't have to pay to be able to see and photograph in this area. However, visitors are expected to behave and dress politely.

Vihara Dharma Sundara is located on Jalan IR. h. Juanda in Pucangsawit area. The way this can be achieved using Batik Solo Bus.

41. Astana Giribangun

Astana Giribangun is famous as the burial place of former President Suharto, Indonesia's second. Cemetery complex are spacious and are inside the buildings open with thick pillars. In addition to the main funeral area, Astana Giribangun also has a fairly complete facilities, such as toilets, rest areas, as well as ample parking page. This cemetery is located in the cool mountain areas and scenic.

Astana Giribangun is located in the village of Matesih, Karanganyar. A trip to this place takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour away from the Solo, depending on traffic conditions. This place is open from 08.00 to 17.00. Visitors are free, but mandatory dress politely and wear scarves or veils which are provided by the provider of the Tomb.

42. Beteng Trade Center Solo

Beteng Trade Centre (BTC) is known as a fabric and clothing shopping centre in Solo, and offers a variety of products. Although known as a Center for wholesale fabrics and clothing, Beteng Trade Center also frequently visited by tourists and retail buyers who vied for clothes and cheap fabric festive with the quality is pretty good. Due to its location which is in the heart of the city, the BTC could become the benchmark to find other attractions such as the Surakarta Palace and Klewer market.

Beteng Trade Centre is open from 09.00 until 17.00, and located on the street Major Sunaryo, and passed by a Bus route 1 Corridor Solo Batik. There are also some public transit through these places, such as the transport number 01A, 01B, and 04.

43. Solo Square

Solo Square Shopping Center is one that is quite popular, although the size is not too large. This shopping center has a variety of shops and outlets, ranging from clothes, toys, shoes, bags, optics, fast food outlets, and so on. There is also a children's play area, restaurant, as well as inter-city and drinks. Solo Square also has a cinema, hairdresser, Sun, as well as a supermarket, so that visitors can find a variety of goods in one place.

Solo Square is open from 09.00 to 21.00, and strategic location at Jalan Slamet Riyadi, and can be accessed via a City Walk or Bus Batik. The shopping centre is adjacent to the bus terminal and taxi base town, so that's pretty strategic for tourists.

44. Solo Paragon Mall

If the Solo Square is famous as the middle class shopping center, Solo Paragon Mall has an atmosphere that is much more luxurious. This shopping center includes the most magnificent in Solo, with hundreds of shops, restaurants, and a famous outlets. This shopping center into one with a Solo Paragon Hotel & Residences, making it suitable for tourists who choose thick marsupials lodging as well as luxury shopping while visiting Solo.

Solo Paragon Mall is open from 10.00 to 22.00, and located on the street Yosodipuro Street, not far from Slamet Riyadi. Various public transport routes as well as Batik Solo Buses pass through this shopping centre due to its quite location.

45. Solo Grand Mall

Speaking of shopping, Solo Grand Mall historic because it is arguably the first in Solo. Founded in 2004, the shopping centre is popular among middle-class visitors down. There are various stalls, restaurants, and stores abroad in it, but the price range of goods that is here on average quite cheap. Solo Grand Mall is also known as one of the shopping center electronics and gadget.

Solo Grand Mall is located on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, and often become the benchmark in direction to find hotels and other tourist attractions. This shopping center can be accessed using the Batik Solo Bus and minibus number 02. Solo Grand Mall is open from 09.00 to 21.00.

46. The Park Mall

The Park is a shopping center that is still relatively new in Solo. The shopping center is very modern and has a variety of local outlets as well as imports, such as Starbucks, Baskin Robbins, Asia Waffle, The Body Shop, Batik Keris, Cinema XXI, Tong Tji, Johnny Andrean, to Legoland. There is also a supermarket, pharmacy, optical, boutiques, shops, places of professional photography equipment therapeutic reflexology, to integrated services office.

The Park is open from 10.00 to 22.00, located at Jalan IR. Soekarno, and easily reached by minibus number 02. This shopping center can also become the benchmark for finding hotels, culinary Center, as well as other strategic city attractions in Solo.

47. the orchard, Sondokoro

Sondokoro agro tourism is tourism and family history that offers many fun activities amidst a beautiful nature. These sights are located in Karanganyar Regency, and was originally the site of the largest cane sugar processing in the County. These sights have various facilities such as an indoor swimming pool, outdoor fish therapy, the flying fox and a climbing wall, and futsal arena, an indoor bath ball, Spider Web, a freshwater fish Aquarium, and reflexology Center.

The characteristic of the Sondokoro agro tourism is the activity that introduces the cane becomes sugar processing to visitors. Because the area of sugar factories still operating in this space, visitors have the opportunity to see firsthand the sugar cane processing and manufacture of sugar. If you are tired, you can eat at the tavern that is on location, worship in the prayer hall, or rest in the relaxing area.

Sondokoro agro tourism drive for about 45 minutes from the city centre. The influx of 5,000 tickets, but visitors have to pay again to climb each rides in it, with a ticket price ranges between Rp 6,000 to Rp 8,000. This place is open from 08.00 to 17.00.

48. forest park Kingdom Mangkunegoro

Mangkunogero Forest Park offers natural, educational, tourist and adventure on the slopes of Mount Lawu. An area of 213 hectares it is the habitat of various types of trees and animals, such as monkeys and birds such as the Javan hawk-eagle is already scarce. Forest Park also has camping areas Mangkunegoro as well as walking trails and adventure paths across the forest. Officials of this area also provides facilities such as toilets and camping equipment for rent.

Forest Park is located in Karanganyar Regency Mangkunegoro, not far from the Temple, the tea garden Kemuning, and Candi Sukuh. Admission to the area only Rp 3,500, so the suitable location tours and adventures for all walks of life.

49. the waterfall Jumog

Located in Berjo Village in Karanganyar, the waterfalls of Jumog offers beautiful scenery and cool air. If you come at the right time, visitors could see a rainbow forming in the curtain falls as high as about thirty meters. The waterfalls of Jumog have been made recommendations natural attractions by the local government, so that the full fair facilities. Visitors can use the gazebo, playground, swimming pool, and a restaurant are available.

This waterfall is around 40 kilometres from the city centre. Visitors who ride public transportation can ride route Department of Terminal Karangpandang, then take a taxi to to the waterfall area. Visitors still have to walk as far as 400 meters before reaching the waterfall, but has been managed pretty well.

50. Grojogan Sewu

Tawangmangu was one of the leading tourist areas in Karanganyar Regency, and the Grojogan Sewu waterfall is its main attraction. The waterfall is famous for having a large enough water discharge, as well as the height of a pretty fair that is 81 meters, making the falls looks quite spectacular visually. Because of this height, Grojogan Sewu has 2-access entry, i.e. that are at the top and the base of the waterfall. In addition to the beautiful scenery and cool air, visitors can also see the monkeys that roam, especially if entering from the top.

Grojogan Sewu offers a fairly complete facilities for tourists, such as water parks, playgrounds, places of rest, until the House packed with special dishes. There is also a bridge suitable to sightsee as well as take pictures. Visitors have to walk as far as 200 meters away as well as the anticipated steps long enough before you can see the waterfall.

Grojogan Sewu can be reached by bus or car. Travelers who ride public transportation can use bus from Solo in Tawangmangu, and Terminal attached to a minibus to the entrance leading to the waterfall.

51. the waterfall Parang Ijo

The waterfall is located on the slopes of Parang Ijo mount Lawu, Girimulyo, Karanganyar Regency, not far from Solo. Although not as immersing as Grojogan Sewu waterfall, it's been managed pretty well. In addition to looking at the beautiful waterfall, visitors can also enjoy facilities such as the pool is shallow, the game flying fox, and even budget accommodation.

The location of this waterfall not far from the Temple. Visitors can ride the bus Solo-Tawangmangu Reef Terminal and get off at Pandan, then take public transportation in the area Nglorok t-junction. From there, visitors still have to ride motorcycle taxis drove about 2 kilometers before finding the post purchase entrance ticket.

52. Baths Umbul Pengging also

Umbul Pengging also baths located at Jalan Pengging also, Boyolali, Dukuh Village, and is a unique tourist attractions. This bath used to be frequently used by King Pakubuwono X of Surakarta, to relax, and cannot be used by the general public. However, these baths are now open to the public, and occasionally even utilized by local people to do certain rituals. Umbul Pengging also combines the beauty of nature, the uniqueness of the historical heritage, as well as tour the baths are well managed.

Umbul Pengging also baths have an area of about 2,500 square meters, and has 3 types of pool. In addition to 2 outdoor adult visitors, there is a special pond for children equipped with a variety of toys such as balls and tires buoyancy. Shady trees and gazebo surround this bathing area, so cool and calm atmosphere. There are also food stalls as well as a fishing spot near the bathing area. Price of entry is pretty cheap: around Rp 2,500 to the main entrance, and Rp 2.000 for each pool.

Umbul Pengging also baths great location not far from the center of the city of Solo, which is about 15 kilometres to the West. Visitors can ride a car or public transportation to Boyolali, and down near Banyudono Market. The bath great location not far from markets, and residents can show direction easily.

53. the garden Strawberry Karanganyar

The garden Strawberry Strawberry gardens offering the beauty of Karanganyar as well as opportunity to pluck fresh strawberries in the mountainous area. The garden Strawberry is in the Tawangmangu, and located a bit higher than the Grojogan Sewu Waterfall area (about 1 kilometer). Visitors can pick fruit strawberries with paid Rp 30,000 for each kilogram of fruit. Visitors can also taste the fruit before you pick it.

Kebin Strawberry Karanganyar is located in line Solo-Tawangmangu, and can be reached by car or bus for approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours. Visitors are advised to depart early in the morning, as well as using vehicles that his condition is good because the steep route. The garden is open from 08.00 to 17.00, and does not charge admission.

54. Earth Camp Sekipan

Karanganyar Regency has a lot of nice places to enjoy the beauty of nature, including through the activities of camping. Campsite Sekipan camping place is one that is on the north side of Karanganyar. The camp area has beautiful scenery and cool air, but there are also facilities that can be used by participants of the camp, such as latrines, musala, a place to make bonfires, and water sources.

Camping Sekipan is about 40 kilometers from Tawangmangu, and drive by Solo-Tawangmangu. Visitors who do not bring their own vehicle can take a bus from the Bus Terminal in Tawangmangu, down in Tawangmangu, Terminal and a minibus heading to Sekipan.

55. Tlatar water park

Tlatar water park, located in Boyolali and offers a blend of nature, environment, as well as adventure. The water park was established in 1997 as a place of preservation of natural water sources as well as the location of the educational activities about the environment, especially the importance of water resources and related ecosystems in the vicinity. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the water source, see where aquaculture, playing in the pool, even learned to plant vegetables and fruit such as melon and cabbage.

Tlatar water park, located in an area Gombol, Boyolali, about 25 kilometers from Solo. Visitors can use the bus heading towards Semarang, then drop in Boyolali, and minibus heading the way Student Army number 2. This water park is open from 08.00 until 20.30. The entry ticket is $7,000, with an additional Usd 4,000 for the parking of motorcycles, and Rp 6,000 for car parking.

56. Cokro Springs Attractions

Springs tourism Cokro glance resembles a vehicle pool of water in General, but this spring has an important role, since the Palace Mankunegara used to get water supply from springs. Spring Cokro surrounded by trees so it feels cool, yet quite managed with modern amenities, making it seem like an outdoor rides. Visitors can take a shower, sitting around enjoying the view, or enjoy local dishes at the stalls available.

Tourism Springs is located in the village of Cokro Cokro, 17 kilometers from Klaten. Visitors can take a bus from Solo pursued a Solo-Effort along the lines of about 40 kilometers. Routes that can be traversed exist 2 kinds, namely Jalan Slamet Riyadi and Solo Highway, as well as Solo Highway and the road Mlese-Cawas. The entry ticket is $10,000 per person. This place is open from 08.00 to 17.00.

57. Gladag Finland Bogan

Gladag Finland Bogan (Satay) is a culinary favorite night club in Solo. Inaugurated in 2008, the Satay is located right in front of Beteng Trade Center, not far from the Palace. At night, an area crowded with Satay rows of tables, chairs, umbrellas and tents are neatly laid. Visitors can choose different types of food such as satay, nasi liwet, wedang, noodles, nasi pecel, and so on. Satay is also equipped with free Wi-Fi connection, and occasionally be live music venues.

Galebo located on the street Major Sunaryo, and passed by a Bus route 1 Corridor Solo Batik. In addition, there are also some public transit through these places, such as the transport number 01A, 01B, and 04. However, if night comes, it is better if travelers utilizing the services of a taxi or by car. Satay is open from 17.00 to 24.00.

58. Three Tjeret Café

Three Tjeret Café is one of the favorite gathering place the Young Soloist, due to its strategic location and the price of a cheap menu-menunya. This store is actually a modern place concept, stalls with wooden chairs, round table, and umbrella. The tavern serves a variety of dishes, including drinks place wedang, tea, and coffee. Three Tjeret Café is open from 11.00 until 01.00 in the morning, making it suitable as a place to relax in the afternoon or evening.

Café Tjeret has Three strategic locations, namely in the way of Ronggo Warsito, right in front of Pura Mangkunegaran, which can be reached by Bus Batik Solo.

59. Solo Ivory Soto

Warung Soto Ivory which is located in the Centre of the city of Solo have attachment with President Joko Widodo, often become subscriptions he Solo since he was Governor. This soup stalls serving soups yellowish clear chicken soup with sun, fritters, and shredded chicken meat. A side dish accompanying form of organ meats beef, vegetable fritter, quail eggs, fried tempeh, and so on.

Warung soto is located in city centre, close to the Royal Palace of Mangkunegara and Alun-Alun Kidul (Alkid). Ivory Soto stalls open from 05.30 to 15.30.

60. Sate Kere Yu Rebi

Sate kere is a Satay made from tempe gembus and various spices, and served with peanuts. This Satay in Solo, but it is one of the famous places to enjoy it is the Sate Kere Yu Rebi. Kedai Satay has been there since 1986, and has now become one of the icons of the culinary Soloist. In addition to the sate kere, visitors can also enjoy the Satay chicken satay babat, kikil sate, gado-gado, sate kidneys, and a variety of other dishes. The price is quite affordable making it suitable for culinary tour for all walks of life.

Sate Kere Yu Rebi is open from 10.00 until 17.00. Located on the road of national revival, Laweyan, kedai sate is located not far from the area of Kampong of Batik, just behind the Sriwedari Stadium. However, travelers can also find this Satay in the culinary area the night of Satay.

61. the pancake Notosuman

Pancake Notosuman is a nickname for an area famous for the manufacture and sale of the pancake. There are two well-known pancake stalls in this area, namely the pancake Ny. Lydia and Mrs. Notosuman Srabi Handayani. The pancake shop second fairly easily found due to their location. When visiting these shops, visitors can not only enjoy and buy the pancake, but also look at the manufacturing process.

Typical pancake Solo is its thin and tend to be more delicate, with a simple dough of rice flour and coconut milk. This is also not the pancake served with brown sugar. However, the pancake Lady Handayani tend to be sweeter. Visitors should come early in the morning to stores this if do not want to run out, because both the store is open from 05.00. This place can be reached by minibus 03 and 09, or Batik Solo Bus.

62. the Warung Mbak Strait Lies

Strait Solo is typical dishes with the West and the East. This dish consists of a mixture of ground beef, potatoes, beans, carrots, onion, eggs, liquid Brown gravy, sauce and mustard. Of the various dining Solo Strait, the most famous are the Stalls of the Strait You Lies. The Interior of the stall is very unique with different embellishments crockery on the walls as well as ceramic benches. In addition, it also stalls often visited by famous people, ranging from acting to the entertainment world figures.

Warung Mbak Strait Lies is open from 10.00 until 17.00. It is located in the alley stalls Serengan, Kelurahan Serengan. Although its location is in the alley, you can usually find this stall easily, because there will be a row of cars and motorcycles which is pretty crowded (especially when the lunch hour).

63. the dairy Stalls Shi Jack

Store Milk Shi Jack is one of the most famous cheap hangout in Solo. Although simple, this milk Tavern became a favorite of local people as it offers a wide range of fresh milk menu creations. Tavern Shi Jack, which started operating since 1990, is also a pioneer of dairy stalls are now mushrooming in Solo. The uniqueness of this dairy shop other names is a unique beverage, and performed the peracik drink with melempar-lempar glass during the manufacturing process.

Jack Shi tavern is open from 17.00 until 01.00 in the morning. The tavern is located near Fort Vastenburg, however there are also various other branches like a culinary evening in the center of Satay, Batik Semar near Adisucipto, Sukoharjo in the square, as well as on the streets of New RayaSolo.

64. Wedangan Hall

Wedangan Hall is a tavern tastes traditional Javanese culture. Taking the concept of open stalls a la Java, Wedangan Hall has nicely decorated interior leather puppet, old radio, old photographs, paintings, wall hangings, to ornate old products logo. The location is in a small village in the middle of the road make this store more and exudes an atmosphere of tempo.

Wedangan Hall not only popular among tourists and locals, but also often become City Government subscriptions if there are special events that require a Solo specialties. Wedangan Hall is located on Jalan Srigading in Mangkubumi, not far from shopping Solo Paragon. Because the concept store wedang Wedangan Hall, open from 17.00 to 24.00.

65. ice cream Tentrem

Ice cream Tentrem is one of the older Tavern in Solo who becomes it culinary lovers. This ice cream parlour has been there since 1952, and still maintain a varied recipe ice cream manufacture in the Netherlands. In addition to taste the menu that is unique and different from ice cream in General, the tavern also has a unique old feel of good on the outside as well as inside the building. Specialty store this is a rainbow of ice cream that has the taste of sweet, fresh, and slightly acidic.

Ice cream Tentrem location little hidden, yet still easy to find, because of its location not far from Restaurants and some Solo Timlo attractions in other Solo. Pretty Batik Solo Bus ride to an area of the road, and down Urip Sumoharjo stop near RM Timlo Solo. Visitors must cross the roadway before the stalls could find. The tavern is open from 10.00 to 21.00.

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